[The Lone Gunslinger, Chapter 10, Song of Brothers]
"Heads up!"
I throw my hands over my head and glance up quickly. Jaco is already moving, and I follow the direction he jumped. Roofing tiles and boards crash down through the rafters of the barn and land where we were just standing. I sigh and look at the mess; we just cleaned that spot.
"Heads up!"
Jaco and I jump for the open barn door and the relative safety of outside. We might as well wait for the Ravens to finish removing the roof. I don't know why they are removing the roof, maybe just to give the stench a place to escape, or maybe they just don't like roofs.
A screech sounds from somewhere down the road and is repeated several times until all the Ravens in the rafters are screeching violently. I know a defense perimeter when I see one, I've practiced it enough times at the Base and the Ravens are scrambling to defensive positions.
Moro calmly walks out of the Farm House followed by four Ravens, I'm not sure how many Ravens are here now, but Raven Ships have been landing for the last four hours and there is a perimeter of Dart Ships all around the farm. The main field has a Darian Battleship sitting in the center of the now scorched ground.
"Come with me, Chirp, and you too Hatchling," orders Moro walking past us.
"Huh? I look at Jaco.
"I'm the Chirp, you're the Hatchling," says Jaco.
"What's a Chirp, and why am I a Hatchling?" I ask confused.
Jaco grabs my arm and we fall in line behind Moro and the four Ravens carrying stacks of papers and books. I have no idea what is happening.
"You're a new Raven, freshly hatched," explains Jaco, "but I'm older, but still young, like a baby bird, you know... chirp chirp...chirp chirp."
"I get it, but why are they doing all this?" I ask.
"No clue," says Jaco shrugging. "I begged for a contract to get a House Raven attorney to represent you, but I don't know what any of the rest of this is about."
"I'm going to owe them a lot of money, huh?" I ask.
"Oh yea, we are in debt up to our wing blades," says Jaco.
Moro stops and I can see the Sheriff and a line of Deputies walking towards us. Moro turns to me and motions to one of the other Ravens. The Raven holds a collar out to me; it is black with a red band running around the collar. I look at Jaco, but he has become silent, and his face is expressionless. I don't need Jaco to tell me what the collar means; it looks the same as the collar Jaco wears except for the red band. Maybe the red band means I'm a human or something like that. No...Wait...I think for a second. I've noticed all the males are wearing collars, but not the females, and all the collars the males are wearing looks like Jaco's collar. However, most of the girls do have red tattoos on their necks.
The red band... that's different... and then I realize. Holy ancestors, Jaco and I are both males, so we both get collars-don't know why males wear collars yet, I'll figure that out eventually-but my collar has a red band-damn’it, I'm the girl.
I can feel my face turn red, but I shrug and fasten the collar around my neck.
"I expected an argument," says Moro.
I think Jaco might be crying, and then he leans his forehead against me. "Thank you for respecting my culture."
"I see why Mother Raven chose Lord Weston; he has made a wise decision adding you to House Raven, Hatchling," says Moro. "The imbalance is being corrected one Hatchling at a time. Chirp, make sure you get your partner a copy of the Corvus Corax."
"But I'm a Jackdaw?" says Jaco.
"Very well, if you must corrupt him," says Moro sighing. "Give him a copy of the Corvus Mellori."
"Thank you, Sir," says Jaco.
Moro waves his hand dismissively and turns back around to wait for the Sheriff to arrive. I look at Jaco completely confused; Jaco stretches up and whispers in my ear.
"The word imbalance comes from the Corvus Corax, that's the Raven Bible, but you and I are Jackdaws, our Bible is the Corvus Mellori. There are some differences, but the one thing that is the same in all Darian Bibles is that balance is the foundation of all Daraian religion."
I have no idea what any of that has to do with my new collar, or why the Ravens have landed an army on the farm, but I don't have any time to ask, the Sheriff has arrived, and the man and woman are with him--hiding behind the last deputy.
The Sheriff spreads his hands out to his sides. "Are you okay, boy?"
"Yes, Sir," I reply.
"Are you being held hostage?" asks the Sheriff.
"No, Sir."
