Sun, Feb 16, 9:30 PM CST

A bad day for the killer bots...

DAZ|Studio Science Fiction posted on Apr 17, 2018
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Hi There =) ! Thank you for the wonderful wonderful comments and favs and likes on my renders.

Story / Description :

The story continues from the last render.... Even before the big mercenary had turned, Miho was already at the buggy. The killer robots were also very fast. Some tried to attack her from the other side of the buggy. But Miho was too fast for them. She dispatched 2 of them and before they hit the ground she was kicking 2 more and taking care of the big mercenary. She hit him hard enough that the buggy he impacted against lifted of its wheels and toppled over. That pinned down another killer robot that was trying to attack her by jumping over the buggy. Miho looked straight at the killer robot in front of her. There was another one to it's right. She knew they had camera giving live feed to the people inside the underground base. She smiled at them. That look was enough for the people inside to know no matter what she would get in. They were mostly robotic and AI researchers and scientist. None of them knew how to fight and the girl they were seeing on the camera feed was moving far faster than the killer robots who already moved far faster than any human. The camera feeds went dead. The last image they saw was the fist of the girl coming towards them in the monitor. They had been training the killer AI module by making the robots fight with the experts of martial arts and free form fighting styles. The best fighter were kidnapped from underground fight clubs, martial arts schools etc by the Corporation and put into a room with the robots where a team of scientist programmed the fight AI module of the robot to counter the technique of each of the fighter the Corporation had kidnapped and forced to fight. If a fighter refused to fight, the mercenaries shot him / her point blank and after one or two such incidents no one dared say no. But what they did not know was saying yes was also a death sentence. Probably a far worse one where the robots ultimately literally tore limbs off of the them. This had been going on for some time and now the expert fighters could not even last 1 second against the robots. But there were bugs and erratic behaviors by the robots and that is why they had recruited the robotic and AI genius to come and help them to stabilize the killer robot platform before the Corporation started on the mass scale production of them. The scientist looked at monitors and then at each other in disbelief. No way this girl could have destroyed so many of their killer robots on her own and that too in just a few seconds. Someone said they needed to barricade themselves. The lead scientist said to that person did he actually think that will stop someone like the girl they all had just witnessed ? They all shook their head. One asked where was the site in-charge, the lead scientist said he had gone up to do some testing with the new expert who had just joined them which meant probably they were her prisoner too. With a big sigh, the lead scientist said if they are going to survive this, they better surrender to her.There was no getting around that girl they had glimpsed for a few seconds in the monitors... The story will continue form the next render...

About this render :

This one was really fun to do specially posing Miho kicking robotic butt =). Posing all the robots, Miho, the 2 mercenaries took time. I tried to add a feel of "impact" to the buggy and also to the helmet / weapon on its roof (which here are shown being flung) and also to the 2 mercenaries - with one "impacting" against the buggy after being hit by Miho and the other one flung around inside the buggy as he looses his balance. More or less the scene setup is as per my last render. In this instead of using just a plane primitive for the background cliff, I used a 3 side prop to create a cliff wall on 3 sides of the base. The texture here is a high quality Quixel MegaScan rock texture which has been tiled. I also tweaked the robots' texture a bit more from the work I had done on them for my last render as this was a more close up view of them. Btw. Rod, your comment on my last render was so funny :). I burst out laughing reading it ! Good one :D
Hope you all like the render ! Rendered in Daz Studio using the Octane Plugin. No post work done. You may want to see this in full size. My previous render - "Hello Boys..." a5465895937c0254fbb8f13e90d6c9b4_thumbnaClick the thumbnail to view it. Enjoy =) ! Rajib

Comments (60)



8:05AM | Tue, 17 April 2018

The classy-lassy gets nasty with the, err, sparkies? lol. Another great render and scene and lighting and colours etc, rajib :)



8:10AM | Tue, 17 April 2018

These boots are made for KICKING ASS!



8:32AM | Tue, 17 April 2018

Great action!



9:14AM | Tue, 17 April 2018

totally kick-bot scene - one can almost hear the crunch and thud as each one goes down.



9:16AM | Tue, 17 April 2018


smilies 001b.png



9:21AM | Tue, 17 April 2018

Super cool story and creation, very artistic !!



9:30AM | Tue, 17 April 2018

Great work!



10:09AM | Tue, 17 April 2018

To be honest they never really stood a chance did they 😃



10:14AM | Tue, 17 April 2018

Much enjoying this. Great job.



10:25AM | Tue, 17 April 2018

love it



10:27AM | Tue, 17 April 2018

Great complicated action scene.



10:41AM | Tue, 17 April 2018

Fabulous !!! Great dynamic and action , outstanding job ....



10:50AM | Tue, 17 April 2018




11:42AM | Tue, 17 April 2018

Those bots where no match for Miho.... now to find the ones in charge! great story!



12:25PM | Tue, 17 April 2018




1:50PM | Tue, 17 April 2018

Bad day for the killer robots, great day for the camera man. 😁 Terrific image.



3:18PM | Tue, 17 April 2018

Great action!



3:28PM | Tue, 17 April 2018

very nice action posing and situation



4:18PM | Tue, 17 April 2018

Wonderful image my friend :)



4:46PM | Tue, 17 April 2018

Holy crap, there's a lot going on here. She's amazing! 😄

Excellent work, as always.



6:13PM | Tue, 17 April 2018

Great action



7:27PM | Tue, 17 April 2018

Excellent work ! ! ! Great scene ! ! !



11:13PM | Tue, 17 April 2018

The lady kicks ass and looks great doing it.



11:52PM | Tue, 17 April 2018

Great narrative and a very action packed scene!!!



1:46AM | Wed, 18 April 2018

Big smiles here..Dynamic scene - story and image Won-won-wonderfully done!!! Cheers.



1:51AM | Wed, 18 April 2018

Great action scene.



5:41AM | Wed, 18 April 2018

Awesome action scene Rajib well done!!



6:05AM | Wed, 18 April 2018

Nice work



8:46AM | Wed, 18 April 2018

Cool image...a little bit of depth of field to bring out the main character and her close surroundings would've been a good add. Keep it up!



10:41AM | Wed, 18 April 2018

Gorgeous Work Sweetie,

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