Special notes: I didn't start this story with an outline, I've just been writing. I have kept notes as I go (included below) The cast on this story is pretty big and I've been splitting it usually into three parts. I wasn't doing that out of any particular writing technique, just an idea of how not to get bored. We are up to chapter 30 now, the point where I'm usually bored and move on. But because of the way I split the story into so many parts, I haven't gotten bored this time. I can continue this for awhile. I have several specific goals, you might have missed many of the clues I've been dropping, but I've been doing a setup for a whole new story.
The story 'ends' when Jaco and Keal die of old age. I'm filling in everything that happens up to that point right now. Which can be a lot. But, there is another story, with all brand new characters in a brand new world that picks up after the end of the story as you know it.
Anyway, I'm tossing my notes up for your amusement. If you're bored with the story, let me know. I could easily wrap it up and just move on to something new.
Oh yea, and one last note. My big goal is to write one million words. I picked up some advise from my favorite author. She said you have to write one million words before you're even ready to begin.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
Moeth and Raen, 22 years old now
Gini and Clap, Lord Clapper's son, Laundry Soap
Vel and Ring, the drug addicts, Ring raises hawks, expert fighters, but has problem with authority
Teal and Willet, mechanical geniuses,
Mergan and Kit, medics
Peli and Vas, stone cold killers, but with a sense of honor
Avocet and Sander, the hiders, anti-social, stays to themselves
Aliaen and Caedon, the orphans the goddess chose
Rip and Tear, the half-Demonians, no tails
Kata and Cala, the hatchlings, not part of the Moeth stories, new characters, the acolytus.
Pesa, a sparrow, entering first year at the Sparrow Academy
The White Raven
Cassie and Cody, Herald and the Eagle
Weston, Marshal General
*The Raven Prophecy, Corvus Mallori, Little Raven*
"The least among us shall become the greatest among us."
More Characters:
The White Raven (will never have a name, only a title)
Pesa- Sparrow (papa and mama, no names) Host S74
Kata- Raven, First Egg
Cala- Raven, First Egg
The Malai Alliance and the Tolin Alliance
Raven High Priestess
Eagle High Priestess
The Seamstress
Cass, Lord Cassoway
Strut, Lord Struthio
Cody, Codae
Cassi, Cassae
Gunslinger Michael (Lone Gunslinger adjutant)
Gunslinger Lenya (Lone Gunslinger bounty hunter)
Master Savage (Demonia Metal Works Foreman)
Daeger (building up to be master villain)
Prince Hawk
Prince Sparrow
Lord Hawk
Lord Sparrow
Lord Raven
Lady Raven
Lady Clapper
Saeker and Makae (Gaevin’s farm hands)
Mulae Farael Battle Carrier
Chapter 1,
Part a: Intro to The White Raven, tie-ins to previous stories, female Raven, set goal…search for eagle
Part b: Intro to Pesa, female Sparow. Set goal…attend Sparrow Academy
[Moeth and Raen are 22 years old. Their Alliance is assigned at the airfield, Customs Orbit Patrol].
Chapter 2,
Part a: The White Raven is getting ready to leave, two hatchlings want to go with her
Part b: Pesa, Pod 14 is ejected, it is the pod Keal will run into in several years
Part c: The White Raven leaves on her journey to find the Eagle, takes the hatchlings, arrives at the seamstress.
Chapter 3,
Part a: intro of moeth alliance, make it fun
Part b: Pesa goes into to take the test, starts test, she's in trouble
Part c: Moeth alliance rescues White Raven, Big Bird., she's in Dart ship with Gini and Clap on the way to the 'cabins'
Chapter 4,
Part a: Pesa in the test room, beware the pen, the leather scarf
Part b: White Raven is taken to the 'cabins', a compound on House Clapper land of Raen's orphans
Part c: Intro Jaco arriving on a cargo liner at Raunu arriving, meets Pesa.
