Sun, Feb 23, 6:08 PM CST

Message to our spoiled Kids

DAZ|Studio Atmosphere/Mood posted on Sep 27, 2019
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This Image was inspired by the Cobalt mining for phones (done with the Kids4 and Daz-Studo) + PhotoDonut. - How you could be holding a product of child labour!?! Many thank's for looking & comment! Slight Info: Electric cars are currently almost exclusively equipped with lithium-ion batteries. Besides lithium, cobalt is one of the most important raw materials. Cobalt is mainly a by-product of copper and nickel production. More than half of the cobalt mined worldwide comes from the Democratic Republic of Congo. According to calculations by the German Raw Materials Agency, demand will increase by more than two thirds to 155,000 tonnes by 2025. In view of rising cobalt prices, mine operators sense that the price per tonne on the London Metal Exchange (LME) was still below 24,000 US dollars on 1 January 2016, and now stands at around 80,000 - the business of their lives. According to the report "Time to recharge" by Amnesty International, safety standards in Congo are not sufficiently ensured, and many mines are operated illegally. With their bare hands or, at best, primitive tools, the miners dig shafts that are metres deep into the ground in which they search for copper and cobalt. The shafts are narrow, dark, stuffy and dangerous. The conditions are catastrophic. According to Amnesty International, at least 80 miners died at work between September 2014 and December 2015 alone. They were simply buried in the collapsed shafts. In the mines, not only adults but also children risk their lives - up to twelve hours a day, for a starvation wage of one to two US dollars a day. UNICEF estimates the number of child workers in southern Katanga, a province in the south of the Congo, at 40,000, representing one third of the total workforce in the region. According to Amnesty International and African Resources Watch, children as young as seven are already working there. While the children in Germany at this age enter the second grade, their peers are struggling to survive. According to UNICEF, 400,000 children in Congo are currently at risk of starvation and 750,000 are acutely malnourished. The country is still suffering from the aftermath of the three Congo wars and the ongoing armed conflict in Eastern Congo. Translated with Read more here (my background image come from this site):

Comments (25)



8:33AM | Fri, 27 September 2019

So sad!



8:43AM | Fri, 27 September 2019

Sad, indeed...



8:44AM | Fri, 27 September 2019




9:54AM | Fri, 27 September 2019

C'est sur que notre monde est compliqué et cruel! Beau travail!



9:54AM | Fri, 27 September 2019

strong message



11:13AM | Fri, 27 September 2019




11:49AM | Fri, 27 September 2019

L'image est forte, la symbolique également, bravo ma Ute 💞



11:54AM | Fri, 27 September 2019

You need to check your logic. Increase demand will actually promote the mechanization which will eliminate the need to manual risk and labor. Plus, lithium doesn't even come from Africa the main supplier is South America. You might want to do your research and engage your brain before you start making assumption.


1:41PM | Fri, 27 September 2019

Thank you for such a nice comment, which you could have saved yourself, it was inappropriate and offensive, especially as I wanted to denounce the disgusting child labour in the Congo with my graphic!

I'm not as stupid as you think, here's my research on this unfortunate subject,** I'd be grateful for an apology** or I'd be too grateful if you wouldn't visit my gallery again, Ute.

These are the 8 countries with the world's largest lithium reserves (source: Statista). 1st Chile (7.5 million tons)

  1. China (3.2 million tonnes) ...
  2. Argentina (2 million tonnes) ...
  3. Australia (1.5 million tonnes) ...
  4. Portugal (60.000 tons) ...
  5. Brazil (48,000 tonnes) ...
  6. USA (38,000 tonnes) ...
  7. Zimbabwe (23,000 tonnes) ...

Zimbabwe is located in the southeast of the African continent and has the world's eight largest reserves of lithium (23,000 tons). The Kamativi Mine and the Bikita Mine are where the raw material is mined.

7th USA (38,000 tons) A large part of the lithium required in the USA is imported. The country's largest lithium mine is located in Nevada. National lithium deposits are particularly important for the US carmaker Tesla.

6 Brazil (48,000 tons) Brazil has around 48,000 tons of lithium. The country extracts lithium primarily from smaller deposits in lithium-bearing minerals.

5 Portugal (60,000 tons) Portugal is the leading lithium producer in Europe and has the most reserves of the entire continent with about 60,000 tons. For European car manufacturers, Portugal is an important reference point for lithium, as long transport routes are eliminated and the raw material can be transported quickly and easily from country to country.

