Need You Now by ArtistKimberly
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Greetings and Welcome to my Renderosity Bio. Latest update 4/8/2018.
I am Kimberly Kay, There is some interesting facts that I do want to share with the community here. The first thing is that you probably don't know about me is the fact that I really can't fundamentally reader right in real life. But with being that were in 2017. My phone speaks for me for I use my microphone to talk. And I use my computer desktop computer that is to read for me. That would be just one fact interesting unique fact about me that makes me different from I guess the rest of the world. That would be who could read and write fluently.
I am 33. I do also live in Anderson Indiana in the USA. if you have found your way here it is because you're interested in finding out more about me & My artwork... and for that I greatly appreciate that, now though where to start well I've probably been doing 3d art since the early 2000 I joined Renderosity I think in 2005.
Every since I was a little kid I was always able to pick up a pen or pencil and sketch and draw pretty much anything that come to my mind. However I always more enjoy drawing the intricateness of Angels... like And the human form the face and its many expressions And the fabrics how they move and flow and blow in the wind and individual feathers its just always been something I've been able to just pick up and do. As far as past art experience goes. I've played in oil paints and watercolor paintings... I did submit several of My pieces into The Children's Museum when I was younger. So I've always had a love for all the arts... I was good and sculpting things out of clay and I always love playing with dolls... I am a transgendered woman so as a little child my mother wasn't too happy with me playing with dolls. So now that I'm older I just can't get enough of playing with dolls and doing my art and that's why I fell in love with the whole 3d art thing. I probably got my whole 3d start in IMVU. Once I found out about that I wanted to find out more and there I found Daz studios... So there's just a little of the past.
Now I'm more interested in perfecting my skills keeping in the same theme of what I like to do witches trendy modern up-to-date realistic art work trying to get human figures to look as realistic as possible surrounded in opulent environments...
Also thank you so much to all my friends fans and supporters for all the likes the favorites the love and support throughout the years I also welcome any new art friends that love discussing anything to do with the 3d art world you're more than welcome to contact me on facebook there I'm Kimberly Kay.
I have recently found myself here with extra spare time on my hands. I also thoroughly love & enjoying each and every one of these galleries.. I'm now also interested in testing products & new vendors any type of personal advertisement you would like for me to do. you can just send me sitemail here or on Facebook if you'd like me to do an image for You,
I am up for commercial work at this time free of charge of course LOL
However I do not want to do any pornographic material At this time.
Great big giant group hugs to all of you your friend Kimberly,
More to come soon...
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Comments (34)
A_Sunbeam Online Now!
Oh - any time, darling! Splendid creation ...
CosmicWorth Online Now!
Great new artwork
She's nice!
Lovely and peacefully scene. Beautiful character.
I really like the placement the image lines in the frame. Nothing is wrongly crossing or touching. I do the same thing in my images - but I can not see such perfection oftten in the gallery images. Great image!
Wow. outstanding
Klasse work,very beautiful image!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Very nice character & environement! Sweet picture.
nice render
I'll be right there! Very nice character!!
... always so elegant, and the music fits well
Very nice
Another lovely render, your renders always have a photo-shoot look to them =)
Too late, I'm done already... Nice image!!!
eye opening beauty!! not getting e-bots today, having to go through the art pages for who posted..
I think she's talking to her bling... ;) Nice work AK!
Very beautiful work!
Great work! excellent character details and scene.
Very beautiful pose and enchanting expression !!
Beautiful image!
Superb realism !
Very beautiful work.
very Niceeeeeeeee
Superb art work!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Outstandingly done once again and I love lit... Fantastic pose also my friend !!!
Great image! Excellent render! Gorgeous character!