Sat, Dec 21, 7:28 PM CST

A tender behind.

Photography World Events/Social Commentary posted on Sep 12, 2015
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A shot of the train from the road bridge.

Comments (14)



7:01AM | Sat, 12 September 2015

7 rail cars. Good size for the locomotive. I see the platform is the old type where you had to show your ticket to access the platform since most rail cars were not walk through so the conductor couldn't walk through and check tickets while the train was in motion. A left over from the horse drawn coach era. This is a very nice photo showing a lot - platform, buildings, switches, etc.. Keep up the good work! :-)



7:10AM | Sat, 12 September 2015

Stunning capture my friend. God bless.



10:54AM | Sat, 12 September 2015

Super POV Jeff :)



11:08AM | Sat, 12 September 2015

And again a super view and shot, Jeff. It's great to see this old things, and it brings memories back to me to stories my father told me, as he for a while was a driver on such a kind of train.



11:48AM | Sat, 12 September 2015

Awesome Capture!!!



1:51PM | Sat, 12 September 2015

Excellent shot with a lot of details Jeff. It's really interesting to explore them all.



2:07PM | Sat, 12 September 2015

Such a lot to see!



3:20PM | Sat, 12 September 2015

That station looks so cosy and idyllic, Jeff. NO NO!! I wont go anywhere. My son is here on vacation the next 2 weeks and he and my hubby are also using the internet, so I might be in and out RR these weeks. It is so frustrating, to sit for "ages" and wait for a picture to show up, so I go and do something else til there is just a little more bandwidth :)



5:55PM | Sat, 12 September 2015

A tender behind? Har, har, looks more like an iron butt. I'm really liking this glimpse into the past. I've taken trains in Asia and I love riding the rails.



7:41AM | Sun, 13 September 2015

Wonderful capture !!!



8:01AM | Sun, 13 September 2015

Wonderful shot and more cars than I expected. My husband was a machinist, he would have loved examining this in detail!



8:08AM | Sun, 13 September 2015

very catchy title Jeff. I like your humor



5:18PM | Sun, 13 September 2015

Must find the time to ride the train.



8:33PM | Mon, 14 September 2015

You got a great view from up there! So much to see...what a wonderful shot!

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