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Poser Mythology posted on Jul 14, 2019
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Trying out Dodger's "Anubis" figure, depicting a scene that is, at least in spirit, keeping with his attributes within the ancient Egyptian pantheon, the preservation of the dead through mummification. One of the better known stories how he used "treated" fabric strips to bind the various body parts of Osirus whom the god Set had murdered and dismembered, thus explaining the beginnings of the practice, well, their "mythical" origins, anyway. Mural paintings and carved reliefs of Anubis normally depict him preparing recently deceased royalty or performing the "Opening of the Mouth" ceremony after the body has been mummified. All very somber and regal stuff. But funny enough, paintings of Anubis have been found exhibiting a n erect penis as long as his torso! For self evident reasons, museums that were curated by "western" patrons of a somewhat puritanical mindset did not openly display illustrations of that nature. And we are constantly finding new artifacts. Who knows what other activities may be revealed upon yet to be discovered murals? This is a "stand-alone" figure needing nothing beyond the render suite to depict it. As such it's not bogged down with dozens or hundreds of unneeded morphs. Okay, I admit a couple of dials to either "muscle up" the body or emaciate it would have been nice, but what's available for the the head makes up for that, including an extra "character" morph. Dodger's Anubis can be turned into Set, the god of chaos (not outright "evil" as defined in western culture). Until Dodger released this figure, there has not been a Set available for Poser or DAZ Studio. I once tried tweaking Kemp Sparky's Anubis morph for M4 into the nemesis of Osirus, Horus and Ra, but with sadly mediocre results. Dodger's "secret" morph is pretty much spot on, giving the figure the curiously squared off ears and downturned Tapir like muzzle. For the Doctor Who fans out there, by tilting back the neck 30 degrees and the head forward 60 degrees, use the ear dials to position them vertical and finally add a green glow to the eyes, he becomes Sutekh from "The Pyramids of Mars", one of the few villains who made the 4th Doctor openly scream in agony. If that extra feature had been noted in the product description, I would have bought it on the spot, without hesitation!

Comments (7)



5:17PM | Sun, 14 July 2019

Dramatic fantasy scene.


6:12PM | Sun, 14 July 2019

I toyed with camera angles, lighting and posture for quite some time. I finally achieved those to my satisfaction, but the region behind the head of Anubis was quite dark, causing his features to "blend" into obscurity. Finally, I positioned a series of nested spheres with a flaming aura type procedural behind him. Since Anubis is a diety, a quasi "halo" effect would not be out of place and that helped to contrast him from the background.





7:24PM | Sun, 14 July 2019

Where does one download the free Anubus figure from?



11:39PM | Sun, 14 July 2019

Dramatic indeed. Nice POV and very well lit. The lighting adds to the atmosphere / drama.


4:59AM | Mon, 15 July 2019

I'm a big fan of "point" lights when it comes to "interior" lighting and I'm constantly tweaking the "ending" distance" to achieve the effect I what. Many sessions I experiment with lighting far longer than i do the staging and posing.





12:50AM | Mon, 15 July 2019

..great scene and excellent lightning and postwork


4:53AM | Mon, 15 July 2019

Here's the irony; I did not apply any "filters" or "brushes" with an image editor like PhotoShop, PaintShop, Gimp or whatever. That's all "in render". Oh, I have nothing against "postwork", but as a personal challenge, I try to achieve what I want within the render suite alone. Those "auras" are sphere "primitives" using transparency and ambient channels and resude within the workspace.





8:50AM | Fri, 02 August 2019

Nice image Bill. Gotta love Dodger! 😉


7:13PM | Sun, 04 August 2019

One thing is for certain; he's never been one to "give into 'the system'."





4:58PM | Thu, 27 February 2020

really well done with the light behind him


8:57AM | Thu, 19 March 2020

I love mucking about with different lighting schemes. I can lose hours doing that alone.





3:50AM | Thu, 19 March 2020

Superb and fascinating artwork


9:03AM | Thu, 19 March 2020

Meh, "superb" is subjective, but I appreciate the sentiment. As for "fascinating", I've long been intrigued by the design esthetics of Egyptian culture. It likely started when I experienced a theatrical re-release of "The Ten Commandments" (the version with Heston and Brynner) in the early 1970s.



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