Its a hobby... If Al Gore can set upon the world with a bunch of models with hockey sticks then why not me too? Though my children are wondering why, after the last cliffhanger with terrorists in the lobby and the SEALs already on the roof, it's taking me so long to finish the next episode but this is all part of my scheme, to show them that rewarding things can take time and that the journey can often be as fun as the destination.
I've been drawn to Poser by the timesaving possibilities of re-using characters and props. But since the centre of my universe, known in my day-job as the Indo-West Pacific, overlaps little with many Poser stock catalogues I sometimes find myself having to improvise. The discipline required to make models from scratch helps me to appreciate the effort that others invest into them. I'm as willing to use freebies as the next hobbyist but its a real godsend, free or not, when someone produces a prop or figure that by some chance belongs exactly in world I'm creating.
The images in this gallery tell no particular story. I've posted them in the off-chance they are of interest to others and to advertise things that interest me about the sometimes sad but often rich history and culture of the Asia-Pacific region. The works are usually inspired by ideas and thoughts that come to me as I trawl the web for inspiration, or they might be tests of techniques in particular software or outings of models and textures I'm making for the project. I hope you enjoy them.
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Comments (5)
Excellent scene's composition !!
Wonderful historical work!!!
Well made. I like the different poses of the women and their expressions. And typical of that time, every second has a cigarette... It's a long way to Tipperary, it's a long way to go...
Interesting and nicely made scene!
crender Online Now!
Excellent !