Thu, Dec 19, 1:22 PM CST

Treasure Island

DAZ|Studio Fantasy posted on Jun 07, 2020
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Captain Alvita and her crew had finally found a suitable hiding place to stash their booty. The island was deserted, and far enough away from any trading routes to avoid the attention of the British or any other fellow 'entrepreneurs'. Being naturally cautious and suspicious of everything and everyone(two very useful characteristics for a pirate captain), Captain Alvita's first landing part consisted of those crew members who she trusted the most, or at best wanted to kill the least. Old Jack, still a formidable force even if only as a consequence of the amount of cursing that emanated from his mouth; Akamu her first mate, Polynesian by birth and covered with the war tattoos used by his tribe to intimidate their foes. Finally Peter Drey, the illegitimate son of Sir Richard Drey, the Commander in Chief of the British Armada in the Caribbean; Sometimes known as 'Pillock Pete', due to his dimwittedness, but mostly as 'Parrot Pete' due to the beautiful Macaw that was constantly perched atop his head. I never know whether anyone reads these narratives I sometimes put with my images, but for me it helps to bring out their 'colour'. :) Enjoy! Graf. If you have not seen my last image, you can take a look at it here: 15dcf6b85754615119708003b8319b66_thumbna

Comments (18)


1:21PM | Sun, 07 June 2020

Great compo and render!



1:29PM | Sun, 07 June 2020

"pillock pete"... priceless!

Love this pic; its a great ensemble composition and so many absorbing details in the render. (though as a sailor, I.m rather alarmed to see her ship under full sail that close to the shore!)


1:47PM | Sun, 07 June 2020

Hehe, thanks for pointing that out JoeJarrah, that never even crossed my mind about the sails. Just goes to show you that sometimes you have to step back to see the truth of your work. :)



1:48PM | Sun, 07 June 2020

If i was that parrot i would move, Excellent render, well constructed



2:09PM | Sun, 07 June 2020

I wonder if Parrot Pete is trying to shoot the parrot or aiming at the pea called brain that is floating around in his head (probably easier to kill the parrot...). Love the colourful characters.... and the text.


2:17PM | Sun, 07 June 2020

I reckon if he did pull the trigger, the Parrot would come off the worst as shedofjoy mentioned 😁



2:44PM | Sun, 07 June 2020

An amazing collection of characters fabulous looking costumes and all set in an excellent environment



3:11PM | Sun, 07 June 2020

I like reading the narratives. I do agree on never knowing. Also a wonderful set of characters.



11:08PM | Sun, 07 June 2020

Now there's a motly crew... 😎



12:03AM | Mon, 08 June 2020

..great scene and characters and perfect "clear" render



12:19AM | Mon, 08 June 2020




12:27AM | Mon, 08 June 2020

Excellent ! ❤



2:07AM | Mon, 08 June 2020

This is the best image of the morning (and of the passed week...passed....). It's very well composed and rendered. I love Parrot Pete !!! They all are funny.



3:18AM | Mon, 08 June 2020

Outstanding work my friend!


bugsnouveau Online Now!

6:50AM | Mon, 08 June 2020

Cool stuff, great job



2:32PM | Mon, 08 June 2020

Buccaneers and buried gold.....fantastic group of notch work.....!!



2:46PM | Mon, 08 June 2020

This graphic looks really fantastic & very well done! 👍 I wish you a good start into the new week, stay alert and healthy!



5:42PM | Mon, 08 June 2020




12:51AM | Tue, 09 June 2020




4:16PM | Sat, 17 October 2020

Wonderful image

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