[Tarlock III]
[Cepheus Station]
“I’m afraid it lacks the rich iron taste of food grown on Demonia, but it is an interesting dish,” Tarlock grabbed another ear of corn and deposited it on his plate. “How did you manage to get fresh food here?”
“I figured we would be here awhile and ordered crops planted after we arrived,” Lord Cyness replied. “There’s a lot of folk here working to dismantle that thing, it would cost too much to bring in that much food.”
Tarlock and Lord Cyness were fast becoming friends and sharing some of the first crops harvested from the fields on Cepheus. The corn was accompanied with meat from an indigenous animal that resembled a deer. The Eridians were exceptional hunters and had quickly identified which species of animals were best for harvesting as a food source. The venison was something new for Tarlock, and after his first hesitation, discovered he rather liked the taste.
“I hear you have children?” asked Lord Cyness.
“Yes, I have four,” replied Tarlock. “My fourth broke his shell just two months ago.”
“I just had my fifth son last month,” said Lord Cyness. “I haven’t met him yet and don’t look like I will meet him for at least another year or two while I clean up this mess here.”
Tarlock was about to reach for another ear of corn, the taste was quickly growing on him, when Captain Reox burst through the door screaming.
“You’ve killed us all you filthy lizard!” screamed Captain Reox.
Tarlock never saw Lord Cyness’ arm move, one moment he was drinking from his mug and the next his revolver appeared in his hand pointing at the Captain. Rumor had it that Lord Cyness was one of fastest quickdraws in the Alliance, Tarlock believed it.
“Slow down there partner,” Lord Cyness’ voice had a deadly edge to it. “Where I come from, iffen you come in a room like that you fixin to be guest of honor at the next burying.”
“Do you know what this lizard has done?” Captain Reox was too upset to even notice the danger.
“I’ll know once you tell me,” said Lord Cyness. “But I won’t warn you again to cool your boots in the creek for a spell.”
The Captain finally realized the warning and held his arms out to his sides. “I’m unarmed.”
“I can remedy that,” Lord Cyness nodded at the body guard that appeared to be sleeping in a chair next to the door. “Toran’Sar, if I could impose on you to cut your nap short, would you mind.”
Toran pulled his own revolver, flipped it once in his hand and held it out, handle first, to the Captain. The Captain’s face went white, this kind of thing just didn’t happen in the civilized world. He stared at the man handing him the revolver in disbelief.
“Take it,” said Lord Cyness. “Or apologize for insulting a guest at my table.”
“I apologize.”
Lord Cyness holstered his firearm.
“Now what’s got your knickers’ in a bunch?”
“It’s all over the news vids, they know about the ship and the nuclear missiles.”
“Yep, I know, you didn’t think you could keep that a secret, did you?”
“The Alliance will come after the Kitsune.” Captain Reox took a step closer to the table, a light tapping on wood from the still napping gunslinger next to the door stopped him.
“I don’t ‘spect that’ll be happening,” said Lord Cyness. “You want to explain it, Tarlock.”
“I notified Prince Vengeance of everything I’ve learned here,” said Tarlock. “He is spinning the story personally. When he is done, Kitsune will remain the center of the Alliance and General Fox will be a hero.”
“What good will that do him?” Captain Reox almost shouted. There was another tapping on wood from behind him and the Captain lowered his voice. “You’ve tortured the General to death.”
“The General hasn’t been tortured and is doing fine,” Lord Cyness confessed.
“What? But we paid you for mercy under the Law of Respite.”
Lord Cyness laughed.
“How much did he get you for Captain?” asked Lord Cyness.
“The Imperial Treasury,”
“I’m impressed,” said Lord Cyness. “Son, didn’t anyone ever tell you not to try and negotiate with a Demonian, they are the masters of making deals. I don’t ‘spect you’ll be getting that money back either.”
Captain Reox glared at Tarlock.
