Thu, Dec 19, 12:16 PM CST

Oh, dear..

DAZ|Studio Science/Medical posted on Mar 16, 2018
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Oh, dear.. (continued) Ashinay: Rhana?.. Oh, dear - are yur hurt?.. Mattie the Mouse: Yihaw!..No I have one more reasson to love women with long hair.. Millie the Mouse: Try to be a bit serious, bro.. Rhana: ..I was in the train and suddenly I was here..I don't think anything is broken at least.. Mr. Missy the Cat: Hi, Rhana wanna join us in this thrilling adventure?.. Chomper (blue hat): Gorgeous place.. lots of buttons.. I love to push buttons.. Bogrima (black cap, Ashinays helper): You just don't dare to think to push any buttons here.. Ashinay: Hey, where do you find this teleporter, guys?.. Millie: ..At Miwa's father's lab.. Ashinay: Why is the teleporter still active?.. Chomper: ..Eh, I wasn't quite sure which button Mr. Missy pushed so I pushed them all.. Ashinay: If the teleporter randomly teleporting to this ship it will be completely filled in.. Hey! Val!?*1 Get me a link to Miwa*2, right now!.. *1) Val is the computer on the spaceship. *2) Miwa is a super genius young woman from other stories here. Millie: If the teleporter is not deactivated quickly, who will be the next one send to the spaceship?.. Mr. Missy: I hope not one of these political imbecile leaders.. no one named.. (to be continued) Have a nice week end Team Rhanagaz :o) :o) :o) :o)

Comments (6)



7:37PM | Fri, 16 March 2018

Helluva production Johnny beautifully composed lovely storyline well done my friend!!!!



8:12PM | Fri, 16 March 2018




9:39PM | Fri, 16 March 2018

well, now we know why all these people keep showing up. Just hope the machine can be shut down.

great page



10:19AM | Sat, 17 March 2018

Must be a shock to find yourself suddenly somewhere else :o)))))



3:11PM | Sat, 17 March 2018

crazy machine... good job on this chapter and set of scenes.


anitalee Online Now!

4:05PM | Sat, 17 March 2018


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