Wed, Feb 19, 4:51 AM CST

What the hell is that ???

DAZ|Studio Atmosphere/Mood posted on Jan 16, 2018
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Hi There =) ! Thank you for the wonderful wonderful comments and favs and likes on my renders.

Story / Description :

The story continues from the previous render... "What the hell is that ???" I blurted out seeing the hideous and terrifying thing coming at us from inside the tunnel on the other end of the platform. Miho threw her weapon to me and said "Catch" and in a flash was on the other side of the platform to take on the hideous creature head on. The wolf also charged at the creature. I think the creature was a bit taken aback by seeing it being rushed. It was used to people screaming and running the other way for their lives. Miho garbed hold of the creature and started pushing it backwards and at the same time trying to mentally connect with it to calm it down. The creature tried to get a footing with its claws sliding on the floor. It finally found a footing at the base of the pillar and immediately tired to bite Miho. By this time the wolf was also on top of the creature attacking it. But the creature was immune to the wolf's bites as it's skin was too thick. Miho was wary of the creatures tail and correctly guessed when it would use it to attack. She easily countered it and pushed it down to the ground with her feet. I just managed to get to where they were when I saw Miho's face go dark and immediately with her hands on the open jaws of the creature she ripped the jaws apart killing the creature instantly. I had not seen this side of her before. I could see she was sad. She did not like killing any living thing, not even this creature. Though she could talk to all living things, she could not connect with this one... She would have spared its life if she had been able to connect with it and calm it down. But this monstrosity was created in the lab as a pure killing machine and she guessed the creature just did not know anything else other than killing... Miho was furious that such creatures were being manufactured in the lab that posed so much danger to everyone... And that too in a lab underneath a city ! These people were mad. If the creatures got out, it would be a massacre on top. Men, women, children, pets, other animals... nothing would be spared until the whole city was overrun and then the creatures would spread to other places. Whatever she was expecting to find in this lab / base, it definitely was not creatures like this.... She had encountered the evil corporation trying to convert living beings into killing machines and she had shutdown such a lab before... but she did not think they had fully succeeded yet in creating such a creature. How wrong she was she thought. Miho put her hand on the creature's body to bless it's spirit, let out a sad sigh and said to me and the wolf "Let's go and finish this".... The anger in her voice was enough to tell that the people in the lab / base would regret this... I passed Miho her weapon back and the three of us entered the tunnel where the creature came from. Both the wolf and me gave Miho some space as we walked a couple of paces behind her... We were back to scanning for hidden tunnels and at the same time hyper alert to the dangers that seem to lay ahead in the tunnels. But witnessing what had happened, the wolf and I could not stop admiring Miho's strength. Each a bit more secure in the thought that we were safe with Miho there. On our own we would not have survived this encounter. The story will continue from the next render...

About this render :

Boy oh boy, this was fun to do ! I love how I managed to pose Miho, the creature and the wolf on top of the creature. I was thinking about what scene to create to continue the story and the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to do it with a ungodly creature coming at us. I had to unlock a lot of the creatures bones parameter dials specially in its tail to pose it with one leg up the pillar and also pose the tail in a more circular manner otherwise it had a weird 90 degree bend in its tail. I used the Active pose tool of Daz Studio to pose all three and then fine tuned the poses manually. Finally I added a saliva accessory from a TRex set I had to this creature's mouth. Though it did not fit or conform this creature, I think I managed to place it properly by scaling it and moving it around. I did modify Miho's skin shader a bit since the last render to get a slightly better result. I also modified the creature's skin material to make it look more dangerous.and alive The station textures is the same modified ones that I used in my last render.

Update 2018-01-18:

I just re-rendered this and updated it. It is the same render but I was tweaking Miho's skin shader and finally got the same shader to work for both daylights and indoor lighting. This is an update with that updated skin shader being used on Miho. I had also changed the wolf's hair shader yesterday to add a bit more translucency and shine. The last update had made the hair too matt. So using that too here
Hope you all like the render ! Rendered in Daz Studio using the Octane Plugin. No post work done. You may want to view this image in full to see all the details. My previous render - "In we go" 80a4a4de480fca4cbfd80ab5b6fce5ff_thumbnaClick the thumbnail to view it. Enjoy =) ! Rajib

Comments (56)


beachsidelegs Online Now!

11:09AM | Tue, 16 January 2018

Wonderful image my friend :)



11:12AM | Tue, 16 January 2018

Beautiful composition.



11:23AM | Tue, 16 January 2018

Superb action scene Rajib well done!!!



11:25AM | Tue, 16 January 2018

It looks very nice!


A_Sunbeam Online Now!

11:47AM | Tue, 16 January 2018

Splendid creation - and dangerous!



11:51AM | Tue, 16 January 2018

Action and scene are well done. 5++



12:28PM | Tue, 16 January 2018



12:45PM | Tue, 16 January 2018

Well done! Go Miho!!



1:07PM | Tue, 16 January 2018


1:27PM | Tue, 16 January 2018

That's one ugly critter.... (The beast, not Miho... 😁 )



2:48PM | Tue, 16 January 2018

Sexy and deadly.



3:36PM | Tue, 16 January 2018

LOL. The title says it best!

Cool scene, and a nice render. 😃



4:03PM | Tue, 16 January 2018

Fantastic action scene and characters!



4:22PM | Tue, 16 January 2018

I thought a future handbag, but i'm wrong. ;-) Nice one.


4:50PM | Tue, 16 January 2018

Fabulous scene and story! Excellent work!



8:06PM | Tue, 16 January 2018

Very cool!!



8:58PM | Tue, 16 January 2018

Great action scene and great description


10:21PM | Tue, 16 January 2018

very nice



10:28PM | Tue, 16 January 2018

That's definitely one heck of a girl! Just looking at the muscle structure in her lower leg, you know this isn't a lady to underestimate. When she gets done here, we need to send her to have a little talk with Little Rocket Man...

Absolutely awesome render, my friend!



10:47PM | Tue, 16 January 2018

Wonderful image.



11:21PM | Tue, 16 January 2018

Fantastic Work,



2:07AM | Wed, 17 January 2018

Yikes! Very nicely done,.



2:37AM | Wed, 17 January 2018

Awesome posing and fantastic action!!! Your texture work is spot on!!! 👍



5:06AM | Wed, 17 January 2018

Great image! Very well done composition and posing.



5:51AM | Wed, 17 January 2018

fantastic scene!!



6:07AM | Wed, 17 January 2018

Wickedly cool!!!... love the action you made here... bravo!



9:27AM | Wed, 17 January 2018

Fantastic scene, great work!



9:31AM | Wed, 17 January 2018

Fantastic job!!



9:31AM | Wed, 17 January 2018

Excellent render and a lovely use of shaders my friend.



11:06AM | Wed, 17 January 2018

Hold that pose! I gotta check the past tense on double decker danger!

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