"You gonna tell me now who Jaco is, and why there is an army of what appears to be Daraian Ravens occupying this farm?"
I lay my hand on Jaco's shoulder. "This is Jaco, my Raven Mate."
The shock on the Sheriff's face is obvious. "Are you aware that is a male Daraian?"
"Yes, Sir."
"Do the Gunslingers know you have mated with a male Daraian?"
"Yes, Sir."
I can see that the Sheriff doesn't know what to do and has jumped to conclusions--This is more fun than I thought it would be. I feel a little bad doing this to the Sheriff, he did help me when I needed it and probably doesn't deserve this trouble. But then, he is part of the betrayal that brought me back here.
"Enough of this," screams the man hiding behind the deputies. "I want that animal arrested and I want those criminals arrested, they attacked us, and look, they are destroying my barn."
Moro holds a hand up. "The 'animal' you refer, at the moment he became mated to a Daraian Citizen, per the Tri-Alliance Treaty of Imperial Year 1254, section 43, paragraph 4, received dual-citizenship in the Common Wealth of Darai, and as such is granted political asylum at this Embassy on the sovereign territory of Darai."
Moro motions to one of the Ravens and the Raven steps forward and tries handing the largest book I've ever seen to the Sheriff. The Sheriff glances at the book and back to Moro. I don't think the Sheriff cares to read the Tri-Alliance Treaty right now.
"Embassy?" screams the man. "This is my farm."
The expression on Moro's face remains calm as he continued, "The previous owners of this property did attack an unarmed prisoner and was disarmed without harm and released." Moro motions to another Raven who then steps forward and tries handing the Sheriff a stack of papers. "The attack was witnessed by me, and I have provided the sworn statements of twenty-two witnesses to the local court, you may have a copy if you wish."
I have to wonder when Moro did that; he's only been here four hours.
"Arrest them!" screams the woman.
"The previous owners of this property," Moro doesn't even pause and ignores the woman, "did then leave the property with suitcases and personal possessions, signaling their intent to abandon the property. The Tri-Alliance Treaty of Imperial Year 1254 was modified in Imperial Year 1322 to allow the Common Wealth of Darai to occupy an abandoned property on any of the, at the time twenty-five worlds of the Empire of which Tarous Minor was included, for the purpose of establishing an Embassy as needed."
Moro motions to another Raven but the Sheriff holds up a hand, I don't think he wants to read those documents either.
"I've taken the liberty to prepare a 'Contest to Property Rights', no charge, if you would like to file for possession of the property. The courts should be able to hear the case in three or four weeks," Moro says to the Sheriff.
One of the Sheriff's deputies steps forward and hands a tablet to the Sheriff. The Sheriff reads the tablet and then looks up at me.
"Three more Raven Battleships, a Falcon Drop Ship, and a Hawk Wing Carrier has just entered orbit, and the Gunslingers say more are on the way. Why are you so important to the Daraians, boy?"
"I really don't know, Sheriff," I shrug just as confused as he is.
"This is just legal double-talk, I want them arrested or I'll have your badge," the man gets brave and starts to step forward--At least a dozen Ravens pull some kind of machine-gun and levels them at the Sheriff's party.
"Needle guns?" says the Sheriff calmly. "Those are illegal."
"Embassy security, this is Darian Territory and not illegal here," replies Moro.
"There is no reason to turn this hostile," says the Sheriff.
"I do not intend hostilities, this can be settled in court under your own laws," says Moro. "Our fleet is only here to ensure that no further miscarriage of justice occurs."
"A Raven concerned about justice?" says the Sheriff. "I don't believe this is about the boy at all. Do you intend any harm to him?"
"No, at the completion of the Trial he and his partner will be returned to the Gunslingers, as already ordered by Mother Raven," replies Moro.
"The Mother Raven is involved too?" The Sheriff looks at me and shakes his head. "Boy, you've sold your soul to the devil; there is nothing else I can do for you, good luck, son."
The Sheriff starts to back away but the man just can't help himself and shouts, "What are you doing? I want them off my land."
