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Construction Site 01

Poser Realism posted on Jul 10, 2019
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Took on board some advices from previous images. Thanks. As far as Megascans is concerned. I wanted to put 3d elements in photos that I have taken and also put 2d elements (models I have shot) in 3d scenes. I wanted to do this with minimum equipment, and minimum cost both of time and money. I think I have learned a bit in the process and I hope these images reflect this. So this is a photo I took at construction site that was convenient. I made the image G rated as doing thumbnails is often a chore. So are there glaring problems with the image ?

Comments (4)



8:22PM | Wed, 10 July 2019




11:30PM | Wed, 10 July 2019




5:26PM | Fri, 12 July 2019

Stunning outfit and character, but still not quite there, so my only critique are theses, loads of light in this scene, but she's not casting a shadow.....apart from the hand and where she's sitting....? even the excavator arm and bucket in the background cast a shadow on the mud sure she would also.....on the roller....even very faintly and her hair seems overly gloss for the my opinion



10:29AM | Sat, 13 July 2019

I second what Darkglass said. To me the hair and she is also lit too brightly compared to the rest of the scene. Also the contrast between the 2 elements - her and the background photo is too much. She pops whereas the rest of the scene is faded. Also she should probably reflect on the window of the roller. If you are going to put a glass or window near your subject got to remember to make them reflect in them.

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