Thu, Dec 19, 1:19 PM CST


Poser (none) posted on Nov 11, 2002
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I planned for all of this to be done in Poser, but annoyingly I couldn't work out how to do the 'glass bending' trick that the alien girl is doing to demonstrate telekientic abilities. As such I had to move the whole thing into Vue for the Render, which then took 48 hours... Oh well, hope it was worth it.

Comments (7)



1:40PM | Mon, 11 November 2002

Very Original!! Great picture !!



2:18PM | Mon, 11 November 2002

Pretty darned cool!...your nerdy scientist looks impressed too. Nice job.


3:54PM | Mon, 11 November 2002

Excellent idea. I love the effect on the glass & the alien girls expression.


4:26PM | Mon, 11 November 2002

great idea, maybe a bump/trans thing could've produced the sort of effect you are after? :)



5:26PM | Mon, 11 November 2002

Fantastic character and wonderful image really well done all details... bye bye Orietta image


9:07PM | Tue, 12 November 2002

very great camera shoot ;)


6:32AM | Wed, 13 November 2002

It was worth it. I'm left wondering which one is really the specimen. From your explanation of the picture, I would guess it was the alien girl, but just looking at the picture I couldn't tell, and I thought that was cool that I couldn't tell.

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