I enjoy creating artwork in Poser, Photoshop CC, Vue, and DAZ Studio. I also have a passion for photography, and have been actively shooting for many years. I've been using Poser since Version 8, and am also learning my way around DAZ Studio. I've been using Adobe Photoshop since version 4. I also use Vue 10. I frequently use my photos as backgrounds, and composite my 3D figures into them.
I have been creating my web comic / graphic novel "The Girls From T.N.A." since fall of 2009, and have been a member of Renderosity since August 2009. I've made a lot of wonderful friends here, and have been inspired every time I visit!
I will soon have a more complete biography, as I am updating everything. In the meantime, have a look around my gallery!
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Comments (29)
wish I could give this more than 5 stars, because it is worth 10,000 stars. love the title of the magazine Ar is holding. cool work and I look forward to more cool stuff from you and the Girls.
Queen Zlata says Hi!
And a magazine too--this is so awesome, and the textures are gorgeous!!
Schmokin'Hawt image with Ar/G4. They wear outfits so well, love that mag cover Rod. Super work and impressive. As always waiting for the next page in series. Hope them laps are a minor prescription.
Yeah, Vague magazine is much better than Vogue. And the ladies look great.
Fantastic Image,
Awesome mag!... gotta get me one... sweet work.
They are always sexy and well dressed, wonderful image, my friend !
great work my friend
Wow, I like the way you put this together. Including the magazine as a way of putting the clothes and women in twice was very clever, not something many people would have thought of. Love the magazine title too, it made me smile.
Gorgeous! I love the way the outfits look on them and the textures are amazing. I got a giggle out of the magazine title, too.
beachsidelegs Online Now!
Wonderful image my friend they both look great :)
They Are Dressed For Business!
Super render...poses and lighting came out well...nice touch that magazine :)
I more than qualify as being "vague", so I should qualify as poor example.
both are dynamite and quite sensual
Very beautifully done and they are certainly show stoppers with those beautiful new fabrics. Excellent work with the posing and lighting too. I do hope those 'hospital bills' wont be too bad. These computers are expensive things for us all.
Outstanding work here. Love how you tied it all up including the magazine cover! Brilliant concept and execution!
Very fine looking fashionable ladies and a marvelous image! Well done! Bravo!
Stylish but still looking dangerous!!!
Super image!!
Ha! I love the magazine title "VAGUE". I wonder what the folks at Vogue feel about that? Can't wait to see your lap-tops back in running order. How many images can you produce in a day? Seems to be quite a few. Keep up the good work. I love Ar and G4. Now, if my silly brain can only remember the rest of the TNA gal's names that would be great. Keep up the good work. :-)
Like the man said, keep up the good work.
Cool ladies.
awesome image... great lighting
Very nice!!! The gals look terrific!!
A delightful scene with these two Rod. they look so lovely in their outfits.Very creative. Cheers
Back for another...btw, I may do a few fewer images in your gallery, when I return briefly; but that's because I spend an eon on each one! (Your TNA pieces---which is pretty damned sneaky---are actually 4 or 5 images; and there's text and storyline to boot; plus your plethora of background goodies, where I expect to find the secret of atomic fission, or a 400 page essay on particle colliders. I can't comment on those in 2 minutes. You made it impossible to do that, ya little...)
I chose this because I loved it when it went up, and because, having praised your way with clothes and fashion, I thought I'd comment on an image that was overtly about fashion.
I'm lookin' full size now. Lots of fine detail in these clothes. And you chose, and clothed them in great outfits: The blue is eye popping, G4's grayish white is great contrast to that red, Ar's green eyes are great against her black hair and that deep blue, G's hair is great cascading behind her...more of your ace work clothing your women. I read as much of the magazine cover as I could (it's on an angle!) and I like "game of drones," and "how to kick butt," etc. And "Vague" of course. (When I assisted commercial photographers, we used to talk about Vogue, and how to photograph for Vogue, and some the photographers I met hated working for that magazine, even more than spending 6 hours shooting an ice cream sundae for clients who had an opinion on every move he made.) (Sometimes they used mashed potatoes for ice cream, since potatoes don't generally 'melt'. I learned a little of how photographers make potatoes look like ice cream. Quite a lesson in those days...)
Your background has a rich, beautiful theme of reddish brown and slight mocha hues---it's a beautiful background. And the city is just right for a "Vogue" like piece. Your two main laides look sophisticated and classy and, as always, sexy; and your way with fashion comes through loud and clear. I dated a fashion designer years back---which raised a lot of eyebrows as I do NOT cut the figure of a fashionable guy---and I got very sensitive to fashion design. This is terrific stuff, Rod. Though your models always look great in their clothes, this is just another example of it.