I am a reasonably experienced CG artist. It's taken me a while to accept I have moved on from total neophyte, but after four years I'm getting the hang of this 3D malarkey. I like to use CGI to explore my love of SF and Fantasy, not to mention Film Noir but am also interested in glamour and pin-up art. I am happy to undertake commissioned artwork so if you are interested, by all means let me know. Prices start at around $40 for a single image.
If you enjoy my work, please take the time to give it a "thumbs up," thank you.
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Comments (6)
Very well composed scene and fine poses !!
AmyLBone Online Now!
Thank you very much.
Stunning Work!!
AmyLBone Online Now!
Thanks. I couldn't have done it without you.
AmyLBone Online Now!
I'm glad you like it. I notice you are branching into Poser friendly products in your store. I think I'll have to make some purchases when next I get paid.
It is very beautiful!
AmyLBone Online Now!
Thank you so much.
Great Sci-Fi image....nice work.
AmyLBone Online Now!
Great scene and poses.
AmyLBone Online Now!