Mon, Feb 17, 12:29 PM CST

The first one to talk gets to...

DAZ|Studio Atmosphere/Mood posted on Feb 06, 2018
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Hi There =) ! Thank you for the wonderful wonderful comments and favs and likes on my renders. Btw. I will get to your renders for the past 2 days ASAP. Been a bit too busy and engrossed creating and rendering this scene to login and comment.

Story / Description :

The story continues from the previous render... All the non security staff were holed up in rooms guarded by the security guards across the underground complex. None of them knew what was going on. All the rooms had gotten hush and quiet.... They did not know what to expect... The head of security got to the head of the base and asked him to put on a hazard suit to hide his identity from whoever where the attackers. They had forced some junior staff to pretend that he was in charge of this base. They had threatened him with harm if he did not do so. But in their hast to take the head of the base away from the main office area and move him to another part of the underground base, they forgot to switch the computer records for the trackers each and everyone of them had embedded in their arms including the head of the base. Actually it would not have mattered either way as Miho had locked everyone out of the system. The security head took 3 of his best men with him to protect the head of the base. The evil corporation had made it very clear to him that he would loose his head literally if any harm came to the head of this base. He was a very important person for the evil corporation. Miho had just dispatched another 6 guards in the server room. After being certain there were no more, she logged into another console. She noticed the tracker / location program and started it. It showed most were holed up in rooms across the base. But there were 5 moving across another part of the base. She pulled up the tracker info and smiled, she had located the head of the base and the head of security. They were going to pay. Miho asked me to release one of the creature container and direct the creature by opening and closing the required doors into a location she pointed to on the screen. It was were the head of the base with his security team were. She said she is going to go first and I and the wolf should join her once I had gotten the creature to that location. I wondered what Miho was up to. Miho made quick time and got to the location where the head of the base and the security team was hiding. Seeing Miho the whole group tried to climb to another level so that they could shut the door behind them. 2 of the guards tried to shoot Miho. But Miho was simply too fast for them. Before they could press the trigger Miho leapt from the walkway to the hanging staircase in the center of the room and put down the 2 trying to shoot her and the other security guard too. That left head of the base and head of security. The head of security stumbled had dropped his gun as he had not seen anyone ever move as fast as Miho had. His men were hardened mercenaries who had killed hundreds and a lot of them with their bare hands. He himself had killed hundreds. People were afraid of him and his men. But his girl whom he towered over and knocked all three of them flat before he even had finished blinking his eyes... The head of the base was speechless and tried to take a step back and tripped and fell... He kept muttering I..... I..... I.... I.... Suddenly Miho smelled the same peculiar smell she had smelled in the station platform where she and the wolf had fought the creature and then there was a thunderous roar and a creature came rushing into the hall below the hanging staircase. This one was more than double the size of the one she had fought and killed but of a different color. Immediately Miho move with incredible speed again and caught the head of the base by his ankle and the head of security by his bulletproof vest and swung them over the railing. Both men screamed at been hung over the railing with the creature below with teeth bared ready to snatch them from mid air. Miho in a quite voice said the first one to talk gets to live.... The head of security always knew he was going to die in a bad way... karma always had sharp bite.... but he never expected to die at the hands of a young woman whom he totally under estimated.... and dying by being torn to pieces by this hideous creature below them they had created here was his worst nightmare.... He continued to scream and asked Miho to pull him up. The head of the base was screaming and crying like a baby... I and the wolf had just gotten to the hall were Miho was via another way and we had come up one level above her. I and the wolf could hear the screaming, the crying and the thunderous roar of the creature all at the same time. As I reached the railing and looked at the scene below me, Miho turned her head up and looked up at me and smiled.... She was enjoying this... I could not believe how calm she looked holding the 2 guys like that. I knew Miho was extremely strong and I had seen her hold another guy by his ankle before. But still it never failed to surprise me to see how strong she really was. I noticed the 3 others on the staircase... Well, knowing Miho I knew they did not know what hit them. Miho asked me and the wolf to come to her and she turned her attention to the 2 men she was holding. Miho lowered both of them a bit more and repeated that the first one to talk would get to live.... The creature below tried to jump and grab the 2 men. The head of the base scream he would tell her everything if only she would pull him up... Miho pulled both of them up and as she put down the head of the base, she jabbed her finger into the head of security's neck and he crumpled to the staircase landing as a sack of potato. Miho turned to the head of the base and just said "talk".... The look Miho had told the head of base he had no choice but to talk... so he did.... They more we listened, the more horrified and angrier we got at what the evil corporation was up to.... The story will continue with the next render....

