Mon, Feb 17, 6:02 PM CST

Dolly's Closet

Photography Architecture posted on Aug 21, 2013
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A girl can never have too big of a closet... this is actually a store inside of Dollywood located in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee Dollywood is a fun place to visit if you haven't already, and in the fall they have a fall festival there and have handmade arts and crafts from artist from across the country and they share their talents throughout the park. I put a link to the park below. Well I am not a big fan of the changes that have been made here recently how about everyone else. One of the features I miss is being able to choose the image for your homepage now it seems to default to your current image, unless someone knows the trick of how to change that. Thanks to everyone for your comments on my last post It's a girl. My granddaughter Elaina is beautiful and happy. And I just made my plane and hotel reservations and I will be able to travel to Colorado next month and visit her, and I am taking my best friend with me.. Yay Michael I am thrilled that you can join me. Don't forget to pack your camera. Dollywood

Comments (61)



6:52AM | Thu, 22 August 2013

This is something different and never knew about this store very cool capture.



7:05AM | Thu, 22 August 2013

Exellent shot.


7:57AM | Thu, 22 August 2013

wow, what a colourfest, not exactly understated



10:26AM | Thu, 22 August 2013

A colourful façade that needed your photographer's eye and viewfinder! Excellent capture, Lynell ! I agree with you about the new layout that is very poor for a so-called 'artistic' site : you need to click many more times to get access to what you want to see than in the former presentation : just appalling ! ( what's more, the comments of the visitors and friends to my gallery appear in a light grey lettering over this white background ...but why?!!!)



11:27AM | Thu, 22 August 2013

Well i am with everyone else. What bothers me is all the white background. I do not believe it is good for ones eyes. Superb capture. God bless.



11:31AM | Thu, 22 August 2013

A very pink building, excellent shot !



3:42PM | Thu, 22 August 2013

Like the way its framed with leaves. Nice job. Aloha



4:33PM | Thu, 22 August 2013

great capture



6:32PM | Thu, 22 August 2013

Great shot. Very appealing visual interest!



9:45PM | Thu, 22 August 2013

It does look like a fun place!



10:49PM | Thu, 22 August 2013

Great capture! fantastic building!



1:55AM | Fri, 23 August 2013

What a cute place! Great picture.



8:33AM | Fri, 23 August 2013

Cool, outstanding capture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



8:53AM | Fri, 23 August 2013

Very fine photoshot my friend.



2:53PM | Fri, 23 August 2013

Humm a so nice architecture and ladies Inside for sure



3:21PM | Fri, 23 August 2013

hehe, first I just misunderstand, for me "closet" means the same as toilett, WC, washroom.. I know all is big in your. Country, but a washroom in pink like this!... thanks for dict.leo!. sweet shop and pic!all the best for your trip to your family!



9:48PM | Fri, 23 August 2013

what a cool looking place. I love that butterfly on top of he building.



8:45AM | Sat, 24 August 2013

Beautiful image



10:02AM | Sat, 24 August 2013

congrats on grandchildering.... and this image.... wowo... Dolly must be doing well...eye catching colours



6:38AM | Sun, 25 August 2013

Superb shot of this beautiful building.



12:28PM | Sun, 25 August 2013

Excellent capture! :)



2:46PM | Sun, 25 August 2013

I don't mind the pink colors and I like the huge butterfly - but I thought Dolly's closet would be bigger that this! :>)



4:18PM | Sun, 25 August 2013

Excellent work!!!!



3:13AM | Mon, 26 August 2013

Great and beauty shot my dear!!!Bravissima!V:DDD.Hugsxx Whylma



12:50PM | Mon, 26 August 2013

I looked and I never seen an option to change the homepage picture. they probably will add the function as they iron out the new design I bet the entrance price is not cheap, but it could be interesting. is there a wax likeness of Dolly there?



8:51PM | Mon, 26 August 2013

I know you are very excited about going to see your beautiful grand-daughter. :))) Enjoy every second. :)))))) I wish Miss Sophie was a baby again. I miss being able to hold her. :( Since she took her first step that is all that she wants to do. LOL!! I love her so very much. :))))))) You are going to have the best time ever. :))))) It is also great that your best friend is going with you. :)))))) Love dollys closest. :)))) You are very rite about a girls closet never being to big. :)))))) Most excellent capture my friend. :))))))) Thank you for sharing all of the beauty you see. :)))))) Carry A Sunshine Smile In Your Heart :))))))



7:01AM | Wed, 28 August 2013

Love this Lynell



2:53PM | Wed, 28 August 2013

This is such a cool scene! I'm still trying to cope with some of the changes on the site. The new Album feature is nice but managing albums is not intuitive at all. First you have to create an album - Manage Albums in the My Gallery menu. Easy enough, but then you have to find the images you want in your new album, edit each such that you set the album into which you want the picture to reside - which is a new option in the image editing page. It took a while to figure this out. One would have thought that there would be a way to place an image into an album without needed to go into full editing. As for the home page, I haven't noticed any big changes there. I would edit it the same way I always have. Though, I expect it will not be too long before that gets changed as well.



12:16AM | Fri, 30 August 2013

Looks like a real hoot for all those gals that have a void in their wardrobes ! LOL Neat postwork effect, really makes the colours jump off the screen, kool. As for the site, I wish it was the way it was about 5 years ago, just thumbnails of new artworks. ~Cheers~



2:49AM | Sat, 16 November 2013

I don't normally do big and bright but this ones great.

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