Thu, Dec 19, 11:57 AM CST

Nice to meet you..

DAZ|Studio Science Fiction posted on Apr 15, 2018
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Nice to meet you.. (continued) Ashinay: Nice to meet you, Rhana.. I could need your help.. Rhana: Help?.. Doing what.. Ashinay: Helping to closing down "Futura Nostra's" cloning facility.. It's on the fourth planet from this red dwarf star.. Rhana: ..But I'm just a writer not a fighter..Oh, I just used one of these damn cliches I always try to avoid.. Ashinay: ..Two hands, two eyes and a mind will do fine.. Millie the Mouse: Nice to see you , Puppy..No I don't have a ball.. Mattie the Mouse: Yeah, we surely can use someone like you...Want to be a big hero, Puppy?.. Chomper the Robot: Hero?..The only extraordinary I see in this "organic" is his big ears.. Ali the Robot: Not sure what WE can paticipate with in this mission, Chompie.. I just only know a lot of juridical laws.. Chomper: ..And I know no laws.. smile and improvise I always say.. Odo the Robot: This adventure could be good for Teddy's learning process, right Teddy?.. Bogrima, Ashinay's helper robot: ..Hey, Rhana - you are the writer and render artsist here? Then you ought to know what's going on and how to solve this mission?.. A good point or..? (to be continued) Have a wonderful Sunday! The "usual suspects" ! :o) :o) :o) :o)

Comments (10)



12:32PM | Sun, 15 April 2018

Very good



12:53PM | Sun, 15 April 2018

good job on this chapter. I really like the image between the human's legs... very clever.



2:26PM | Sun, 15 April 2018

Nicely work on the write up and render.



3:24PM | Sun, 15 April 2018




5:22PM | Sun, 15 April 2018

Excellent production Johnny well done



6:40PM | Sun, 15 April 2018

breaking through the fourth wall! cool idea



9:16PM | Sun, 15 April 2018




8:36AM | Mon, 16 April 2018

Superb as always.



7:48AM | Mon, 23 April 2018

Very well done looking scenes dear Johnny!!!!!!!




10:27AM | Mon, 23 April 2018

You have to watch that Chomper ... Great crew!

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