This list is just my electronic notes, there are more among the several hundred note cards, but it gives a general starting point.
! Alliance of Worlds A series of short stories comprising, Spirit Series, Night Spirit Series, Crystal Wars Series, Tri-Alliance Series, Raven Series, Hatching Lounge Series, Cadet Gunslingers Series, Crystal Ships Series, The Builders Series, Crystal Academy Series, Virtual World Series, Renamed to Children of the Empire
Aaron team duke
Academy Series The stories from Cody, Eran, Cassi, and Tamaka at the Academy
Aga Pending Character
Aiko Kyosai Lord Fox/Prince Fox's Gisei
Akio Imperial Prince
Akiva Willow 1st son to Commander/Lord Willow, House Willow, academy cadet
Alden Imperial Prince
Alia Pending Character
Alliance of Worlds The Combination of all the Short Short Stories together
Alopex Battleship House Fox Battleship
Ameath female Mate to Mars
Amphi Major Renamed to Carina Major
Anden Major Alliance Planet
Ari Cyness Colt Cyness' older brother
Asil Bully, Zan's first school fight
Atlan one of three ocean worlds
Auriga Pending Character
Auriga Imperial Prince
Austilus Imperial Prince
Austin Bennet Deputy Gunslinger Cadet/ or Merit, one of Colt Cyness' Deputies
Ava Pending Character
Avocet mate to Sander Moeth Alliance female hidden team
Bachen Cargo Ship House Red Fox Prison transport/converted to transport ship during Academy evacuation
Bali 2nd Son to Blaze Tarlock, twin to Bali
Basilisk Seed ship
Battle Armor The advanced Battle Armor of the Kitsune Elite Forces
Bear Pending Character
Beast Bezil's call sign
Beaver Pending Character
Ben boy found on the Pyron prison island
Bern'Cy 2nd Son to Colt Cyness
Bezil 3rd Son to Blaze Tarlock, twin to Bali
Bird Feathers A Daraian expletive, as in; Oh Bird Feathers!
Black Guard the army of the Carinians
Blaze Crystal entity, partner to Bali (yes, there are two characters named Blaze, when that chapter gets posted you will understand)
Blaze Tarlock First Tarlock,(yes, there are two characters named Blaze, when that chapter gets posted you will understand)
Blue Crystal The Mind Crystal of the Crystal Entities
Bone Dice A common game invented by the Demonians and played on all worlds (I plan to post exact rules of how to play Bone Dice, even thinking of having a few sets made)
Bone Skull Zan's call sign
Bone Skull A demonian insult or expletive, as in; Oh Bone Skulls!
Boss Needle also known as Eugene
Brim Crystal entity, partner to Bezil
Cadet Hank Carrying First Deputy Fatals horns
Camp 25 Marshal no name given
Canesus Imperial Prince
Captain Kerin'Sar Si's childhood Black Guard body guard and filled in as Ryota's father when Fox was mentally ill
Caran mate to Kara
Carina Major Amphibian home world
Carina Major one of three ocean worlds
Carinian girl on beach Marshal's girlfriend on Carina
Carne mate to Maku, killed by Raen
Carnen Imperial Prince
Cassi Academy Cadet
Ce'ne Pending Character
Cepheus Major Location of Cepheus station, owned by Lord Cyness
Cer Spirit, Guided Kaz to find her father
Cera'Ari Gunslinger that gave Jack water, Camp 25
Cettise the Kitsune planet evolved two species, the Cettise were wiped out by the Kitsune
Cetus Imperial Prince
Char Ember Hatching Lounge
Clap mate to Gini Moeth Alliance male team trouble makers
Clinton team west
Cody'Ari Academy Cadet
Cole team duke
Colten Cyness Lord of House Cyness
Colvus Major Human settlers home world (a bit like a mix of an Amish Community and the wild west, but rare uses of technology permitted)
Comet Ship The Comet ship is larger and slightly slower but longer range than Dart. Think of a Dart as a "luxury sedan" and a Comet as a tricked out "Conversion Van"
Cook Gunslinger Training Camp Cook
Cora Gunslinger Team Cora, female Gunslinger team, Cora, Ella, Myra, Mae, Nora: note Ella is First Deputy
Cora team Cora
Cora Carson Gunslinger Cadet, see: Ella Anderson, Myra Bell, Mae Breck, Nora Tyler
Cormon tattooed warriers
Cormon planet
Cormon Blood Pilot helps Tyler escape from Hunter
Cormon Major warrior planet
Corvus planet
Courier Post 1 An abandoned courier post on Carina, House Willow, used as Akiva's fort
Cradle An advanced medical bed with 8 stations located around it. The cradle holds an egg through infant.
