Sat, Feb 15, 7:47 PM CST

So tired.

DAZ|Studio People posted on Mar 29, 2015
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"Hey hello Jason, longtime no see." "Huh, what? Oh, it is you. Hi." "Well Jason, did you fall asleep here? How are you?" The girls found him sleeping on the couch and they had not seen him in weeks. "It's allright with me, but I'm so tired. I hardly can lift up my camera. Soooo tired, you will not believe me." "See Genna, I told you. He is too old for such a large project." "Maybe you are right Falon. I'm no longer a young man." "Can't you get any help to do the hard labour?" "No, no, besides there is no real hard labour to do. But painting and shifting furniture is in the end very exhausting. I'm not used to that kind of work. Still I like it." "Are you in good health Jason?" "Yes dear, I only had a bad back for over a week. And some bumps against almost anything in the house." "Is the house nearly finished now?" "Oh, no. I'm afraid we are busy for some more months. But we can live a normal life in there. All the nescessary equipment is working. It is only I lost a bit of interest in my artwork, because I can handel only one thing at the time. Today I would give it a try to come over to you girls and make some pictures. Unfortunately you were not here and I decided to wait here on this delightful couch. GRIN. Tell me, how are you?" Genna and Falon looked at each other and then Falon told him to sit down and she started the story. "Bla, bla, bla." See you soon.

Production Credits

Loft Apartment
$22.00 USD 50% Off
$11.00 USD

Comments (18)



3:15PM | Sun, 29 March 2015

Great image, and posing



3:22PM | Sun, 29 March 2015

Marvelous scene and composition... Your work is absolutely AWESOME my friend !!!



3:24PM | Sun, 29 March 2015

Wonderful Scene!!! Great posing and render!!!!



4:45PM | Sun, 29 March 2015

cool scene



5:14PM | Sun, 29 March 2015

Believe me when I say I know exactly how Jason feels. Still I'm glad we got a chance to peep into the going ons back there. I'm glad it's only a bit of hard work that has get he and Gina et al away for so long.



9:36PM | Sun, 29 March 2015

Nice scene!..



12:05AM | Mon, 30 March 2015

C'mon finish the house dude... ;)



2:46AM | Mon, 30 March 2015

Scene very well composed !!!!



4:13AM | Mon, 30 March 2015

excellent depiction of his "exaustion".



4:57AM | Mon, 30 March 2015

Great story and scene, love their poses!



10:18AM | Mon, 30 March 2015

Klasse composition,great story too,like it a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



10:18AM | Mon, 30 March 2015

Very nice & funny looking work!



10:45AM | Mon, 30 March 2015

Take it easy and yes take a nap !



8:02AM | Tue, 31 March 2015

Look like me after 2 pm... my great age perhaps



10:38AM | Wed, 01 April 2015

Yes moving house is exhausting take it slowly and get plenty of rest ! the exhausted pose is really funny I know how you feel!



5:59PM | Thu, 02 April 2015

Take your time, and don't over-do it. It will all come about - and every day, it will feel a little more like home. So rest, and breathe - You are home now. Perhaps the girls will make you a cup of tea to help you refresh. Welcome home.



10:42AM | Fri, 03 April 2015

The posing and expressions, the staging - terrific!


6:10AM | Tue, 30 July 2019

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