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4 Australia (1.5 million tonnes) Lithium was found in various places in the state of Western Australia. After decades of no one searching for it and the raw material was hardly interesting, the topic of electromobility in particular has revived the market. Since then, more and more companies in Australia that produce lithium, including Galaxy Resources Ltd. and General Mining Corp. Ltd.

3rd Argentina (2 million tons) The Salar de Hombre Muerto in northern Argentina is one of the largest lithium deposits in the world. The country has more than 2 million tons at its disposal, which companies like FCM Lithium Corp and Rio Tinto Minerals are excavating.

2nd China (3.2 million tons) China's lithium deposits are found primarily in Tibet, more precisely in the Zhabuye salt lake, where the valuable raw material is mined. The mining of the mineral resources (also gold, silver, copper, lead and uranium are found in Tibet) destroys the sensitive nature of the country and stands in many conflicts with religion and pasture farming.

1st Chile (7.5 million tons) Salar de Atacama in northern Chile is home to around 27% of the world's lithium reserves. To extract the lithium, the dissolved salts are pumped up with water and then fed into special basins where the water evaporates. The high water consumption has already led to a drop in the water level in the lagoon, which will become a long-term problem for the native animals.

Since the reserves are subject to constant fluctuations, the figures are only rough estimates. The first four countries in particular have large quantities of lithium and are therefore important industrial sites that benefit from lithium reserves. However, they are heavily dependent on market developments (especially in the automotive industry) and the price of the raw material.

It is in these countries that most of the cobalt is extracted to the surface. In 2017, cobalt mining worldwide amounted to 118,523 tons. Congo is the lonely leader with 75,931 tons, 64.1 percent of the total production. In fact, nothing will actually come for a very long time, because even the next most placed ones account for less than five percent of the world's total production. The data are taken from the BGR's "Cobalt raw material risk assessment" report.

Russian Federation with 5,500 tons of cobalt - corresponds to 4.6 percent of global production.

Australia with 4,982 tons of cobalt - corresponds to 4.2 percent of global production.

Cuba, with 4,602 metric tons of cobalt, accounts for 3.9 percent of global production.

Philippines with 4,100 metric tons of cobalt - equivalent to 3.5 percent of global production.

Madagascar, with 3,666 tonnes of cobalt, accounts for 3.1 percent of global production.

Canada, with 3,607 metric tons of cobalt, accounts for 3.0 percent of global production.

Since the conditions under which cobalt is mined in Congo are often more than questionable, hope rests on countries such as Australia and Canada. Australia has rich mines, especially in New South Wales. Canada has large mines in Ontario. In both countries, the mining companies have major plans, including to mine cobalt in decent conditions.

Deutsch: Danke für dieses so nette Kommentar, was sie sich wirklich hätten sparen können, es war unangebracht und beleidigend, zumals ich mit meiner Grafik die widerliche Kinderarbeit im Congo anprangern wollte!

Ich bin nicht so doof wie sie meinen, hier sind meine Recherchen zu diesem leidlichen Thema, für eine entsprechende Entschuldigung wäre ich ihnen dankbar oder ich wäre ihnen zu Dank verpflichtet, wenn sie meine Gallerie nicht mehr besuchen würden, Ute

Das sind die 8 Länder mit den größten Lithium-Reserven der Erde (Quelle: Statista).

  1. Chile (7,5 Mio. Tonnen)
  2. China (3,2 Mio. Tonnen) ...
  3. Argentinien (2 Mio. Tonnen) ...
  4. Australien (1,5 Mio. Tonnen) ...
  5. Portugal (60.000 Tonnen) ...
  6. Brasilien (48.000 Tonnen) ...
  7. USA (38.000 Tonnen) ...
  8. Simbabwe (23.000 Tonnen) ...

Im Südosten des afrikanischen Kontinents liegt Simbabwe, das mit rund 23.000 Tonnen Lithium über die achtgrößten Reserven der Welt verfügt. In der Kamativi Mine und der Bikita Mine wird der Rohstoff abgebaut.

  1. USA (38.000 Tonnen) Ein Großteil des in den USA benötigten Lithiums wird importiert. Die größte Lithium-Mine des Landes befindet sich in Nevada. Gerade für den in den USA produzierenden Autobauer Tesla sind nationale Lithium-Vorkommen von großer Bedeutung.