Crow Lord of House Crow
Crystal Cradle The Box invented by Malice/Zan to hold the Crystal Entities
Crystal War Series The stories from when Zan and Zam are between 13 and 19
Cyness Minor Location of House Cyness, salt mining world
Cyness Minor planet
Dac Pending Character
Dara Major Avian home world (The Daraians are small, 5 foot being average male height, however they lost their wings to evolution long ago)
Darai planet
Darkadia the Archer Maia's virtual character (the story was written but I ended the series it was to go to before it got posted, might revisit it someday)
Dart Crystal entity, partner to Zan, see T339 (Dart was the first Crystal Entity found and named for the ship Zan accidently put her in)
Dart Ship A small single seat, multi-purpose, FTL space craft, can be configured for planetary or interstellar use (like a Mercedes can be a luxury car or a garbage truck)
David Kennedy First Merit/Deputy to Tanner Locke
Delphean Imperial Prince
Demonia Major Reptilian home world (The Demonian species are reptilian, all legends of Demons in the Universe stem from this unusual species)
Destroyer Lord of House Destroyer
Done'Kere Pending Character
Dorn'Cy 3rd son to Colt Cyness
Doth new first year student defending camp 26
Draco Seed ship
Dragon Crystal entity, partner to Karu
Dragon Seed Ship Dragon's original ship, hidden in the oceans of Cepheus
Duke Gunslinger Team Duke, Duke, Gideon; note Gideon is First Deputy
Duke Gideon, Zane, Aaron, Cole
Duke team duke
Eagle Lord of House Eagle, see Cody'Ari
Earth Terra Major, see Spirit City
Earth Spirit Character in the Spirit series
Ella Anderson First Merit to Cora Carson nickname, Wildcat
Ella Anderson first deputy to cora
Ember Tempest Vengeance Hatching Mother trainee
Eran'Roge Academy Cadet
Eriden planet
Erie team west
Erom Pending Character
Falcon Lord of House Falcon, Senior Flight Instructor, Academy Commandant
Fatal Prince Vengeance's wingman
Fatal First Deputy to Wrath Vengeance
Fire Spirit Pending Character
First Deputy The second in command of a Gunslinger lawman team
Flame Ember Hatching Lounge
Flare Ember Hatching Lounge
Forbidden Flame In the orginal draft it was an unusual biological effect allowing a Demonian to burst into flames, not sure if this effect will make it into the book
Fox General, Lord, Prince, House Fox
Fox Carrier House Fox Battle Carrier
Gabe team wesley
Gani'Cy 1st Son of Colt Cyness
Gar, Garneth mate to High Priestess, High Guardian
Garma Demonia short sword
Garneal Imperial Prince
Garner male mate to Sialia
Garret team garret
Garth Cooper Deputy Gunslinger Cadet/ or Merit, one of Colt Cyness' Deputies
Gideon team duke
Gini mate to Clap, Moeth Alliance Moeth Alliance female team trouble makers
Gisei In the original drafts, this person took the place of a Lord if the Lord was to be executed or imprisoned, unsure if I will keep this concept
Grek-Betae female mate to Suet-Cao
Gun Shop owner gives Wes advise
Gunslinger Marshal Head of the Gunslinger Marshal's Department, Gunslinger Academy Commandant, Tri-Alliance Marshals
Gunslinger Order a law enforcement Marshal Order
Gunslinger Sub-Series The series of flashbacks for Colton Cyness
Hatching Lounge A group of 7 Demonians siblings, 1 female and 6 male. The primary purpose of siblings is the male siblings will not be effected by their sisters pheromones during a hatching cycle
Hatching Lounge Sub-Series The series of flashbacks for Blaze Tarlock
Hawk Lord of House Hawk
Hell Prison Demonian Maximum Security Prison, nicknamed Hell (yea, you can see where the legends that spread to other worlds originated)
Hide Kyosai 2nd Son of Aiko Kyosa
High Priestess mate to Garneth, Gar
Hob Character in the Spirit series
Hob's Song Pick your teeth, Keep them Sharp, Wash your ears, Once a year
House A Government, ran by private families, strongest families rule, weaker Houses may serve as minor regional governments
House Black Jon Black's House on Carina (oldest House in the Alliance)
House Cyness Ruling House of Cyness Minor. A Salt Mining World. Also owns the planet Cepheus.