"You've brought House Raven, the most vicious crime syndicate in the galaxy down on an innocent community, now shut up, you fool, or I'll have you gagged," warns the Sheriff.
I can't help but thinking there is an innocent person standing right here, but I understand the Sheriff is concerned for the safety of the rest of the people of Hidden Canyon County. I watch the Sheriff back away and then leave the farm. I don't think the Sheriff will be back, and I hope the man and woman isn't dumb enough to return either. I don't want even them to get hurt, not really. Moro is watching me, and I turn to look at him.
"Why am I so important?" I ask.
"You are not important," says Moro plainly. "The Common Wealth of Darai is important."
"Oh, so that's what's going on," says Jaco.
"I should have realized," explains Jaco. "The individual Daraian is not important, only what is good for all. I wasn't mad they sent me to the Chair, of course I didn't want to die, but it was for the good of everyone, but the Goddess had other plans for me, so here I am. Get it?"
"I don't get it."
"You are not the first inter-species mating with a Daraian," says Moro. "In the last few years, for the first time in our history, we are truly interacting with other species. You are only the first time we have been tested, and we will not fail."
"I still don't understand."
"We can not allow any Daraian, whether born on Darai, or having become a Daraian through mating, to ever be enslaved, pressed into servitude, or denied their rights," explains Moro. "You are only the first case, and the precedent must be set with a fierceness of will that Daraians are not to be preyed upon by any species."
"I get it, you're just using me," I drop my head.
"He doesn't understand," says Moro. "Jaco, the barn is nearly ready, you will take him to the Heights tonight and show him Darai, and then he will understand."
"But, Sir... no offense Hero... but... Sir, he's an alien... how?”
"You are to tell no one, but it has been done before," says Moro. "He will not be able to project to you, but you will be able to him, if he is your true mate. You didn't first-bond with the others, did you?"
"No, Sir," says Jaco. "I tried, I really did."
"I have long said that the system of the Priestesses choosing our mates is a corrupted system," says Moro. "I believe we must return to our ancient methods of instinctual choosing."
I don't think Jaco is even listening anymore; he is bouncing up and down and running in little circles.
"I can't wait... I can't wait..." cries Jaco grabbing my arm. "Come on, we have to finish cleaning the barn."
Jaco pulls me back to the barn, and we continue the job of cleaning. I pull the fallen lumber, the roof tiles, and shovel years of muck from the barn. I don't really listen to Jaco rambling on about Darai; something is nagging at the back of my mind. I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth, and I'm grateful for the help getting ready for the trial, but I think Jaco might have missed something important.
I remember Jaco said there is something happening in the Temple, and Moro said he doesn't agree with something the Priestesses are doing. I hope we aren't being dragged into a power struggle or worse. Moro's explanation for why he is helping makes sense, but Jaco has said that Ravens specialize in manipulation, and I'm not feeling real trusting right now. I wonder if the Sheriff is right, have I sold my soul to the devil? I wish Simon were here, he would know.
The rest of the day is spent cleaning the barn and getting it ready to use as our headquarters, though I wonder why. We could just use the farm house; it's a lot cleaner and ready to use. Moro has been over there since the encounter with the Sheriff.
Other Ravens join in the clean-up and a crew of Ravens drag hoses into the barn and start steam blasting the barn. The stall I used to sleep in is cleaner than I have ever seen it, and little carvings in the wood long covered by grime appear. I feel a moment of nostalgia for a simpler time when I was alone, and my only worries were avoiding the man and woman's cruelties.
I run my fingers over my crude carving of me on a horse running free through the fields. Jaco wanders over and looks at the carvings.
"You made these?" asks Jaco.
"Yes, a long time ago," I reply. "Why didn't Simon come with you?"
"Moro said you can't see him until the trial, he says it could taint Simon's testimony."
"If he cared he would have come anyway."
"I grew up in the Temple. I didn't have a father either, I was a first egg."
"What's a first egg?"
"First eggs are supposed to die on Blood Day; we are raised to be the First Years first kill."
"That's horrible."
"Remember what I said, it's not about the individual, it's about what is best for the whole," Jaco kneels and uses his talon dagger to start a carving.
"You obviously didn't die, what happened?"
