Zubarra (thanks my friends) by eekdog
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after 7 years i'm finally getting around in adding some info on this page. never really thought about doing it. i have been a member here since July 15th 2006, and have learned alot from fellow artists. i would have about 1300 images or so posted but have deleated many of my first pieces. and still consider myself a developing artist at this wonderful site. i'm 56 years old this year "2013" and was born in North Dakota. i have lived in Colorado since 1967 and enjoy this place alot. my stepfather was in the air force and we lived in Bermuda after North Dakota for a few years before coming here where he got stationed.. and so much enjoy many of the finest artist in the world who post here.. love you all and your amazing friendships we share.. lol Steve
i enjoy working with poser, i have such a dinosaur version i use, (p6) wish i had poser 2012 at least. i also use photoshop 7 for most of my work i post here. but more so photography is my main passion, just hope to get a camera again someday.
p.s. not sure how high of a res pic i'm using for this page. take care and thanks a million you all.
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Comments (86)
Very good render !!
Excellent render. Sorry to hear about your health...I've been away for a while and had no idea what has happened to you. I hope everything will be okay...thoughts and prayers for you Steve...let's all hope for the best.
Great image! Cool rat. I have insurance at work, but when I did my taxes at Turbo Tax they have a link to the health care thing. According to that you can get free coverage if you are low income. It probably isn't very good. I hope you get better soon. It's bad enough to be sick without having to run around all over the place and be worried even sicker.
Wonderful image. Very sad to hear about your health issues. Hope there is improvement soon. I'll pray for the best.
Simply Superb,
Me thinks them critters are in a big heap oh trouble with this mama.... :-)
Splendid effect and composition! Awesome artwork! :)
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW! VERY COOL image Steve! Great atmosphere, pose and composition! Yah. About Obama care ... isn't it great how the government can FORCE you to buy something just by calling it a TAX?! What's next?! Is the government going to take over car companies and FORCE you to buy their car because they SAY it's a TAX?! ANWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY ... I sure hope for the best for you. I hope you can get a job with decent health so you aren't forced to buy Obama care.
Superb and well armed girl, very creepy environment with rats and monster, a superb dark image, Steve!
Nice scene, and great looking spy-girl Steve ! :)
Nice, Very Nice.
Wonderful image, very well crafted, great use of the BG, excellent, Steve !
creepy monsters that I'm sure she can handle. good luck with all you are dealing with. don't give up or give in!
very cool action scene!
Health care is crazy expensive for most, I sure hope you see the Doctor soon. Wonderful scene, I do like that monster.
It wil all work out for you Steve, keep yourself positive, most important and keep supplying us with your wondrous visions.
Very nice!!!
Prayers for you, buddy! Outstanding render!
Super job. I feel bad for your mom, too. :(
pchef Online Now!
beautiful work, nice POV
Cool image!!
fantastic image!! I wish you all the best!
Superb image and you will be eligible for Medicaid, it's just a boatload o paperwork...and take care of yourself! I'll think good thoughts for you!
What a cool looking image, Steve. I'll keep you and your Mom in my prayers during this time, Bro.
Whoa, nice one Steve.. very cool... great POV and atmosphere!. Best of luck with your health issues... the US system of user pays is a bummer when the user can longer pay through no fault of their own!
I will be thinking of you tomorrow when you go find out about medicare my dear Steve, I wish you all the best and will keep you in my prayers. The image you created is amazing as always, very well done indeed. hugs Jane xx
Great action image.... I think you should keep digging into the details of the Affordable Care Act. As I understand it, you should be in the income bracket where subsidies should kick in. Don't know how old you are, but If you are over 65 medicare will kick it. Even if you have to go to the emergency ward, you need to have a physician look at it. So sorry you are having such a rough time right now.
First of all, really nice design work and some cool lighting effects. As far as medical coverage goes, you are suppose to get a huge break if you are somewhat over the poverty level (~140%) on your monthly income or if you have none. That's how I get it here in Calif. which is suppose to be very close to the way the national medical program works. Good luck and I'll keep a good thought for ya.
very good composition. even without affordable care the insurance companies was running raged the average John Doe. I have not got a price yet, but I am sure it will be high. did you request for low income discount? the government will pay part of the coverage