Mon, Feb 17, 3:05 PM CST

La psy et le fada

Poser Atmosphere/Mood posted on Feb 08, 2018
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Non, je plaisante, il s’agirait plutôt d’une évocation de la collaboration entre Charlotte Perriand et le Corbusier, notamment pour le mobilier. Cependant, il est vrai, qu’à son apparition La Cité radieuse à Marseille a été qualifiée de « Maison du fada » et que les fauteuils du Corbusier sont très prisés dans les cabinets des psychanalystes. No, I'm kidding, it's more like an evocation of the collaboration between Charlotte Perriand and Le Corbusier, especially for the furniture. However, it is true that its appearance La Cité radieuse in Marseille has been called "Maison du Fada" and that the chairs of Corbusier are very popular in the offices of psychoanalysts. Chais Lounge by mgatch, here in the freestuff section. Thank you for the view and your comments

Comments (4)



3:23AM | Thu, 08 February 2018

P...mais tu as même modélisé la tête du Corbusier???? Je suis encore surpris ( en bien, en très bien même ) par ta créativité!


3:32AM | Thu, 08 February 2018

Merci, merci. Que veux tu, tu m'as redonné le goût de tâter un peu la modélisation : la chaise Zig-zag dans l'image précédente est un de mes essais.


9:51AM | Thu, 08 February 2018

bien vu !



2:52PM | Thu, 08 February 2018

He's blabbing on, and on, and ... and she looks bored, as if she's falling asleep. And just WHO has scribbled allover the wall? Le Corbisuier lui meme? Keep up the good work. :-) Darn, my computer doesn't speak French!


3:12PM | Thu, 08 February 2018

Hi T.Rex. Thank you for your comments.Well, I do not think she is bored, I think she is thinking of the great designs of Le Corbusier. Indeed, the drawings that I have encrusted on the wall like a big dream are of him and comment on his vision of The Radiant City.



6:21PM | Thu, 08 February 2018

Great scene - highly imaginative as usual.

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