Showdown by Graphixa
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You are probably starting to realise now that I like setting scenes with my images, and torturing my poor computer to deliver the art I want. At one time I used to do tonnes of post-work on my images, but know I strive really hard to make the 3D models do what I want them to - hours of tweaking and morphing etc. Post-work is now really about colour correction and / or emphasising the emotion or atmosphere of the image.
Anyway enough waffle - Enjoy!
Thanks for previous comments.
If you have not seen my last image, you can take a look at it here:

Comments (9)
Nothing like a tilted cam to create tension. Great job.
Nice job!
bugsnouveau Online Now!
Old Tuscan was so hot and you've put me back in it, but now it's so cool. Love this!
Fantastic work!
High noon, draw...
All that render needs is a tumbleweed blowing across the middle. Awesome render.
great render
I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!