Thu, Feb 13, 9:39 AM CST

Inside the underground base...

DAZ|Studio Atmosphere/Mood posted on Jan 29, 2018
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Hi There =) ! Thank you for the wonderful wonderful comments and favs and likes on my renders.

Description :

The story continues from “What the hell is that ???”... We walked for another 13 minutes scanning the walls of the tunnel for a hidden entrance before we found a camouflaged ventilation shaft. It was very well hidden and without the scanner we would not have noticed it. Miho checked for bobby traps and intrusion detection sensors and disabled those in a way that it still appeared to work normally but they basically did not trigger. Then she got in followed by the wolf and then me. It was a tight fit and no way to turn back. We clawed our way for what seemed hours but actually was just around 10 minutes. Finally we reached the end and found a metal grill blocking our way. Slowly Miho unscrewed it and we found ourselves high up in a huge underground hall. There was a wall to wall crane right below us and Miho stepped out onto one of the beams of the crane. She walked to the center of the crane and crouched down looking at the scene below. It was a busy hive of activities. No one had noticed her walking up on the crane beam. The wolf also climbed out on to the beam and walked over and crouched down next to Miho looking at the scene below. I looked down and immediately regretted doing so. I suffered from vertigo and looking at Miho and the wolf perched so high up in a precarious position specially the wolf made it even worse. If the wolf slipped, he was going to fall around 30 feet down. Though I was sure Miho would catch him given her reflexes but it made be sick in the stomach. Those two were really sure footed. Looking at the two of them I did not think they were even concerned as to where they were. I slowly crawled on to the beam and made my way to the center on all four. Had to force myself not to look down. Miho was studying the scene below. There were many high tech containers containing the same creature she had killed on the platform. These looked like they were still young. Not fully grow to what we had encountered. We had seen similar containers before in another base of the evil corporation that we had destroyed. There were many guards here and also technicians and other people presumably some kind of scientists walking around. At one end of the huge hall there where 6 tunnels going somewhere. There were massive gates at the tunnel entrance that seem to be there to protect this area from whatever were on the other end of the tunnels or maybe it was the other way around. In either case what lay beyond those tunnels looked interesting. Miho pointed to the men in the yellow hazard suits with masks. She whispered if we could find some of those it will be easy getting past the guards as the guards did not seem to check who were in the hazard suits with masks. We could probably take the wolf in one of those barrels that seem to be on the vehicles they were driving. She then whispered to me and the wolf to hang tight while she went and got me and herself those hazard suits. It was less than a minute when she was back with 2 suits and told us that she had commandeered a vehicle by rendering its occupant unconscious and that we were taking the 3rd tunnel which went to the heart of this base. She had found one of their computer terminals and had hacked into it to see the layout of this underground base. We walked backed (I crawled back) on the beam to the side of the ventilation vent we had entered the facilities through. Then she guided us to a dark corner from which we could get down to the floor unnoticed. Miho put one arm around the wolf and climbed down to the floor while holding the wolf. I carried all our equipments. I got down besides her. We then got into the hazard suits and put the wolf in one of the barrels and the equipments in the other. So far things had gone without a hitch except for our encounter with the creature on the platform. Finally we got into the vehicle and drove into the 3rd tunnel waving at the guards who did not even bother to look at us.... So much for their heightened security... What was on Miho’s mind as we drove into the tunnel was the sheer scale of this place.... Shutting it down was not going to be that simple... The story will continue with the next render....

About this render :