  2. Brasilien (48.000 Tonnen) Über rund 48.000 Tonnen Lithium verfügt Brasilien. Das Land gewinnt das Lithium in erster Linie aus kleineren Vorkommen in lithiumhaltigen Mineralien.

  3. Portugal (60.000 Tonnen) Portugal ist der führende Lithium-Produzent in Europa und verfügt mit rund 60.000 Tonnen über die meisten Reserven des gesamten Kontinents. Für europäische Autobauer ist Portugal ein wichtiger Bezugspunkt für Lithium, da lange Transportwege entfallen und der Rohstoff schnell und unkompliziert von Land zu Land transportiert werden kann.

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  1. Australien (1,5 Mio. Tonnen) Im Bundesstaat Western Australia wurde an verschiedenen Stellen Lithium gefunden. Nachdem jahrzehntelang niemand da nach suchte und der Rohstoff kaum interessant war, hat besonders das Thema Elektromobilität den Markt belebt. Seitdem schießen in Australien immer mehr Firmen aus dem Boden, die Lithium fördern, darunter Galaxy Resources Ltd. und General Mining Corp. Ltd.

  2. Argentinien (2 Mio. Tonnen) Der Salar de Hombre Muerto im Norden Argentiniens ist eine der größten Lagerstätten der Welt für Lithium. Über 2 Mio. Tonnen verfügt das Land, das Firmen wie FCM Lithium Corp und Rio Tinto Minerals abtragen.

  3. China (3,2 Mio. Tonnen) Das Lithium-Vorkommen Chinas findet sich in erster Linie in Tibet, genauer gesagt im Zhabuye-Salzsee, wo der wertvolle Rohstoff abgebaut wird. Der Abbau der Bodenschätze (auch Gold, Silber, Kupfer, Blei und Uran gibt es in Tibet) zerstört die sensible Natur des Landes und steht in vielen Konflikten zur Religion und der Weidewirtschaft.

  4. Chile (7,5 Mio. Tonnen) Im Salar de Atacama im Norden Chiles finden sich rund 27% des weltweiten Lithium-Vorkommens. Um das Lithium zu gewinnen, werden die gelösten Salze mit Wasser heraufgepumpt und dann in spezielle Becken geleitet, wo das Wasser verdunstet. Der hohe Wasserverbrauch hat bereits zum Absinken des Wasserspiegels in der Lagune geführt, was für die einheimischen Tiere langfristig zu einem Problem werden wird.

Da die Reserven ständigen Schwankungen unterliegen, sind die Zahlen bloß grobe Schätzungen. Besonders die ersten vier Länder verfügen über große Mengen Lithium und sind daher für die Industrie wichtige Standorte, die von den Lithium-Reserven profitieren. Allerdings sind sie stark von der Marktentwicklung (besonders in der Automobil-Industrie) und dem Preis für den Rohstoff abhängig.

In diesen Ländern wird das meiste Kobalt ans Tageslicht gefördert Im Jahr 2017 betrug die Bergwerksförderung von Kobalt weltweit 118.523 Tonnen. Der Kongo steht mit 75.931 Tonnen, das entspricht 64,1 Prozent der Gesamtförderung, an einsamer Spitze. Tatsächlich kommt dann sehr lange nichts mehr, denn selbst die nächst platzierten liegen unter fünf Prozent der weltweiten Gesamtförderung. Die Daten stammen aus dem Bericht "Rohstoffrisikobewertung Kobalt" der BGR.

Russische Föderation mit 5.500 Tonnen Kobalt – entspricht 4,6 Prozent der weltweiten Förderung.

Australien mit 4.982 Tonnen Kobalt – entspricht 4,2 Prozent der weltweiten Förderung.

Kuba mit 4.602 Tonnen Kobalt – entspricht 3,9 Prozent der weltweiten Förderung.

Philippinen mit 4.100 Tonnen Kobalt – entspricht 3,5 Prozent der weltweiten Förderung

Madagaskar mit 3.666 Tonnen Kobalt – entspricht 3,1 Prozent der weltweiten Förderung.

Kanada mit 3.607 Tonnen Kobalt – entspricht 3,0 Prozent der weltweiten Förderung.

Da die Bedingungen, unter denen im Kongo das Kobalt gefördert ist, häufig mehr als fragwürdig sind, ruht die Hoffnung auf Ländern wie Australien und Kanada. In Australien befinden sich insbesondere in New South Wales reichhaltige Minen. Kanada verfügt über große Bergwerke in Ontario. In beiden Ländern haben die Bergbaugesellschaften große Pläne, die unter anderem beinhalten, den Kobalt-Abbau unter menschenwürdigen Bedingungen zu gestalten.

