Wed, Feb 19, 11:56 AM CST

Nancy's Talent

DAZ|Studio Atmosphere/Mood posted on Sep 17, 2014
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This would have been my final entry for the Talent section of Miss Renderosity and it is a follow up to my previous picture 'Nancy's Perfect Day'. This image was produced using Daz Studio and Photoshop. dmrc_enabled_wbtn.gif
This work is copyright and cannot be used for any purpose without written permission from Peter Hague Concept - Design - Art Direction. All my images have an embedded digital ID throughout, which cannot be removed, even from a cropped section, and is registered.

Comments (136)



6:23PM | Sat, 20 September 2014

This is a really neat composition! It's not every day you see a "talent" associated with Beauty. I like the atmosphere here as well, as it seems like a bright day filled with life, happy people and entertainment!



7:21PM | Sat, 20 September 2014

Fantastic image! Really superb work!



8:15PM | Sat, 20 September 2014

Amazing! Delightful image :)


virginiese Online Now!

1:30AM | Sun, 21 September 2014

You are very talented too ! great complex scene. i love the pose of the main character and the little boy who stares at Nancy :-)



3:31AM | Sun, 21 September 2014

Your talent is remarkable...!!!



9:07AM | Sun, 21 September 2014

sunny and fantastic composed scene! and stunning about her acrobatic presentation! she should win! ;o)



9:20AM | Sun, 21 September 2014

This is a really magnificent and captivating scene : very well composed and realised, full of interesting details, and funny !! Looks like a vintage snapshot or a classical illustration (like Rockwell's ones for exemple) Fine work !! Bravo !!



9:24AM | Sun, 21 September 2014




2:49PM | Sun, 21 September 2014

Sorry your art didn't make it to the final round,Peter. A fine image indeed, with your trademark multiple supporting characters. You have achieved a great sense of depth as if we are at an actual spot not far from the ocean.



3:07PM | Sun, 21 September 2014

Terrific fun and such great characters, thanks for sharing it, such a travesty that you didn't get through to the final!



7:35PM | Sun, 21 September 2014

Very clever pose and composition. I love her build! You rarely see a good figure like that anymore.



10:45PM | Sun, 21 September 2014

I really love it !



9:09AM | Mon, 22 September 2014

Excellent work!



9:39AM | Mon, 22 September 2014

She is wonderful!



5:26PM | Mon, 22 September 2014

Well done! Love your image. I'm a violinist & I don't think I could do that. :) Thank you for sharing! :)



11:49AM | Tue, 23 September 2014

Wow, it is fantastic!! Wonderful work and all the details are really impressive!!! Love your character!



4:28PM | Tue, 23 September 2014

Thats one talented lady If I could do that I think I would make a mint :-) Excellent scene!



5:50PM | Wed, 24 September 2014

Wow! Now that is one multi-talented lady! A most marvelous render and fine image! Bravo and many fine kudos!



9:25PM | Wed, 24 September 2014

Hilarious! Amazing and beautiful artwork.



9:38PM | Wed, 24 September 2014

"look... no hands!" LOL Fantastic seaside pic. full of interesting things to see and do. Great picture Peter. :)



5:12AM | Thu, 25 September 2014

Excellent work!



12:21AM | Fri, 26 September 2014

Friend - al long time is go - but what I like ishere the many different character´s - a scene with a great story - cool and looks funny Greetings Umberto



10:58AM | Sun, 28 September 2014

This is fabulous! I love how creative you were with this one!



10:19PM | Wed, 01 October 2014

A fantastic creation Peter and a delightful zoom!



6:03PM | Sat, 04 October 2014

How very different and well set out love it :) Cathy xoxoxo



7:26AM | Fri, 10 October 2014

Fantastic work !



4:26AM | Wed, 15 October 2014

Very cool and funny scene my friend!!!Bravissimo!:DDD.Hugsxx Whylma


5:26AM | Wed, 15 October 2014

Excellent work



8:03AM | Wed, 15 October 2014

That is some talent! Nancy too :)



5:44PM | Wed, 15 October 2014

Fabulous pose and expression

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