“The story will be leaked to the news vids in stages,” said Tarlock. “Right now all they know is that a Planet Killer ship and nuclear missiles were built by the Emperor. In a few days we will let the press discover medical documents attesting to the deteriorated mental health of the late Emperor. Then, a few days after that information, it will be discovered that the upper Kitsune Command revolted against the Emperor. The Alliance will want to know a name, who led this revolt? Where is the ship now? There will be outrage throughout the Alliance. The last stage will be a video of General Fox capturing the ship and turning it over to Lord Cyness to be destroyed.”
“Why would you do this? Asked Captain Reox.
“The Imperial Throne has been part of all our cultures for thousands of years. The Alliance still needs a central unifying leader, they just don’t need the Over-Lords.”
“The entire economy of the Alliance would collapse without the Kitsune,” Lord Cyness added. “All our worlds are woven together, we need stability.”
“With a Demonian Prince on the Imperial throne.” Captain Reox foolishly said.
Tarlock snapped, he had been patient for months as the Kitsune whined about trivial matters. Tarlock stood and slammed his fists on the table, the food jumped and a few ears of corn rolled on the floor.
The gunslinger at the door continued to pretend to be napping and all Lord Cyness did was try to catch a few of the ears of corn that were rolling off the table. Tarlock later wondered if there was anything that could rattle these gunslingers.
“If we so wish it, yes!” shouted Tarlock. “Two billion Demonians dead defeating the Over-Lords, only twelve million remain. We sacrificed nearly our entire species to free not only our world, but all worlds from the Over-Lords. Do not complain to me about unfair treatment, we are giving you back your world though you do not deserve it.”
Tarlock stepped out from behind the table.
“Get out of my sight!”
Captain Reox had the sense to flee the room.
“You know, he’s not really a bad guy,” said Lord Cyness.
“I know, he’s young, exhausted the instructions his General left for him, doesn’t know what else to do, and is running around trying to hold his House together and protect his people,” Tarlock sat back down. “I’m short on temper, this is the furthest and longest from my Lounge I’ve ever been.”
“You got what you came for, my friend,” said Lord Cyness. “It’s time for you to head back to Demonia. Can you fly a Dart ship?”
“Yes, I’m rated on one.”
“I have one on the pad ready to go, you won’t need to fly back with Reox and by the time he realizes you left, you’ll be half-way back to Demonia.”
The two left the dinning room and headed toward the airfield where the ship was waiting. The airfield was deserted, most the crews had already retired for the night. Tarlock stopped at the ladder to the cockpit; he realized how much he really did want to head home.
“One other thing,” said Lord Cyness. “Give my regards to the Eldest Mother and tell her I will visit again as soon as I can.”
Tarlock stopped short, “You know the Eldest Mother?”
Lord Cyness wagged his finger and smiled, he wasn’t ready to reveal all his secrets quite yet. Tarlock decided not to pursue it and would wait, perhaps he would try to find out from the Eldest Mother when he got home.
“My Lord Cyness,” said Tarlock. “I thank you for everything you are doing.”
“Lord Cyness is a bit formal for friends, don’t you think?” Lord Cyness held out his hand, “The name is Colton, Colton Cyness, but my friends just call me Colt.”
“Mine’s Blaze,” Tarlock grasped the man’s hand.
“Until next we meet, my friend.”
“Until then,” Tarlock turned and climbed into the Dart ship for the trip home to Demonia.
Comments (15)
Well done!
Colton Cyness, like his name, great story!! xx
Very cool chapter. I like how this is going and can't wait to see the next chapter
Marvelous work and fabulous image !
So ... Colton did pretty well for himself! :) Nice reveal. Well done!!
Most original and wonderful creations! Superbly well done!
As I continue to say, "More Please!" Rick
Looks like Colt made it to the top of more than one mountain! Great work as always!
The pieces are coming together. I love it! It's like reading a James Mitchner novel. Fourteen storylines that weave their way alone for half the book then start to intertwine. Magnificent!
Good image and exciting story.
Klasse B/W image, super story again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So now I've finished this "chapter" and have to go back to the mundane .. do the dishes, vacuum, let the dog out, let the dog in, laundry, let the dog out, let the dog in .. sigh, where's my Dart ship??? Oh yeah, feed the dog.
oh .. and I'm so caught up in the story I've forgotten to tell you, the art work is awesome!
Excellently done!
Excellent work
very wonderful