House Fox A Military House on Kitsune, providing the highest placed Commanders for thousands of years. Later becomes a Government House
House Hawk Rival House of House Sparrow
House Raven The largest sort of Legal Criminal Syndicate in the Alliance, declared itself neutral and provides an intelligence brief called "The Raven" to any House that will pay. Also provides assassination services.
House Red Fox The House that Zan forms in the original draft stories, though very likely this will change, I'm not happy with the name of this House
House Sparrow Ruling House Government on Dara at beginning of story.
House Vengeance Government of a Continent in the Northern Hemisphere of Demonia, holds the Crown at beginning of the story
House Willow Military House on Carina, responsible for security of Castle Black
Houston team garret
Hunter Gate Bounty Hunter
Hydra Seed ship
Ian'Cy 4th Son of Colt Cyness
Imp Bali's call sign
Inferno Ember Hatching Lounge
Jack Carter Merit to Tanner Locke
Jared team wesley
Jeremy Pending Character
Jon Black Caretaker of the Orb
Joth'Cy 5th and youngest son of Colt Cyness
Judge Cietan a ruling Judge on Pyra
Kara mate to Caran, friends with Raen
Karu 1st Son of Blaze Tarlock
Kaz Character in the Spirit series
Kea Pending Character
Ki the Magi Kira's virtual character
Kira Crystal entity, partner to Tamaka
Kit mate to Mergan Moeth Alliance male medics
Kitsune Major Home world of the Over-Lords, Humanoid species (I've never liked this name, but, there is now a story pending of why I decided to keep this name, though I'm working its details out)
Kitsune Major planet
Krat'ne a sea squid that lives close to beaches and eats the small sand crabs, the Carina children play a game called jump the Krat'ne
Kuion mate to Tara, Moeth and Raen's best friends
Lacern Imperial Prince
Lane male mate to saran
Lare male mate to Meas
Lea female retired high priestess mate to Seth also known as Mistress Lea
Leviathan Seed ship, sacrificed herself to save the other seed ships
Leviathan team garret
Lieutenant Fox see Fox, seen in the Cadet Gunslinger series
Little Bear Character in the Night Spirit series
Loginium Imperial Prince
Lord Artheus main imperial palace cook House Artheus
Lord Sparrow the first flew the battleship to help Si escape
Lord Tolnor children's cook at the old imperial palace House Tolnor
Luke team wesley
Lyra Crystal entity, partner to Cody'Ari
Maci'Cy Pending Character
Mae Breck Merit to Cora Carson
Mae Breck team Cora
Maia Crystal entity, partner to Cassi and then Akiva Willow
Maku Maku has feud with Moeth, ends up dieing on blood day mate to Carne
Malice Prince of Demonia, twin brother to Mischief, nickname Zan
Marc team west
Marise Kyosai 1st son to Aiko Kyosai
Mars male Mate to Ameath
Master Hawk Lord Hawks son, see Sparrow
Meas female mate to Lare
Merek Crystal Boy, Star's Brother,
Mergan mate to Kit Moeth Alliance female medics
Merit A Deputy Gunslinger Cadet at the Gunslinger Academy
Mesin new first year at camp 26
Mesin's first deputy new first year at camp 26 carrying the great Cormon Battle Horn
Mica new first year student defending camp 26
Mischief Prince of Kitsune, twin brother to Malice, nickname Zam
Moeth mate to Raen Moeth Alliance
Moon Spirit Character in Night Spirit series
Morima Imperial Prince
Morite/Mori Maintenance specialist/Chief during Crystal wars series
Mother Raven mother to Lord Raven
Mr. Marsh Senior Historian of the Jon Black archives
Myra Bell Merit to Cora Carson
Myra Bell team Cora
Nam Character in Night Spirit series
Naturae Seed ship
Needle Ship the predecessor to the Dart Ship
Nick first recruit on Wes's new team
Night Spirit Character in Night Spirit series