"The Heart of Darai happened, he's a Hawk," says Jaco. "He saved all the First Eggs."
"I like him already, but you said Hawks are bad."
"He's a Raven the way I'm a Raven, he's different than other Hawks, and he has real wings."
That reminds me of what I was going to do. I jump up and leave Jaco carving whatever he is carving and run to the farm house. Moro is in the kitchen sitting at the table reading some papers and drinking hot tea from one of the woman's cups.
"Sir, I was wondering."
"I have some money," I hold out my wrist. "If you want it for a down payment that's okay, but I was hoping maybe I could buy a new set of wings for Jaco, his got destroyed."
Moro glances at my wrist and motions a Raven over.
"Daraians don't have wrist implants," says Moro.
The other Raven pulls out a small device and runs it over my wrist and then shows the device to Moro.
"Not nearly enough for a set of wings, but I'll take it and put the rest on your bill." Moro looks at the Raven holding the device. "Go get a set of Raven wings out of storage on the Battleship."
"Umm, wait, Sir, Jaco was always complaining his Raven wings were too big, you know, being that Ravens are bigger than Jackdaws, I guess. I was wondering if they make Jackdaw wings."
"Jackdaw wings are a great deal more expensive," says Moro. "They have features built into them that Raven wings don't have, but I like that you are thinking correctly. I'll approve the extra expense for having the sense to replace your partner’s wings."
Moro nods, and the Raven with the device runs out of the kitchen. Moro tells me to sit down while we wait to see if there is a spare set of Jackdaw wings in storage. Moro shows me some of his plans, and we discuss some of the possible witnesses. Actually, Moro discusses and I barely pay attention, I'm more interested in seeing if they have the wings.
"They found a pair," says Moro.
How does he know that? The Raven he sent to check hasn't come back yet. I think Moro knows I'm not paying attention and tells me I can go get the wings and take them to Jaco. I still don't see anyone coming, but I jump up and run outside and towards the Battleship. Half-way there two Ravens emerge from the ship carrying a box.
"You found some," I say running up to the Ravens.
One of the Ravens motions for me to take his end of the box and then returns to the ship. I help carry the box to the barn.
"Tell your partner to be careful," warns the Raven. "These wings aren't school issued training wings."
We drop the box in the barn, and I run over to Jaco. He is still carving.
"Hey, don't look, it's a present," says Jaco covering the carving with his hands.
"Let me see."
Jaco takes his hands away, and I gasp. The carving is very good.
"It's an eagle," I say. "Are they nice, like the Jackdaws?"
"There is no race of eagles," says Jaco. "They became extinct hundreds of thousands of years ago when the sky fell. But they are coming back, I heard the Eagle, we all did. And when he comes, we will all get our wings back."
Oh, I see, it's a legend. I smile and don't say anything about it, but I highly doubt the Daraians wings are just going to grow back, or that an extinct race is going to appear magically. You might as well say I'm going to grow a tail by tomorrow afternoon, or that cavemen are going to show up flying spaceships.
"I have a present for you too," I say grinning.
"Show me," Jaco jumps up and bounces up and down excitedly.
I walk over to the box and Jaco's jaw drops open; I think he knows there are wings inside. We kneel in front of the box and Jaco lifts the lid. Moro was right; these wings are different from Raven wings.
"These are Jackdaw wings," whispers Jaco.
"Moro says they are different than Raven wings."
"Yea, remember, Jackdaws are the Com-specialists," says Jackdaw. "These wings are a communication relay to increase the range of a Raven Alliance's Com-link, and they are used like a satellite dish to relay a Com-link to ships in orbit. Oh, Hero, how much more in debt did you go?"
I shrug. "What's it matter, we're already in debt up to our wing blades."
I know what wing blades are, I've seen Jaco with his shirt off, and they are a little creepy. Sort of like the way someone with a missing arm is creepy when you see it without their prosthetic arm. Jaco lifts the wings out and opens a panel inside the back of the harness; there is what looks like a bunch of spiders hanging there.
Jaco takes one of the spiders and puts it in his mouth, and I watch in horror as it crawls down his throat. He takes another spider and puts it next to his ear, and it crawls inside his ear. Then he takes two more spiders out and looks at me.
