Sat, Feb 8, 4:15 AM CST

There is "Still Life" ;-)

Photography Still Life posted on Apr 02, 2020
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It's been a long time before I got here, but as you can see, there is still life ;-) A life in silence everything remotely stress is everywhere it feels like my PTSD has increased tenfold How many volts are going through my body it cannot be measured not normal standards. everything has changed anyway the changes are piling up What I hope is for all of you, despite the impossibilities what we are facing now can hold onto hope. May you all stay healthy with every day exactly the energy you need. Here draped in my kitchen, how beautiful a quiet , still life can be. Thank you very much, dear friends, God bless.

Comments (18)



12:50PM | Thu, 02 April 2020

Big hugs!



12:59PM | Thu, 02 April 2020

Brilliant and hugs from me too Jacomina.



2:25PM | Thu, 02 April 2020

mooie compositie en belichting



2:48PM | Thu, 02 April 2020

Very interesting photo!



3:03PM | Thu, 02 April 2020

This is such a gorgeous still life capture my dear friend.



3:03PM | Thu, 02 April 2020

Een mooie sanenstelling Mies die zeker rust moet geven in deze woelige tijden. Ik dank jou voor je bezorgdheid voor mijn gezondheid. Ik behoor tot de groep met de meeste risico,gelu!kkig voel ik mij nog steeds goed. Verder leef ik wel als een kluizenaar. Overdag werk ik buiten in de hof en de moestuin, als het avond wordt ben ik dikwijls bezig met fractals en vergeet de rest !! Groetjes en blijf gezond !!



3:44PM | Thu, 02 April 2020

Wonderful capture



7:20PM | Thu, 02 April 2020

I love this arrangement that you created. It flows so nicely. Stay safe and sane; A big air-hug to you and your family. You are in my thoughts, however insane they may be. ;-P



9:17PM | Thu, 02 April 2020

Mies, this is such a wonderful presentation you created.



9:24PM | Thu, 02 April 2020

Yes, yes there is. And this is exactly the kind of thing that will get us through this... A lovely still life (like this), a small act of kindness, and a generous dose of common sense. There is 'still life.'

Good to see a post from you!



2:01AM | Fri, 03 April 2020

I am so happy to see you lovely post and know you are finding and creating the beauty. I love the appropriate title "Still Life". I even learned a new word in Dutch, "kluizenaar" from reading the comment of VDH. We are also sheltering in place and doing well. Much love and hugs to you dear friend. Thank you for sharing the beauty of your "Still Life".



12:45PM | Fri, 03 April 2020

Prachtig stilleven Mies.

Hoop dat het virus ook jullie deur voorbij gaat. Denk dat we allemaal in de risicogroep zitten. probeer om er zo soepel mogelijk mee om te gaan. Groetjes ook aan Karel Mies.



12:51PM | Fri, 03 April 2020

Mooie foto , alles past goed bij elkaar . Het geeft me een rustgevend gevoel.



4:14PM | Sat, 04 April 2020

Well...if this is what a "kluizenaar" does while "sheltering," it's a very artistic kluizenaar. A beautiful still life, Jacomina. It must be seen full-size, to see your beautiful contrasts of texture and hues, your composition, and your amazing light. Those plant "skeletons" are like fine woven lace. And their shapes are harmonized by the 2 fruits and the shell. Then you have a dark pod---a pod, yes? (peul?) It looks like it has jewels inside. It also looks like it has cocoa beans inside. Either way, it's a wonderful contrast to all the light colors here...and it has the same colors as the colors of the spots on the shell. You have a long branch to give your image a horizontal accent. And the leaves give flourish and strong background to your image. Plus---the light is beautiful! I especially like the light on the right-side wall. A beautiful arrangement, and very sensitively photographed.

And your poem is touching, Jacomina, and I appreciate the wish for all of us. I wish the same for you and Karel and all your loved ones. And I hope you all stay safe, whole, and at peace.



10:31PM | Sat, 04 April 2020

superb composition



10:03AM | Sun, 05 April 2020

A very pleasant composition very nicely done



10:27PM | Sun, 05 April 2020

Yes there is Mies ! What a beautiful combination you have presented.

It would be wise if all the people in this world would stand together, fight together and stay strong together to fight and concur this deadly virus.

Stay strong Mies.

Take Care Stay safe.

💕❤️💕. 😍🥰😘



6:17AM | Sun, 12 April 2020

Very beautiful still-life you did and you photographed for as and your poem is beautiful and sad in one, hope you are well and stay health! Happy Easter Mies! 🐣

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