Night Spirit Series The stories of Nam and Kaz, I'll probably never go back to this series to complete it, I didn't like it
Nora tyler Merit to Cora Carson
Nora tyler team Cora
Oak Character in Spirit series
Obsidian Lord of House Obsidian, Crime syndicate
Orb Alien artifact
Orino Kyosai 3rd and youngest son to Aiko Kyosa, Prince Mischief's Gisei
Owen team garret
Paridalis Imperial Prince
Parus male mate to Wren
Pav'Tein Imperial Prince
Peli mate to Vas Moeth Alliance female cold blooded killers
Peran female mate to sigil
Petrel female Mate to Ruddy
Planets Demonia, Kitsune, Cyness, Cepheus, Dara, Carina, Corvus, Erida, Proyon, (total planned: 17 Major Worlds, 22 Minor Worlds)
Puritarian-Unificationist A religious-political party within the Alliance that seeks the end of the feudal system and introduction of Sovereign Democracies
Pyra one of three ocean worlds
Pyre Ember Hatching Lounge
Quartz Infant during Hatching Lounge trials
Raen Raven recruit
Raen mate to Moeth Moeth Alliance
Rage Hatching Mother trainee
Rat Ship The Yugo of the spaceships.
Raven Lord of House Raven, assassin, spy, Governor of occupying forces on Kitsune
Raven Carrier House Raven Battle Carrier during Crystal Wars series
Raven Sub-Series Unsure about this, Raen is a good character, but stories have a life of their own, we will see
Rebecca Selina, Grace, Nettie, Isa'Ora
Red Crystal The Power Crystals of the Crystal Entities
Red Fox Carrier House Red Fox Battle Carrier during Crystal Wars series
Reox Cousin to Fox, Captain/Commander/Admiral
Ring mate to Vel Moeth Alliance male drug addicts
Rip mate to Tear Moeth Alliance female half demonian
Roet new first year student defending camp 26 team Roet assigned to Colt's old cabin, wearing the wolf fur
Roger Bully that tried to make things right before Colt Cyness began desert phase of Gunslinger training
Rogue Talur's call sign
Rounu Major planet
Ruddy male mate to Petrel
Sagithus Imperial Prince
Salenth Imperial Prince
Salenth died during the first winter at Camp 26 Imperial Prince
Sam team garret
Samurai Kitsune Elite Forces
Samurai Battle Armor Primary Armor of Kitsune Elite Forces
Sander mate to Avocet Moeth Alliance male hidden team
Saran Male mate to lane
Seamstress Moeth and Raen's safe house
Seditious Lord of House Seditious
Sekadia the Warrior Seren's virtual character
Senti/Sen Maintenance specialist/Chief during Crystal wars series
Sephin Imperial Prince
Seren Crystal entity, partner to Eran'Roge
Serpenus Imperial Prince
Seth male retired Temple Guardian mate to Lea also known as Master Seth
Seth Johnson Merit to Tanner Locke
Sialia female mate to Garner
Sigil male mate to peran
Sionnach Imperial Prince
Skye Bezil's adopted daughter
Small store owner Raen and Moeth put a protection Raven over his shop, he adopted two orphans Raen brough him
Sparrow Lord of House Sparrow
Sparrow call sign of Master Hawk, as a side note, I hate this character, he will be rewritten better in a future story
Spirit City A hidden scientific outpost on Terra Major, see Earth
Spirit Series The original fantasy stories of Zam, I finished the draft but will not post it as a written story, I just don't like the story, if I do revisit the story, it will be a childrens fantasy picture book
SR41 Turbo Demonian Muscle Car, owned by Tarlock
Star Crystal entity, partner to Talur
Star Crystal See Red/Blue Crystal
Suet-Cao male mate to Grek-Betae
Sun Spirit Character in Night Spirit series
T339 see Dart
T477 see Brim
Tage'Sar mate to Ryota'Sar
Tainus Imperial Prince
Talon Dagger primary weapon of the Darai
Talur 4th and youngest son of Blaze Tarlock
Tamaka Academy Cadet
