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Canals of New Mars: The Trap

Poser Science Fiction posted on Apr 21, 2015
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Eve hung up on JS, and realized she was really tired. "There are at least eight hours before the first exit from the hyperspace," she told the crew. "Call me as soon as we are jumping out, please!" "I'll check it myself." said Han, her bodyguard. Eve greeted them with a smile and withdrew. When she woke up, Eve felt numb, her mouth slurred. "Damn, that's a sleep!" she thought. "When I see my mom I'll give her a good dressing down. Jeez, she made me run across the galaxy like a crazy whirligig." The cozy comfort of the bed was very pleasant; half dozing, Eve realized the trip hadn't been useless at all. She had gained assurance, a greater awareness of her capabilities. Before, she had relied on JS's confidence surrounding him like a force field, but now she had made her way alone in an unknown and unfriendly world. She looked at the clock. "Oh, damn!" The clock said it had passed 36 hours from the first jump. "OMG, why didn't those morons wake me up? JS will get paranoid because I didn't call." She had missed both the first two jumps out of the hyperspace. Eve jumped out of bed and got dressed in a hurry. It was then that she noticed the silence. The ship was mute. There was neither the engine's humming nor the murmur of the people's minds. She gasped: the ship was still and empty! Not a soul there. She felt the adrenaline pumping up her pulse, surging through her blood. Her heart was running and butterflies were dancing inside her stomach. They had landed. "Calm down, Eve!" she thought. Eve began to breathe slowly as she had been taught by JS, her heartbeat went back to normal levels while her mind was exploring the world around her. Nothing. "No, that's it!" she caught the pulse of a continuously changing mental frequency. No. They were two ... three. They were three. "Like in Sco-X1!" Eve thought. She tried to focus but, though her powers were increased, she lacked Vickie's and JS's help to block the Gray jammer. "Think like JS does!" she told herself. JS's answer would be: "Be cool and look for a host brain." Although she had not exercised as JS did, it was easy to find the right subject: a kind of frilled neck lizard. The reptilian brain was quite primitive: anger, hunger, sex and fear. Now the beast was scared by something. In a flash Eve was inside its mind and, through its eyes she saw Badu and two other gunmen standing off the ramp of the Vanguard. Hidden under the ramp were the severed heads of the crew and their mangled bodies dotted the crater's bottom whose purplish edges stood out under a lemon sky. Eve looked for her weapons. Disappeared! She realized that Badu had entered her cabin while she was sleeping and the very thought made her stomach turn. She felt soiled. "How could this happen?" she wondered. Eve took a breath watching her captors: they were relaxed and waiting. One had even brought a stool. She got fragments of their thoughts. They were waiting to watch her face, to see the shock on her face. They had orders, for sure, but this time was theirs and Badu wanted to savor it all. Eve remembered some of JS's stories. He was tight-lipped about his past, and pulling his feelings out of him was like pulling one of his teeth out. She thought the way JS had acted in Nuhrr's hands. She could hear his voice: "Never let them see you're afraid, that you're in trouble! Collect yourself!" Eve dressed in a 'bad girl' style, threw a leather jacket over one shoulder and strutted out stopping on the ramp with a haughty attitude and a smile of contempt. Badu ran a raping look on her and said in a lewd tone taking off his cap with a mockery of a bow: "Good morning, my lady, this way. Your mother is waiting for you." "JS will kill you everyone of you for that!" Eve stated coolly. "I'm looking forward that bastard to showing up." Badu replied stroking the scar on his cheek.

Production Credits

Conquerors Delight
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$8.05 USD

Comments (44)



1:31PM | Tue, 21 April 2015

Thank you to all people who appreciated the previous picture! Thank you for viewing and drop a note if you like! CREDITS: Colm and Traveler /RDNA: Terradome 2; kibarreto: Vanguard, Starhawk; MortemVetus: Thane M4; Xena: Urban Warrior; Xurge3D: Peacemaker, Warmonger; powerage/DAZ: Ghost Agent; V3Digitimes: Ultimate Military Basic; powerage: Plasma Gun; Headkase: Sensible Sgoes 2.0; Little_Dragon: LD Tank Top V4; Mestophales: Coalition AW; Smith Micro Software Inc.: Frilled Neck Lizard



1:40PM | Tue, 21 April 2015

Beautiful Scene, and am addicted to your stores


1:40PM | Tue, 21 April 2015




2:19PM | Tue, 21 April 2015

Outstanding work,both the story and the image are super; love the little lizard,where you found him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



2:21PM | Tue, 21 April 2015

excellent work



2:42PM | Tue, 21 April 2015

beautfiul excellent sci fi



3:03PM | Tue, 21 April 2015

Fantastic decor and superbly staged scene, excellent scifi image!



3:06PM | Tue, 21 April 2015

Superb characters and environment, fantastic scifi image !



4:21PM | Tue, 21 April 2015

A most excellent and eerie chapter, Flavia! Excellent art work!



4:36PM | Tue, 21 April 2015

superbly done scene Flavia :)



5:04PM | Tue, 21 April 2015

Great work !



5:05PM | Tue, 21 April 2015

thrilling story and scene//Steve



5:18PM | Tue, 21 April 2015

Great segment. Loved the idea of looking through the lizard's eyes.



6:48PM | Tue, 21 April 2015

Great pic and interesting twist. I have all the confidence in Eve to take care of herself. I hope. Well done.



9:31PM | Tue, 21 April 2015

superb use of characters and props. your writing skills are very good



9:59PM | Tue, 21 April 2015

Flavia, you did a superb job on this very dramatic chapter in the series.



10:20PM | Tue, 21 April 2015

Excellent work on the image, and now you have me on tender hook over Eve's predicament..



2:19AM | Wed, 22 April 2015

Eve handled them very cool - superb scene!!!



2:50AM | Wed, 22 April 2015

Outstanding scene and dramatic twist in the story - wonderful work Flavia.



2:51AM | Wed, 22 April 2015

Outstanding composition, a fantastic scene and superb story. Excellent work!!



7:01AM | Wed, 22 April 2015

Outstanding scene and fantastic composition... Wonderfully done my friend !



7:41AM | Wed, 22 April 2015

Wonderful looking sci-fi scene, it's very well done!



10:30AM | Wed, 22 April 2015

someones been hanging around the loading deck while it came down??muahahahah squeezy squeezy you are history mate .delicious scene full of bits and pieces.this is art!!!!!



3:38PM | Wed, 22 April 2015

Fabulous work!!!!



6:25PM | Wed, 22 April 2015

Elegant and beautfiful composition



11:43PM | Wed, 22 April 2015

Excellent work



5:51PM | Fri, 24 April 2015

Fantastic illustrative job - and those bloody corpses really got on my nerves :-).



9:57PM | Fri, 24 April 2015

A beautiful image Flavia and I enjoyed your story. JS is going to kick some butts when he catches up with these 3 guys! Una bella immagine Flavia e ho apprezzato la tua storia. JS sta per calciare alcuni mozziconi quando si raggiunge con questi 3 ragazzi!



1:44AM | Sat, 25 April 2015

great scene and characters



5:25AM | Sat, 25 April 2015

amazing view and scifi scene,my friend,excellent work,love the story***


Ken _Gilliland

11:31AM | Sat, 25 April 2015

great work all around

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