Thu, Dec 19, 12:45 PM CST

Tunnell Rat #3

Poser (none) posted on Sep 22, 2002
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Akima scurried along the dusty vent shaft, she could hear the police's footsteps above her. She had noticed the authorities in the Archon Cities had been getting more aggressive towards unregistered citizens recently, but until now they had never bothered chasing a tunnell rat like herself.

Akima pushed her foot against the vent and sighed, she had never worked out how to get comfortable in the vents, she was much happier in the old service tunnels deeper underneath the colony. As she rested for a few moments, she shivered, the cold breeze of the ventalation shaft, her head swirled around, the wind was getting stronger, suddenly, she was pulled along, around a junction of the vent system. As she slid down a shaft, she saw the spinning baldes of a extractor fan.

Akima grabbed a pipe and hooked her hand around it as the strength of the fan increased, just out of reach was another, leading away from the fan, if she could just reach it, she could pull away to safety.

Comments (2)



3:18PM | Sun, 22 September 2002

You may fix the texture on the pipes. Otherwise it's really well done!



3:26PM | Sun, 22 September 2002

Good sense of motion in this, and I like the character's pose and expression. I agree with Olivier that the texture on the ends of the pipes detracts from the overall effect a little because it draws your attention away from the real focus of the image. Other than that it's very well done.

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