As Tears Go By by eekdog
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after 7 years i'm finally getting around in adding some info on this page. never really thought about doing it. i have been a member here since July 15th 2006, and have learned alot from fellow artists. i would have about 1300 images or so posted but have deleated many of my first pieces. and still consider myself a developing artist at this wonderful site. i'm 56 years old this year "2013" and was born in North Dakota. i have lived in Colorado since 1967 and enjoy this place alot. my stepfather was in the air force and we lived in Bermuda after North Dakota for a few years before coming here where he got stationed.. and so much enjoy many of the finest artist in the world who post here.. love you all and your amazing friendships we share.. lol Steve
i enjoy working with poser, i have such a dinosaur version i use, (p6) wish i had poser 2012 at least. i also use photoshop 7 for most of my work i post here. but more so photography is my main passion, just hope to get a camera again someday.
p.s. not sure how high of a res pic i'm using for this page. take care and thanks a million you all.
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Comments (82)
This is one amazing looking Valentine's Day image Steve. Sorry to hear about all the computer problems, and hope you can find a way to get them worked out and things going again.
Happy Valentine's Day to you too. Sorry to hear of your computer problems, sure hope you can resolve it soon. Thoughts are with you.
Beautiful render! I sure hope things start looking up for you soon.
tetrasnake Online Now!
OMG, Steve! I really hope you'll get things running at 100% with your computer. Believe me, I've been there myself. Beautiful Piece! Well done, buddy!
A beautiful work. Know that I am hoping you get through this rough patch.
Sorry to hear about the computer issues Hope you get them resolved soon Wonderful image you've created
Well Done Steve. Love the composition Excellent work all the props, this scene works really well!!!
Happy Valentine's Day Steve. This image has such a rich quality. Very pretty.
Sorry to hear about your computer, I just had a Dell tech. working on mine today, I couldn't even get logged in, my password wasn't working, and then I couldn't get on the internet, took about 3 hours to fix it. Second time in 3 months but I had purchased a year of repairs from Dell so at least I didn't have to pay this time. Sad but lovely Valentine scene, love all the props!
Lovely Valentine image. By the way my area local news posted on Facebook that Home Depot is hiring 80,000 associates nationwide in preparation for Spring. I don't know if you have Home Depot where you live or if you would want to do that but I thought I would mention it. My job is closed again tomorrow because of refreezing. I got my state tax refund that will help, but I really wanted to buy some stuff!
very cute render
donnena Online Now!
Good job, here, Steve!! SO sorry to hear about your computer issues!! Hope you can find a job, soon, too!!
An excellent use of clutter.
She is kinda sad for Valentine, it must be a break up with her man lol. Sorry to hear of your ongoing issues with your computer, It sucks when this sort of thing happens, I do hope things get better for you shortly..
Very lovely!!!!!!
Splendid work man, super job. Great song too Mick Jagger and Keith Richards wrote it and gave it to Marianne Faithfull, it was her first Hit and my fav version of it but The Stones version kicks too of course. Use a Thumb Drive for transfering files, no moving parts..... Peace
Nice work Steve! and you reap what you sow which is kind words and thoughts for others. Good Luck with your computer :-)
Happy Valentine's day to you Steve!! Very nice image....nice job!! Hope you can get a new computer soon.....take care and god bless.....
Good luck with the computers. Excellent image.
Beautiful image! I'm sorry to hear things are not going well for you! I'll keep you in my prayers.
starship64 Online Now!
I'm sorry to hear about your computer. It looks like you managed a pretty fantastic picture despite that.
sorry to hear this. hope you can save what ever you have new . maybe you can find a good used computer. happy valentines day
Ah... Haven't heard that song in a very long time...... Marianne Faithful, I believe. But your lady is much hotter! A lovely image for Valentine's Day, Steve! Hope you're able to find work soon, and get your computer issues worked out. It sucks when things don't work - been there many times myself.
She's darn cute! Hope things improve for you soon.
Very cool Valentine’s work.
Happy Valentines Day! I pray for your computer my friend
I have to find time to catch up on your Gallery Steve... this is just gorgeous. Your work has improved so so proud :)
Adorable work my friend.
Happy Valentine's day to you! It's a excellent work!
Happy Valentines to you, Steve! Very beautiful work! I am sorry about your computer. It is very frustrating. Best of luck!