Chapter 5,
Part a: Intro Cody, the Eagle, being left on the corner
Part b: White Raven meets Cassie
Part c: Cody and Cassie on the corner
Chapter 6,
Part a: White Raven learns, sore from building, new seed
Part b: Jaco does the long run, sneaks on the Lone Gunslinger Base, finds a hide-out, uses his tablet to send a message to Pesa
Part c: Pesa, on the way to Darai, gets a message
Chapter 7,
Part a: Cody escapes a terrible fate
Part b: Vas teaches the White Raven a better prophecy
Part c: Gunslinger Michael finds a very sick Jackdaw
Chapter 8,
Part a: Raen, Moeth, Clap, Gini, Ring, Vel, Rip, Tear; salvage a med-ship, play with a nuke
Part b: Pesa arrives at the academy, meets up with Tonae
Part c: Cody joins a gang
Off stage: Jaco is sick, White Raven is at the Cabins, Kata and Cala are with the White Raven, Hero just completed the Long Run, Wes is heading to Raunu
Chapter 9,
Part a: Jaco wakes up
Part b: White Raven clashes with Lady Clapper, Vas becomes a General
Part c: Raen learns the truth about Demonia
Chapter 10
Part a: Kata and Cala try to poison the Hawk Priestess, the Eagle High Priestess is appointed
Part b: Cody is adopted by an ex war bird, now farmer, who knows Cody is the Eagle
Part c: Pesa sends a letter to Jaco
Chapter 11 (Red Feather, part I)
Part a: Vas prepares House Eagle for battle, Red Feather, Vas is 1st wave
Part b: Cody gets a father, goes with Gaevin on the Red Feather, 5th wave
Part c: Pesa finds herself aboard a Battle Cruiser, 2nd wave
Chapter 12 (Red Feather, part II)
Part a2: Ground Defense (cala and kata)
Part a1: Evacuation Fleet (white raven)
Part a: 5th Wave (Cody and Gaevin)
Part b: 2nd Wave (Pesa)
Part c: 1st Wave (Vas)
Part d: Invading Fleet (Raen and Moeth… and Lord Struthio)
Just a note: The above story went over-board with the Australian accent. I had a feeling the Internet references were for crap, so I went and watched every episode of Australia’s Got Talent, The Voice - Australia, and X-Factor Australia. I’m going to tone down the accent to what I heard the average Australian using.
Chapter 13 (Red Feather, Rescue)
Part a: Blaze and Lord Struthio
Part b: Pesa and the 2nd Wave
Part c: Cody and Zan
Chapter 14 (Recall)
Part a: White Raven is humbled
Part b: Zan and Cody best friends, a secret revealed
Part c: Jaco the consort
Chapter 15
Part a: Pesa and Host 74 remains aboard the Carrier, headed to combat
Part b: Cala and Kata are hereos
Part c: Raen and Lord Struthio return
Chapter 16
Part a: Cody and Zan, Zam arrives, is a brat
Part b: High Priestess in the hospital
Part c: General Vas and moving day
Chapter 17
Part a: Jaco is Hero’s prisoner (Jaco’s confused)
Part b: Arrival of House Eagle
Part c: The White Raven and Cala/Kata
Chapter 18
Part a: Pesa, sex toys, and Jaco the spy
Part b: Cody has a convo with Zam
Part c: Eagle Goddess appears, Ring gets kidnapped
Chapter 19
Part a: Ring and the Goddess, the seed
Part b: Cody lands with the Demonians
Part c: Gaevin accidentally takes Cody to house eagle
Chapter 20
Part a: Cala and Kata injuries are healed, begin to wake
Part b: Ring and confusion, a cattle drive is planned
Part c: Mergan discovers Cody
Chapter 21
Part a: Pesa and the cook
Part b: Mergan examines Cody, Rip and crew heads to Cassoway, WRaven returns.
Chapter 22
Part a: House Cassoway is mad
Part b: Jaco and language
Part c: Ring and Vel activate the seed
Chapter 23
Part a: Mergan negotiates with Malice
Part b: Vas and the Raven Temple
Part c: Cattle Drive starts
Chapter 24
Part a: White Raven slaps Kata
Part b: Clap and Master Savage at the Ship Yards
Part c: Rip fights the bull
Chapter 25
Part a: Ring and Vel nearly destroy Darai
Part b1: Moeth, Gini, and the new Tarlocks
Part b2: Moeth and Lady Raven (new sub-plot, Lord Struthio stealing the stealth technology?)
