Thu, Dec 19, 12:31 PM CST


Poser Seasonal/Holiday posted on Dec 15, 2013
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Well. yesterday's lovely snow, all 5 inches of it, was washed away in some very heavy rain...I guess if the rain had been snow, at least a foot of it would have fallen...Good thing, for me that is, winter hasn't even officially started... Thanks for dropping by...hope you enjoyed the view :)

Comments (15)



2:50PM | Sun, 15 December 2013

Very elegant work! Well done!



3:24PM | Sun, 15 December 2013

Beautiful scene my friend. And just so you can say "I told ya so"... it dumped all over us last night and still coming down all day today. Somewhere around 9 inches so far. LOL... maybe age has nothing to do with it, or anything, but it sure makes me feel old after shoveling this white -hit .



3:38PM | Sun, 15 December 2013

Very beautiful work!!!!!!



3:45PM | Sun, 15 December 2013

I'm glad you are enjoying winter, as most people don't. It would be cool to see a really, really deep snow, if you didn't have to travel in it. We lived in Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania for a couple of years, and we had few waist/chest/shoulder-deep snows there. During that time, people were stranded and froze to death in their cars, not really a good thing for it to be so deep, even though it's so, so beautiful. I like the way you hung the icicles....and the one bright touch of red. :O)



5:04PM | Sun, 15 December 2013

Marvelous work on this very lovely image, Barb.



5:58PM | Sun, 15 December 2013

Very beautiful!!!!!



6:23PM | Sun, 15 December 2013

good work, this really does look cold.



7:07PM | Sun, 15 December 2013

Beautiful work.



7:50PM | Sun, 15 December 2013

Beautiful Barb, at least we had a moment of snow, but I prefer your image to what we had :)



9:54PM | Sun, 15 December 2013

good thing it was a small storm my friend. grasping image! wow!!! 7+ the Happiest of Holidays..



10:25PM | Sun, 15 December 2013

Curiously cardinals are more a sign of impending spring in my part of the world. It is a little surreal to see this winged firebrand treating with and angel of the ice. Even if she is extraordinarily lovely.



7:15AM | Mon, 16 December 2013

Nice pose and colours. Excellent. B->



4:24PM | Tue, 17 December 2013

Lovely image!!!!!!



4:53PM | Wed, 18 December 2013

marvellous image



10:44AM | Sun, 02 February 2014

Lovely artwork !

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