Thu, Dec 19, 12:41 PM CST

Alondra Kicks Back

Poser Pin-ups posted on Feb 18, 2015
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I just wanted to drop by and say hello, and post this image to let everybody know I'm still alive and kicking. Inspired by some of Roxy's recent posts, I put together this little pinup of Alondra, Jenny's (Pixeluna) newest lady. She just wanted to show that even a tough girl can have a soft side! Her outfit is Sweet Heart, also by Jenny. Both are available at RDNA. It's been a rather stressful two or three weeks - hence my spotty commenting and even spottier posting. Things at work have been extremely busy, which is a good thing - and a bad thing. I've basically been running my rear off during the day, and by the time I get home I'm totally exhausted. In addition to that, it seems the upper management levels at our company have nothing better to do than find as many ways as they possibly can to make our job more difficult and frustrating. The emphasis is constantly on "core metrics" which is a fancy management term for "the numbers" or in other words, you're basically judged by a bunch of numbers on a spreadsheet. And they keep track of absolutely everything from the number of calls you do a day to the number of times you go to the bathroom, and if it's number 1 or number 2. Well that may be a little bit of an exaggeration, but not much. Case in point... The last two weeks has been the company wide inventory. Of course during this period, it's nearly impossible to get parts or supplies. So if you need a part for a customer's machine, it takes an act of Congress to get it. And of course, all of us technicians have to inventory every little bit piece that we carry in our car stock - and God help you if you're off by more than a buck or two. Since I inherited the car stock of another technician who is no longer with the company (and, by the way who did a really lousy job of keeping track of his inventory), my inventory has been a headache. I literally have spent the last two weeks trying to figure out where parts went, what calls they got used on, what parts got transferred to other technicians, etc. etc. And, naturally, you know whose fault it was when my inventory was way off. So I've been dealing with that pretty much every night this week. I get to redo my inventory tomorrow morning with my manager, so we'll just have to see what happens. The more I think about it, the more I think I need to retire or at least semi-retire. I'm thinking very strongly about a number of options that I have, including doing some freelance work involving photography and art. I am considering a fairly major purchase sometime in the near future to that end. I'm not going to say what it is just yet, but I will give you a hint... It would be very "Inspire"ing. Anyway before this turns into an even more lengthy epistle, I just want you all to know I am still working on the next page in the Girls From T.N.A. saga, and even though we are over halfway through February, I still plan on having a pinup of the month. I'm taking next Monday off, so I'll have a three day weekend to catch my breath and chill out a bit. If you've read this far I thank you, and I also thank you for stopping by my gallery, and for all your great comments and support. They mean the world to me!

Comments (28)



10:02PM | Wed, 18 February 2015

Great work on this pinup. I assume that this young lady is part of the team, in another part of the world. Re: your real life: I can safely assume that you are close to my age and it sounds like you need to slow down, just a bit before you retire permanently from the world. Good luck my friend



10:12PM | Wed, 18 February 2015

great looking props and she is very captivating



10:23PM | Wed, 18 February 2015

Rod, this is a sensational looking image and you did a fabulous job in showing off the softer side of Jenny's (Pixeluna) newest lady.



10:28PM | Wed, 18 February 2015

Good one! That hair style and color look awfully familiar to me. Unlike the equally lovely Hannah Davis, Alondra has no problem showing all her guns! Take the earliest retirement date that you can reasonably afford. I took an early retirement almost 6 months ago and it was the best move I ever did. In fact I wound up leaving 6 months before even my optimal earliest retirement date because my work was just going south so fast I thought I'd go to work one day and come home and find I was now living in Honduras! The number one concern from people who are close to retiring is about the money. I was one of those people. And yet everyone who retires, as long as they are within say 70% or more of their annual income are totally happy with it. As long as you have lots of things to amuse yourself you'll do fine. And from what I know of you, you have no bounds on things you can do that will keep you well amused. There's even a growing demand for people who can handle your helicopter drone system, from cops to real estate agents. Consider marketing yourself in that field. Yea there are days when I get in a funk about not working and I feel unemployed and not retired. And I do miss my friends at work. But whenever I go back there and see how fucked up their lives are ....well as a good friend of mine says "Roxy, you had a near miss.".... it could be me still suffering for fools. Get out while you still have a life to live.

RodS Online Now!

10:40PM | Wed, 18 February 2015

Indeed - with the recent proposed rulings from the FAA, it looks like it's going to be a lot easier to use a drone to make a buck. The rules are not set in stone yet, but as written now, you only need to get a certification, not a full pilot's license to fly a drone commercially. There are a few other requirements, but they are all sensible and attainable. This is something I am strongly looking into...



10:34PM | Wed, 18 February 2015

Amen to the above post. Don't put off is too short. Start to really enjoy it.