"OH NO, NO NO NO," I say.
"Don't be a sissy, it only stings a little right at first," says Jaco holding the spider up to my mouth.
I do it, and the spider crawls in my mouth, it's awful, then I feel a sting and cough once. Jaco doesn't give me a chance to change my mind and holds the other spider to my ear. The one in my ear stings even worse.
"Can you hear me?" whispers Jaco.
I can hear him in my ear.
"Since the wings are a Com-relay, we don't need a Com-center, and nobody else can hear us talking like this. Come on, the sun is setting, it's time," whispers Jaco.
Jaco stands, and I help him slip the wings on over his wing blades. Like I said, it's a little creepy but I've helped him put his wings on before and know what to do. The wings are similar to Raven wings but smaller, and there are streaks of gray in them, and the feathers around Jaco's shoulders are gray and makes it look like he is wearing a scarf. Once the wings are fastened Jaco runs over to one of the barns support beams and scrambles up into the rafters.
"Come on," whispers Jaco on the Com-link in my ear.
I have to use a ladder to climb up into the rafters, it takes some time, but I make it to the top rafter, the view of the farm is nice, then Jaco lifts his head, spreads his wings and begins to sing. His voice is an amazing tenor, and he sings a song about lovers. I give him a wry expression. I know what he is doing, and I don't know how he can change his gender preference so easily, but I just don't think I can.
Other Ravens join the song, and the effect is beautiful. I grew up alone, no one to talk to or Vid-screen movies to watch, it was just me in the fields singing to myself to hold back the loneliness. Jaco doesn't ask me to join the song or make any indication that I should sing. I'm betting they don't think a human can sing. People say I'm timid and shy, and maybe I am, but I know this is the one thing I can do without being shy.
I take a deep breath and then open my mouth and sing. I change their silly love song to a song about brothers, and loyalty and faith, and a bond deeper than any lovers could ever know. The Ravens stop singing and stare at me in shock, and Jaco falls back and rolls around on the rafter beam laughing at me changing the song.
My voice is strong and good, and the pitch is perfect. I have no doubts of this. I know I can sing. Jaco stands and joins my song in harmony and then the other Ravens join my song. Moro appears on the rafter beam opposite of us with a female Raven, now I know which one is his mate. I'm satisfied to see the shock on Moro's face that I can sing as well as a Daraian.
I don't know what happened next, or how it happened. I will never be able to explain it fully, but Jaco started to glow, and a bright light expanded from around him and then past me and shot out in every direction. Then, I'm no longer in the barn. I'm soaring through a sky so blue, so big, so beautiful... I just can't describe it. There are mountains below me for as far as I can see, and trees that must be hundreds of feet tall.
There are others, everywhere, flying through the blue sky; on the ground... so many songs they threaten to overwhelm me. They are all singing different versions of the Lovers Song, but I push on and keep singing my song. I know they could drown me out if they wanted to, but then there is silence, and I know everyone in this world is listening to my song, my song is different than anything they have ever heard. I don't know how I know; I just do.
I look to my side; I have wings; I'm flying, and Jaco is flying near me.
"Darai," whispers Jaco in my ear.
Then the people of this world begin singing again as if they are somehow connected together as one people, thousands of different races, but all one people, and they are all singing my song, the Song of Brothers.
Comments (12)
This kind of image make me feel romantic sensations !!
I've got goose bumps all over from reading this chapter Very powerful and beautiful
J'aime bien les photos en noir et blanc qui nous fond penser à des temps anciens.
Cold chill time! This is beautiful. You have such a way with words and feelings. Brilliant!
Sing it loud my brother... :)
Not only manipulative but greedy - I think some of my relatives must be Daraians. Seriously a very heart warming segment. I just wish our world could raise it's voice as one.
gorgeous! the story, the scene, and your writing. absolutely gorgeous!
Fantastic ending, did not see that coming, but it was fantastic, outstanding work!
Amazing work! Really nicely done!
A magnificent chapter and splendid read! Very well accomplished! Bravo!
real cool