Thu, Dec 19, 12:00 PM CST

Bye bye Kordouane

DAZ|Studio Fantasy posted on Feb 14, 2020
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Kordouane (Mo - Monique) fait un break d’une durée indéterminée pour de nombreuses raisons dont la plupart au niveau de la santé. Parmi vous j’ai eu de grandes joies et de grandes peines tout en faisant de belles rencontres. J’ai beaucoup appris au niveau graphique, j’ai fait quelques progrès en anglais et j’ai continué d’apprendre sur la nature humaine. Tant que ma santé et mon moral me laisseront la possibilité je passerai voir vos œuvres surtout celles de ceux d’entre vous qui ont été fidèles et honnêtes avec moi. (Je laisserai des commentaires en copier-coller pour économiser ma vue, mais je n’oublierai pas de mettre des « Like » et des « Favorites », un clic cela ne prend pas beaucoup de temps. Au revoir mes amis Kordouane (Mo - Monique) is taking an indefinite break for many reasons, most of which are health-related. Among you I had great joys and great sorrows while making beautiful encounters. I learned a lot about graphics, I made some progress in English and I continued to learn about human nature. As long as my health and my morale allow me the opportunity, I will come and see your works, especially those of those of you who have been faithful and honest with me. (I will leave copy-paste comments to save my eyesight, but I won't forget to put "Like" and "Favorites", one click won't take much time. Goodbye my friends Translated with (free version)

Comments (102)



7:11AM | Tue, 18 February 2020

N'étant pas ophtalmologiste, je ne puis mesurer le degré de l'affection, mais je vous souhaite une amélioration rapide.



10:27AM | Tue, 18 February 2020

I've been behind on comments so I just saw this. I hope your health and morale and look forward to seeing your amazing renders and photos.



11:07AM | Tue, 18 February 2020

Que voilà un mauvaise nouvelle ma chère amie. Prend grand soin de toi et j’espère sincèrement que ta santé s'améliore au plus vite c'est ce qui est le plus important 💓💓💓💓💓



2:13PM | Tue, 18 February 2020

I like the pose of this image, it is much better that the pose one that you used in your other artwork [Queen of Hearts](Queen of Hearts). I presume that this was a test render on the way to making the other image. May I ask why you abandoned this one for the less creative pose of the Queen of Hearts?

Praying for your full recovery.


jimmysparks Online Now!

5:32PM | Tue, 18 February 2020

Good luck - thanks for sharing your art.



3:06AM | Wed, 19 February 2020

I am so sorry about your health concerns Stevieukwonder is my husband he showed me what you wrote. I hope you are able to come back :)



3:23AM | Wed, 19 February 2020

It saddens me greatly that you have this hurdle to your health and well being to encounter. My best friend George had similar eye complications and he cannot face bright light either. I know it is hard to imagine life without the thing we cherish most but God willing, I will hope and pray that your disease, eases and becomes manageable for you, especially your mobility. PLEASE keep your legs active. Don't let them waste away. You are in my thoughts, Monique. God bless you. Stay safe and please stay as well as you are able.



4:19AM | Wed, 19 February 2020

Although I am always late with my comments and playing catch up most of the time this has made me sad, I will miss you my friend but I wish you nothing but happiness all the best big hug to you :)x



10:51AM | Wed, 19 February 2020

Dear Monica, thank You for the opportunity to touch Your creativity in the world of 3D and Photography. You have always delighted the Community with your work. Thank You for all this. Improve and protect your Health. I sincerely wish You Faith, Hope, Strength and Patience, sunshine and well-Being in everything.



12:41PM | Wed, 19 February 2020

I am so sorry to hear about your health. I hope everything will get better quickly. I apologize for not commenting sooner but I am back in rotation with my brother and sister on Mother-sitting duty. It doesn't entail doing much but I am still exhausted when I get home. Take care of yourself and don't bother to comment if you don't feel up to it. We will be here whenever you want and will be sending thoughts and prayers your way.



1:04PM | Wed, 19 February 2020

Monique, I am so sorry to hear of your health issues. I know you will be posting more of your wonderful art, soon. You are a great artist and a loyal Rendo friend. I always look forward to viewing your art and reading your comments. Because of home projects conflicting with my Rendo time, I have managed to get behind with my viewing and commenting on many artists' works. I am so sorry that I am just now seeing this piece. It is beautiful!!! Stay in touch and keep us all up to date, Gary



7:05PM | Wed, 19 February 2020




12:39AM | Thu, 20 February 2020

I hope all will go well with you. I have not been commenting as often as I should - I am waiting for cataract surgery (the waiting list is over a year) and have some difficulty with small print, but can appreciate the beauty of so many of your pictures.



3:44AM | Thu, 20 February 2020

Fantastically Beautiful!



4:57AM | Thu, 20 February 2020

That's very sad to hear since I really appreciated your images. Hopefully you can come back and do more. All the best for you!!!



8:44AM | Thu, 20 February 2020

I wish you all the best. I am terribly sorry that by being absent so long, I did not follow all that was going on. You have so much lovely art, and I feel terrible that I let so much of it pass me by, always playing catch up. I really hope that mercy will smile upon you and bring restored health. All the love - Marc (aka Misumu)



5:31PM | Thu, 20 February 2020

Très beau portrait. Je sais que nous avons peu interagit mais je me permet de dire "tu" et je te souhaite de te rétablir très vite.



4:07AM | Sat, 22 February 2020

très triste de vous partir , je vous souhaite un bon rétablissement ,en espérant vous revoir bientôt.



11:38AM | Sat, 22 February 2020

Thanks for all your images and also the pose uploads.........oh and the kind comments on my galley images. All the best and looking forward to seeing you back here soon. Missing you already......



2:50PM | Mon, 24 February 2020

Excellent work!!! Have a good time!!!



3:55AM | Tue, 25 February 2020

get well!



2:32PM | Tue, 25 February 2020

Oh ma chère amie, je n'ai pas regarder les galeries les dernier semaines, ça me fait vraiment triste et je te souhaite le plus de mieux pour toi! Sorry I have not seen your by-by - so sad because you are a visual person and now you have to find other things you can do.. hope all the best for you! 💐🍀🍀 priska



6:39PM | Tue, 25 February 2020

I wish you good health my friend! Your beautiful art and kindness will be missed!Xxx



8:13PM | Tue, 25 February 2020

Beautiful work, sorry i haven't commented on your work, haven't been on here lately, will be adding comments on more of your works now. ps would like to see more of this character.



11:56AM | Wed, 26 February 2020

I am very sorry for your absence, but first of all the most important thing is health. I hope you can recover as soon as possible to get back to doing what you like best. hugs and thank you for your affection.



4:58AM | Thu, 27 February 2020

Great render and great song by Alan Walker, The lighting and character are beautifully done. I am sorry to see you go and hope one day you return.



1:00PM | Thu, 27 February 2020

I am sorry you are having difficulties and wish you well in negotiating them.



9:10AM | Fri, 28 February 2020

sorry, de t avoir manqué, et c'est triste de te voir partir , la santé est plus importante que tout le reste, et j espérè que l on tient contact, tient le moral, amicalement, jclp un très belle œuvre pour une finale



1:55PM | Sun, 01 March 2020

I dont know you, but i see that you made such beautiful images dear friend. And i hope that you will come back one day in good health. And making again beautiful artwork. Warm greetings Adrie.



3:41AM | Mon, 02 March 2020

I am sad to read this and i hope you get better next time. We will miss you!

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