12:57AM | Thu, 19 February 2015

A delightful looking scene! Oh' man, I wish you all the luck of this world, hug's from Luxembourg!!!!



1:39AM | Thu, 19 February 2015

Excellent pin up, well done !



1:51AM | Thu, 19 February 2015

Excellent composition !!!



5:07AM | Thu, 19 February 2015

She's absolutely gorgeous and I love her tattoos also!!! It's an awesome creation my friend ....really AWESOME !!!



5:34AM | Thu, 19 February 2015

Excellent composition, RodS-san! love the asult rifles.



5:55AM | Thu, 19 February 2015

Awesome work my friend.... Ah... that's the life, kick back and relaaaaax!!!!... and I hope you do the same over the weekend... have a good one!



7:16AM | Thu, 19 February 2015

Well it's is an very good render and as for retire It dose not seem to give you the free time it should there is always something else that takes up your time Welcome back and great work



7:22AM | Thu, 19 February 2015

I was just wondering, regarding my last post, if Her Majesty would I don't think so... lol ;-) Super pin up mate, and my compliments to Alondra on her great Tattoo's! Love Tat's! Well done mate Rob



8:51AM | Thu, 19 February 2015

Gorgeous image! I love the color tones. Having the gun that far away is discrete but maybe dangerous. She should have it in the next chair just in case a flock of wild ostriches comes stampeding through the resort. The number crunching, pencil pushing MBA's always come up with ways to make the real producers in a company sweat. Come up with an alternate income and tell them where they can store those parts.



1:58PM | Thu, 19 February 2015

I haven't any more cash than when I retired, some eleven years ago, but I don't need a vast amount nowadays! Retire when you get the chance, if you can afford it, before you reach the stage of being too knackered to enjoy it!



5:02PM | Thu, 19 February 2015

sounds like you got mega stuff going on in your life, Rod. i know the feeling of after work thing, but sounds like you got it alot tougher then i my friend. hope you get some good r&r time in. and appreciate you comments no matter how you word. superb image and inspiration from dear Roxy's work. love her body art and pose bro.



5:31PM | Thu, 19 February 2015

An "act of congress". Surely you jest. Talk about not getting anything done! Ha Ha. I know that feeling that comes when you let the retirement thought in. it's a bit like being a little bit pregnant. It just doesn't work that way. Hope you can spring yourself loose sooner rather than later.



2:52AM | Fri, 20 February 2015

yep bro just make your balance and evaluations the way you want to continue in the future.make sure you get enough "basic"income and know sickness is lurking behind every corner,and we dont want you to end in the dark streets of yeah its a pain and the uppoer echelon assholes need always someone they can hold accountable for the shtacko theyve been doing all along.good luck bro.



8:52AM | Fri, 20 February 2015

Sounds like you should be joining Alondra.. Agree retire when you can afford it. Glad I was a teamster with a pension for my future..Things will work out...



6:52PM | Fri, 20 February 2015

Yep, chilling out sounds like a great idea, Big Bro! I remember you're always the one reminding me to stop and smell the flowers LOL. What a beautiful render of Alondra. Hmmm, she's always prepared (saw that prop on the left) too. Hope you can do some chill-laxing this weekend!



7:46PM | Fri, 20 February 2015

You show her off real nice Rod. She is a stunner. Great scene and nice touch with rifle. Excellent job with the light and render. Yeah work sucks, but I guess I'm stuck for another sixteen years or more. Early retirement seems quite unlikely for me. But I'd say if you can do it, do it! I'm sure you'll be more busy than when you had to work.



8:12PM | Fri, 20 February 2015

Oh yeah Alondra looks amazing relaxing away there in the sun, rifle at her side and Champers in the bucket.. Nice.... Guess it is sounding like retiring is looking to be more and more of an option with so much crap going on at your work. I often wonder why anyone wants to put themselves under this sort of stress and drama for a few lousy bucks while making someone else rich.. Why give ones self so much stress it ends in a heart attack or an early grave. Life is too short for crap, so if you can afford to, find something a little easier and less stressful to do and enjoy what years you have left doing what you love doing. Great work here anyway mate keep them coming, and have a super weekend!



2:58PM | Sat, 21 February 2015

Ah management, they always get in the way. That is one of the reasons that I retired early.... and cuz I could :-) Take care buddy



11:00PM | Sat, 21 February 2015




12:31AM | Sun, 22 February 2015

Very nice image!! Very pretty lady enjoying the sun.....I really like her tattoos! Nice job Steve!



7:48PM | Sun, 22 February 2015




4:42AM | Mon, 23 February 2015

Looks like it's "Miller Time" :) Take it easy bro!!



7:35PM | Wed, 25 February 2015

With a weapon at hand, easier to kick back ! Well done Rod.

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