Tani mechanic on Wes's new team
Tannen Imperial Prince
Tanner Bully in the Cadet Gunslinger Series
Tanner Locke Gunslinger Cadet, see: David Kennedy, Jack Carter, Will Adams, Seth Johnson,
Tara mate to Kuion, Moeth and Raen's best friends
Taral Pending Character
Tarlock Any member of the Tarlock Priesthood, it's like calling a Priest, Father
Tarragon Seed ship
Taru Pending Character
Teal mate to Willet Moeth Alliance female in their own world
Tear mate to Rip Moeth Alliance male half demonian
Tempest Ember Tempest Vengeance, Hatching Mother
Terraformer A machine built by The Builders, later evolved sentience and became the Crystal entities
The Bone Skulls Prince Malice's fighter squadron
The Nurse helped Moeth and Raen get back to the Temple
Thor Cormon on Wes's new team
Titan Seed ship
Toran'Sar Deputy Gunslinger, Salt Factory Foreman, oldest friend to Colton Cyness, In flashback episodes, the young Merit to Colt Cyness
Tornith Imperial Prince
Traneth male mate to Vora
Travis team wesley
Tri-Alliance Series The stories of Blaze and Colt are part of the Tri-Alliance Series, this series has good possibilities beyond just being a flashback series, we will see where it goes
Trident an advanced weapon of Carina Corax's people
Tures Fourth Year Leader
unkown name Gunslinger Law Instructor
Ura, Big Bear Character in the Night Spirit series
Urai amphibian deputy
Vas mate to Peli Moeth Alliance male cold blooded killers
Vel mate to Ring Moeth Alliance female drug addicts
Veneith Imperial Prince
Vid I don't want to use the words TV or Computer screen, so everything like that is a Vid
Volnus Imperial Prince
Vora female mate to Traneth
War Spirit, Nam fought the War Spirit prior to meeting Kaz
Water Spirit Character in the Spirit series
Weapons Current known weapons: M919 Blaster, .22 Lever Action Rifle, 7" Revolver, Katana, Tonto, Demonian Blade, Dart Front Cannon, Dart Side Missiles, Battle Armor Compressed Air Missiles,
Wesley Gunslinger Team Wesley, Wesley, Gabe, Luke, Jared, Travis; Note Gabe is First Deputy
Wesley Gabe, Luke, Jared, Travis
Wesley team wesley
West Clint, Zeke, Marc, Erie
West team west
West Gunslinger Team West, West, Clint, Zeke: Note Zeke is First Deputy
Weston Cain was a rename from Weston Jack
Weston Jack Deputy Gunslinger Cadet/ or Merit, one of Colt Cyness' Deputies
Whip Tail Karu's call sign
Will Adams Merit to Tanner Locke
Willet mate to Teal Moeth Alliance male in their own world
William new First Year class leader at camp 26
Willow Lord of House Willow, Commander of the Carina Naval Fleet
Wind Spirit Character in Spirit series
Wind Storm A Cynessian expletive, as in; Oh Wind Storms!
Wolf Lord of House Wolf
Wrath Squadron Prince Vengeance's battle squadron
Wren female Mate to Parus
Wyvern Seed ship, along with the Dragon Seed ship, only known Seed Ships to survive
Zam's Comet Escape Pod
Zane team duke
Zeke team west
Comments (7)
Wow, that is a list and a half, I remember most of this list, outstanding work!
My eyes are starting to cross. That is one heck of a list, but with all the characters and story lines you have going you probably have an entire room dedicated to shelves with little boxes of note cards.
Fliupping heck bet that was a job & a half!!!! xx
Great to have this list! I so hoped you made a bit of a slip and included the little eggs name or Thors real one, alas, will have to wait :)
Ummm ... you weren't kidding about the 487 characters, or whatever number that was! Holy Tri-Alliance, Batboy! I'm putting a link to this page on my desktop, so Don't Move It!! :) (Not that you were going to, but if you do, I'm screwed.) :P
Geez Louise!
in the parlance of the new techies, OMG!