EN: Translated with



12:36PM | Fri, 27 September 2019

Sad but good work. Thanks for the info.



3:50PM | Fri, 27 September 2019

Une scène bien faite et qui a le mérite de dénoncer ce que nous ne voulons pas voir ! Il est intéressant de mettre en parallèle les enfants qui sont esclaves un peu partout dans le monde, vivent dans la misère et n'ont aucun droit, et ceux de notre société de consommation qui eux sont esclaves de la publicité, des jeux vidéo et maintenant des fameux "réseaux sociaux" ! Le plus dramatique est que, une fois devenus adultes, ils sont toujours aussi infantiles ! L'Art est aussi là pour éveiller les consciences !! Un travail salutaire, Ute !



4:54PM | Fri, 27 September 2019

I am saddened by this terrible plight of little children all over the world. I also took deep offense at the comment by niccolls. I see this thing has an appropriate devil for its icon. Some things just really don't have lives or they wouldn't go around trying to trash other people's lives. I am grateful to you, Ute, for pointing out this terrible condition that children have to be placed in all for the sake of the rich. You rock, Ute! Keep up the good work!


1:44AM | Sat, 28 September 2019

Thank you hon, you made my Day! 😄



6:56PM | Fri, 27 September 2019

Everyone should know this - well done Ute!!!



7:37PM | Fri, 27 September 2019

Strong message and powerful image



9:38PM | Fri, 27 September 2019

Thanks Ute!


10:06PM | Fri, 27 September 2019

Excellent work!



12:30AM | Sat, 28 September 2019

Write to the companies involved telling them to stop.

You can't expect people in Africa to suffer working conditions no one in the West would tolerate.

Workers' rights, proper payment for work provided and safe working conditions are not confined to the West.

Or they should not be.


9:08AM | Sat, 28 September 2019

They will never STOP because money doesn't STINK!!!



12:53AM | Sat, 28 September 2019

Fantastic! Wonderful concept and realization!



1:42AM | Sat, 28 September 2019

Fantastic scene!



1:44AM | Sat, 28 September 2019

Fantastic image, with a very sad and sobering message.



3:57AM | Sat, 28 September 2019

C'est bien le problème de notre société. Nous vivons soit dans l'ignorance ( et merci pour ton image et tes textes ) soit en pleine contradiction avec nos idées et idéaux!



5:16AM | Sat, 28 September 2019

Traurig und wahr, und das nur um den Wolstand bestimmter Länder zu sichern/ zu erhöhen.



9:29AM | Sat, 28 September 2019

It is good to remind people about child exploitation (any form) as a major social justice problem, especially while every child is panicked about climate change under the influence of Greta Tunberg, herself under the influence of multibillionaire globalist corporations. How to correct these so numerous social justice problems, we cannot do it directly now, because there are many huge corporations that own almost everything, from mines (where these children are working as slaves) to information/indoctrination media. By using their foundations and their NGOs, these corporations have major control of the school curriculum, as a way of indoctrinating your children; I was shocked when I found that fact.

As an individual, the first thing to do, is to remind such facts to the public, like child exploitation, as you are doing. But many of those who are trying this, end up in court, lose their job, are harassed by Antifa mobs, are smeared by government-controlled "journalists."

Can we live without a smartphone (I do not have one)? In the VERY NEAR future, the international banks will impose that technology on us, for any type of purchase, because they want to remove coins and paper money from the market, as soon as possible. This is already the case in China, and it is a way to spy on us.

Truth must come out! Thank you so much for your courage!



1:14PM | Sat, 28 September 2019

A well done and powerful message, Ute! Pay no attention to the buttmunchers that have their heads stuck in the sand (or elsewhere...). Some people are sooooo afraid of the truth.. or part of the problem..

I don't know how many 7 - 10 year olds we saw on our recent trip playing with their cellphones - spoiled indeed, and at what cost to 7 - 10 year olds on the opposite side of the planet...


3:50AM | Sun, 29 September 2019

Thank you dear Rod for this uplifting comment! 👍


3:18PM | Mon, 30 September 2019

Poignant message Ute. Well stated.



6:48PM | Fri, 16 October 2020

Very good 🍏 🖐 😀 👍 💕

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