Hi, I'm Andrea, and I'm interested in creatures and plants both wild and tamed, and people of all sorts. I only use a compact digital camera ,as I love being able to get it into a back pocket, and not have to cart heavy kit about. I carry a Panasonic Lumix TZ series, binoculars and a hand lens almost everywhere.Most of my outings are with the dogs so I only use point and shoot.
I am getting the hang of Photoshop, thanks to some very kind folk on RR!
I have a wildlife garden in Bournemouth, Dorset, in the UK, and spend a lot of time there . I retired from teaching art to teenagers a while ago.
I'm now getting some good results with my digi compacts; it took me a while to make the switch from my old film camera, an 1960 ish Pentax Spotmatic, but the mistakes are much cheaper!
I have 4 lodgers, 3 dogs and a parrot who, as at 2017, I have had 40 years.
I has so far had 19 dogs, mostly rescues.
Comments (18)
We love dear Ralphie, he always looks so refined and you have to respect any dog that has his own wardrobe key. It's fair to say probably the hyperactive Buddy stressed poor ole Ralphie out from his normal daily routine, I dare say that may have also been the case with Fritz too, some dog's can deal with that and others cannot, the longer they have become accustomed to a certain way of life on a day to day basis the harder it can be when an overly energetic albeit lovely dog comes in and disrupts the equilibrium of the house. Probably be better if you ever introduce another dog to the home they are older although not too old they cannot be trained as a caring canine, although it's a lie that you cannot teach an old dog new tricks. Two lovely captures of Ralphie and hopefully he is more like the one on the left from now on... with or without a new addition.
Superb captures Andrea. I am glad Ralphie is in his element again. God bless.
So cute dogs are just to funny and u have captured all the best of them.
Two fantastic portraits in wonderful sunlight. Ralph is a superb model.
Love it!
Most regal... the more we come to know our dogs the more we just "get them". I am glad the edge is off things now, but atill pray Buddy will quickly be linked with the type of active home he deserves.
Wonderful portraits. Who else than the owner knows how her pets are feeling? :) I am glad he is back to his peaceful self :)
I'm so glad Ralphie has lost that deer-in-the-headlights look and has returned to normal! Isn't it interesting how different dogs react to each other? When we leave Mandy alone she whines and cries. Our friends here in Arizona that we're currently visiting have a poodle named Jack who stays alone just fine, but won't leave the house if Linda isn't home. Even Hugh has to pick him up and carry him outside to do his business. Jack is quite neurotic about it. However, when we leave Mandy and Jack together alone for the day and go out, Mandy is quite relaxed. Yesterday Bill and I got here before Hugh and Linda. We opened the back door, and Mandy and Jack both came running outside to play in the yard. They're apparently quite good for each other!
It just shows how dogs really can express their feelings. You did the right thing for all concerned Andrea.
Ralphie looks so much better. x
I'm glad that Ralph and the rest of your furkids are doing better and are more relaxed now
Superb result...:)
Poor Ralphie, back to his old self after surviving his stess filled association with the pretender to the throne, Buddy. Great contrast of attitude in these fine pics.
Are you sure Ralph is not royalty. His expression on the right is so "We are not amused". Glad to hear the children are back to normal.
Glad things are more relaxed again. He looked a little uptight there. Hugs to all the fur kids.
I have always enjoyed Ralph's regal look when you photograph him! I'm glad that he is a happy camper again!
Such a Superior look.
Aaah Ralphie, it is good to relax and have life's daily routine back to normal again. May it ever be normal and may it never again become wild and stressful and out of control for you Dear Boy.