This scene took a fair bit of time time to create. Have been on it since my last upload. In fact got so engrossed in creating it that whatever free time I found, I spent on building the scene. Hence my absence from Renderosity and no comments by me for the past couple of days on any of your uploads.... This time to continue the story I wanted to create a huge underground base with the base extending beyond just the underground hall (hence I placed the tunnels at the bottom far side to visually extend the underground base size). As I added more elements / characters to the scene, I re-positioned the scene more and more and stopped and started the render countless times adjusting some element or the other. Had to have the scene look good and at the same time have focus on Miho. It took me time to just come up with this scene and the POV of her perched on the beams with the wolf looking down. Lighting this scene was rewarding, I love how Octane rendered this scene. Though the scene lighting looked good, I had to put some invisible reflector around Miho to reflect the scene light on her otherwise she was in relative darkness. I am happy that my last tweak of Miho’s skin material for the “Am I real ?” render worked very well this time under this lighting. Did not have to do any more tweaks on it. I used cyan colors lights to match the original light texture color. It always give the scene an interesting look. I am using a bit of bloom and glare to make the lighting more visually appealing. I did lighten the walls and roof a bit so that the lights reflected more and Miho and the wolf were clearly visible against it. To light the markings on the glass part of the creature container, I used the same technique as before to create a masking of the marks and added a double sided light emitter to it. All of these were done within the Octane material editor. I tweaked most of the surfaces to make them look better. Again on this scene, I used props from many different sets to create the scene. The hall is from one set, the tunnels (bottom far side) are from another set. The sci-fi tanks, vehicles are from different sets. Main props / sets used : Sci Fi Hangar (@ D) Sci Fi Corridor B (@ D) Sci-fi Lab (@ D)
Hope you all like the render ! Rendered in Daz Studio using the Octane Plugin. No post work done. You must see this in full size. My previous render - "Am I real ?" 511f5fd2415a171e8da4220ed9a46410_thumbnaClick the thumbnail to view it. Enjoy =) ! Rajib

Comments (64)



11:28AM | Mon, 29 January 2018

Nice work..Well done



11:31AM | Mon, 29 January 2018

Really nice work ! ! !



11:36AM | Mon, 29 January 2018

One of your best! Love the extreme details and colors. 10++



11:54AM | Mon, 29 January 2018

Incredible production Rajib your attention to POV and lighting is one helluva job my friend its been a pleasure to visit well done!!!



12:13PM | Mon, 29 January 2018

Uma primorosa obra, entre texto e arte assim como uma fantástica iluminação, aplausos (5)



12:33PM | Mon, 29 January 2018

Love the POV and lighting a wonderful image my friend :)



12:39PM | Mon, 29 January 2018


12:54PM | Mon, 29 January 2018

very detailed scene and a great pose. imaginative writing


radioham Online Now!

1:09PM | Mon, 29 January 2018

Great work loads of detail



1:25PM | Mon, 29 January 2018




1:33PM | Mon, 29 January 2018

Beautiful as always!



2:16PM | Mon, 29 January 2018

I have to say this came out Awesome!!!.... great image of her looking from above!... I may have to come up with a scene like this in the future!.... super work, can't wait to see what's next!



2:28PM | Mon, 29 January 2018

Fantastic pov and stunning lighting marvellous scene



2:46PM | Mon, 29 January 2018

fabulous scene, both written and the image. I don't suffer from vertigo but I do have a healthy respect for heights



3:30PM | Mon, 29 January 2018


3:48PM | Mon, 29 January 2018

Awesome scene!


4:09PM | Mon, 29 January 2018

Wonderful scene and great storytelling! Excellent work!


RRun Online Now!

5:09PM | Mon, 29 January 2018

Like the perspective.



9:23PM | Mon, 29 January 2018

very cool!



9:27PM | Mon, 29 January 2018

Excellent work!😃



10:13PM | Mon, 29 January 2018




11:55PM | Mon, 29 January 2018

Absolutely formidable artwork !!Really a nice composition and well executed...LUV this part of your story..Umm what will Miho do.Cheers ☕🙂



1:00AM | Tue, 30 January 2018

Outstanding scene construction and I love how the lighting color creates the perfect mood for this scene. Beautiful pose and POV - Bravo!!!



1:14AM | Tue, 30 January 2018

wow,wow,wow,instant favorite.incredible base.


starship64 Online Now!

1:52AM | Tue, 30 January 2018

Fantastic work.



2:25AM | Tue, 30 January 2018

great work!



2:40AM | Tue, 30 January 2018


7:35AM | Tue, 30 January 2018

Excellent complex scene !



9:16AM | Tue, 30 January 2018

great image and lighting and great info from you too. Very interesting



9:37AM | Tue, 30 January 2018

Beautiful composition. Nice lighting.

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