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MarketPlace Showcase Seasonal/Holiday posted on Dec 31, 2014
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Poser, Photoshop --- Happy New Year! Thanks for taking the time to view my work. This year has been rocky to say the least. Our dog's seizure problem got bad enough that we thought we were going to have to put her down. We've had our own serious health problems. Pretty much none of my projects have gone the way I wanted them to. So it's nice to get a final 2014 image out that rendered almost exactly like I wanted it. It uses a whole lot of different materials from my Essential Materials 02 set. For which I'm _still_ working on the manual. In the process of making this manual I've started two whole different _lines_ of prop sets (an Art Nouveau conservatory and a hallway), made some random props (an Art Nouveau planter, an outfit, a window to go on any wall, etc.), and just generally worked my butt off trying to gather and make items to demonstrate all 48 of the materials in EM 02. Yeah, I know that doesn't sound like a lot compared to sets with hundreds of materials, but these aren't hue shifts or minor permutations. Each material has a whole set of parameters that enable you to make a whole range of materials. And I think the only types of materials not included in the set at this point are random mixes. I put some commonly used mixes in there, like Paint, Metal, & Grunge, Satin, Velvet, & Lace, and Satin & Sequins, but there's no wild mixes like, well, the ones I have planned for another set. Lava/plain, metal/SSS (like skin), and other fantastic combinations. I have to master some gradient issues for that, though, and I'm not starting anything new for a long time. 2015 will be all about finishing. I have several projects in mid-stream. I'm not starting one new model, not one new material set, not one new project until those get finished, packaged, and submitted. All lights and materials by me. Oh! And my Rendo store is having a 50% sale ending today as part of the whole Christmas sale thing. Credits: Holiday Nook, Christmas Tree, Ornaments, Oil Lamp, and Millenium Cat by DAZ3D Punkin Millenium Cat Texture by Lyne Old Books by Rick Bridenbaker Sickeningly Tart Tarts by Nightsong

Comments (5)



1:58PM | Wed, 31 December 2014

Good work !! Happy new year to you !!!



4:34PM | Wed, 31 December 2014

That is so cozy and wonderful--I love all the textures, and the Christmas Tree looks better than any tree I have seen so far in Poser! Here's hoping your 2015 is much, much better!



8:23PM | Thu, 01 January 2015

Very cool.



4:00AM | Fri, 02 January 2015

You know of course I'll fight my way to the head of the queue to get your material set the minute is is published!! However, I do understand your taking your time on the manual: materials as sophisticated as these merit a thorough explanation for users to derive the best possible results ... so I'll cool my jets and wait patiently. The image is indeed cozy: the soft colours emit traditional holiday feeling-tones ... very nice!



12:44PM | Fri, 02 January 2015

Great work and a beautiful image. Happy New Year to you and yours!!!!!!!

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