About this render :

I finally like how Miho looks under indoor lighting. In fact I hated rendering her in indoor lighting but after working on her skin materials a fair bit more for the last 3 renders including this one, I really like how she looks even under indoor lighting.... Well, I think I will do a lot more indoor scenes going forward. I have avoided them in the past... Again had fun lighting this set. This time I mixed the blue and yellow lighting. Miho and the scene is lit by 4 big down-lights. 2 at the lower level to light the scene below the staircase and 2 to light Miho and the others. I added more light primitives (specially) the blue ones to the scene. I also used hidden reflector placed behind the camera. And well using the lights I made sure that the focus was on Miho even in this busy scene. Final thing was to use ZBrush to create a pressed effect at the ankle area of the hazard suit where Miho is holding the guy by the ankle. I really do love how this came out. And this is not the usual aspect of render I do but to show the upside down guy fully I had to change the aspect ration. One last thing, Artienne had asked if I ever have thought of writing an e-book. Well, actually never. This I do for fun and de-stressing. But who knows maybe one day in the future I might :)...
Hope you all like the render ! Rendered in Daz Studio using the Octane Plugin. No post work done. You definitely want to see this in full size. My previous render - "Unexpected encounter... " d8dfb1fee7f3b788f909b8d044cb558c_thumbnaClick the thumbnail to view it. Enjoy =) ! Rajib

Comments (57)



8:16PM | Tue, 06 February 2018

Super enjoyable new storyline and a fantastic render beautifully done in every way simply superb Rajib I love it!!!



8:29PM | Tue, 06 February 2018

Esplendida estrutura de texto e obra, aplausos (5)



8:32PM | Tue, 06 February 2018

outstanding chapter! Yet again, we get to see the power and control Miho has over all things



8:52PM | Tue, 06 February 2018

great scene, looks like a quick snack for the reptile!



9:57PM | Tue, 06 February 2018

Excellent work! Both storyline and rendering!!!🤩😁😟



10:38PM | Tue, 06 February 2018

Really most incredibly excellent Rajib :)



11:59PM | Tue, 06 February 2018

Fantastic realism and a very cool scene - don't make Miho mad lol The amount of work to create this scene really shows - Bravo!!!



1:08AM | Wed, 07 February 2018
Beautiful 2.jpg


1:46AM | Wed, 07 February 2018

Awesome scene. Looks like it took some time to make with all of the poses. Great job.



1:52AM | Wed, 07 February 2018

Fantastic work.



1:57AM | Wed, 07 February 2018

Beautiful composition. Excellent use of perspective.



3:40AM | Wed, 07 February 2018

Great scene, great story!



3:56AM | Wed, 07 February 2018

Mean Lady! I Like!



4:06AM | Wed, 07 February 2018

very cool!



4:31AM | Wed, 07 February 2018




7:33AM | Wed, 07 February 2018

There's a lot of action going on in this seen she know how to handle hearself.



8:55AM | Wed, 07 February 2018

Wonderful ! 😘



9:05AM | Wed, 07 February 2018

Ripley has nothing on this about woman power...great story and interesting, well-executed scene...



9:48AM | Wed, 07 February 2018

Great image, love the perspective



10:12AM | Wed, 07 February 2018




10:43AM | Wed, 07 February 2018

Back to full lighting, I see. Great sprawling poses.



11:24AM | Wed, 07 February 2018

Very, very nice...Well done:)



11:25AM | Wed, 07 February 2018

amazing scene!



12:10PM | Wed, 07 February 2018

Sorry I'm late. Super story, love the elements and pov in this image.



12:27PM | Wed, 07 February 2018

And boy did he talk!.... so much so that they almost through him down just so he'd shut up!... outstanding scene, and story!!



1:04PM | Wed, 07 February 2018


2:59PM | Wed, 07 February 2018

Wonderful POV and lighting a cool image my friend :)



3:07PM | Wed, 07 February 2018

outstanding poses and composition



3:19PM | Wed, 07 February 2018


5:17PM | Wed, 07 February 2018

Wow, lot of action and great POV

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