Chapter 26
Part a1: Moeth and Ring argue
Part a2: Moeth reveals nano-virus to the White Raven
Part a3: Prince Falor arrives
Chapter 27
Part a: Pesa and the drill
Part b: Ring and Vel hook up with Mischief
Chapter 28
Part a: Clap the sailor and the fishing poles
Part b: Cody and Daeger
Chapter 29
Part a: Cattle Drive and the rustlers
Chapter 30
Part a:
Part b:
Part c:
Hadean eon
Ungula Staves
New sayings
Cow eating ancestors
Big Bird
House Struthio of the southern island continent
Mulae Farael Battle Carrier
The Aedi, Aedificentium, The Builders, two races, one species, Demonian and Daraian.
Always drink upstream from the herd.
An onion can make people cry; but, there’s never been a vegetable that can make people laugh.
Any cowboy can carry a tune. The trouble comes when he tries to unload it.
Always take a good look at what you’re about to eat. It’s not so important to know what it is, but it’s critical to know what it was.
Don't worry about bitin' off more'n you can chew; your mouth is probably a whole lot bigger'n you think.
Generally, you ain't learnin' nothing when your mouth's a-jawin'.
If you're ridin' ahead of the herd, take a look back every now and then to make sure it's still there with ya.
I took to the life of a cowboy like a horse takes to oats.
If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging.
It's better to keep your mouth shut and look stupid than open it and prove it.
If it doesn't seem to be worth the effort it probably isn't.
Just 'cause trouble comes visiting doesn't mean you have to offer it a place to sit down.
Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier than puttin' it back.
Nature gave us all something to fall back on, and sooner or later we all land flat on it.
The quickest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it back into your pocket
The only good reason to ride a bull is to meet a nurse.
Treat a woman like a racehorse, and she'll never be a nag.
There' are two theories to arguin' with a woman. Neither one works.
When you give a lesson in meanness to a critter or a person, don't be surprised if they learn their lesson.
When you're throwin' your weight around, be ready to have it thrown around by somebody else.
We all got pieces of crazy in us, some bigger pieces than others.
When you’re throwin’ your weight around, be ready to have it thrown around by somebody else.
Don’t squat with your spurs on.
Don't let your yearnings get ahead of your earnings.
Don't dig for water under the outhouse.
Don't go in if you don't know the way out.
Don't mess with something that ain't bothering you.
Never drive black cattle in the dark.
Never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear or a fool from any direction.
Never miss a good chance to shut up.
Never ask how stupid someone is 'cause they'll turn around and show you.
Never ask a barber if you need a haircut.
Never slap a man who’s chewing tobacco.
If you get thrown from a horse, you have to get up and get back on, unless you landed on a cactus; then you have to roll around and scream in pain.
A cowboy is a man with guts and a horse.
If you climb in the saddle, be ready for the ride.
The horse stopped with a jerk-- and the jerk fell off!
When in doubt, let your horse do the thinkin'.
Speak your mind, but ride a fast horse.
Comments (13)
Very interesting outline! love the saying's they are so true. Them spurs are too sharp at times
Keep it going, love your thought process
Love the saying's too, they are so true.Klasse Image;have also so a pocket watch, is from my grandfather.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Marvelous capture my friend !!!
Wonderful image I like it very much !!!
Great outline, loved the quotes!
I love this, especially all the sayings at the end. A lot of wisdom and humor in those lines.
Great outline and fantastic quotes! I thought you were telling 3 stories at once, so more chapters were going to be needed. Thought of that at chapter 28 and hoped you would continue past 30, it's getting really good with Rings work and the cattle drive rustlers and Codaes training! Just keep going until you are tired of it and want to move on to a new story, the way it should be. The fool has spoken, yep as always, I missed a good chance to shut up :)
I read some of the catalog in this image, items for 5, 8 and 17 cents, postage on one was 2 cents, hard to imagine that here in Canada we no longer have pennys, everyting rounds up to a nickel, another great money grab for the banks and government in the way interst works. Probably a Raven scheme, Lol
So this is how you do it, interesting. Planning out the chapters to some extent is probably a good idea, it just doesn't work for me at this current staged, I just write until I feel I've accomplished something. I also like all the research you do, watching Australian tv shows how dedicated you are to wanting it to be as good as you can make it. The quotes were fun to read.
not bored. i vote for more. pray, continue!
this is wonderful work you do.
A wonderful vintage looking image and great details in your outline! Keep up the great work you are doing! Bravo and many fine kudos!
Very interesting!!! x