Darkside by eekdog
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after 7 years i'm finally getting around in adding some info on this page. never really thought about doing it. i have been a member here since July 15th 2006, and have learned alot from fellow artists. i would have about 1300 images or so posted but have deleated many of my first pieces. and still consider myself a developing artist at this wonderful site. i'm 56 years old this year "2013" and was born in North Dakota. i have lived in Colorado since 1967 and enjoy this place alot. my stepfather was in the air force and we lived in Bermuda after North Dakota for a few years before coming here where he got stationed.. and so much enjoy many of the finest artist in the world who post here.. love you all and your amazing friendships we share.. lol Steve
i enjoy working with poser, i have such a dinosaur version i use, (p6) wish i had poser 2012 at least. i also use photoshop 7 for most of my work i post here. but more so photography is my main passion, just hope to get a camera again someday.
p.s. not sure how high of a res pic i'm using for this page. take care and thanks a million you all.
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Comments (76)
Awesome work Steve!! About the poserproblem, Have you checked if there is any updates for internet explorer done? I know that the updates for it can make problems with poser 2012. Maybe it is the same for your version.
Fantastic work, Steve! You should post your problem on the forum. They helped me when I was having problems with Poser 9! Good luck!
Cool sorceress! I love the scene and the props. I don't know anything about Poser 6, I just got Poser 9 when it was on sale in January. Maybe you could uninstall it and then reinstall it again. Or maybe some driver or other program it needs to run needs to be reinstalled.
hope all is well with you now. this is a cool image
could be that your poser is not saving both poser files content and poser scene
Nice work and set-up Steve. I have no clue on that one.
Superb image Steve, I hope you get your computer to operated properly. You might try going to Smith Micro and get the Service Release 3, may help the problem. You can also email them and tell them what your problem is and they write bace with ideas.
Lovely lass!! Good luck with Poser!
Great image.. good luck with your poser problem.. I hope for you that the program is working properly again real soon.
Cool Scene,well done.
Impressive character with her blue skin, excellent fantasy image !
Great render! I would be less than helpful with any advice on computer trouble shooting. All I can do is wish you luck in finding a magician to fix it.
Fantástica e criativa obra meu amigo,bela personagem a pose é excelente o cenário é impressionante.++++++++++++5 Desculpa eu não sei como lhe ajudar.
Very beautiful witch, superb colors and scene, excellent work, my friend! I wish you to resolve your computer problem soon, Steve!
She is on the witch/vampire side, isn't she ? :) Sorry i can't help with this problem Steve, got a few problems with Poser, but never the same one.
Superb dark gothic image ! She looks creepy with her white skin, isn't she ? The worst is behind you and some images lost is annoying but it could have been worse !
Very good scene and colors! Good luck with your Poser. I have had problems and I know how frustrating it is. I hope that you will get the best advice!
Great colors in this image. The skin color is arresting. Sorry for your poser issues but I've got no suggestions.
Fantastic image!!!
Very nice!!!!!
Cool image Steve!
Great work as always, Bro. Sorry I can't help with poser but I left it for DAZ
I tend to lean towards what Doarte said about the service pack 3. I had problems with Poser 9 until I updated the service packs, but I'm certainly not an expert. Best of luck buddy... I really dig this image. I have a newer computer coming on Monday, hoping to be back posting again soon.
Oh, man, she looks pissed! Great job! ")
fabulous work Sorry, I can't help with your problem, but I think you may send an e-mail to Smith Micro.
Lovely scene Steve. I do hope you can get your little problem sorted out soon, that would be a pain, I have a similar problem in Daz Studio where the latest version cant open the earlier version scenes just keep getting errors, seems to only like the scenes don on this latest version of Daz Studio. I haven't had that problem with poser so far.
great image Steve. as for Poser 9 if it is like DAZ, when the image is created, the program creates a link to the pre-rendered file that contains the information showing where each item used is located. I hope I didn't confuse you with that.
Excellent work!