Thu, Dec 19, 12:31 PM CST

The Swamp Thing..

DAZ|Studio Humor posted on Oct 12, 2020
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The Swamp Thing .. Donald Dump: ..I am immune ... I am immortal ... I am SUPERMAN! .. Millie the Mouse: This man could keep psychiatrists and alike busy for hundreds of years .. Mr. Missy the Cat: ..Hm.. does he even know there are other living beings in the world except himself? .. Mattie the Mouse: Why do I think of a "funny" bearded man from the 1930'ties? .. Millie: He appears very repulsive in my point of view .. Mr. Missy: He must have had a rough childhood ... or is he just a bully ..? Donald Dump: I am a stabble genius! .. Mattie: Then I would prefer to be a complete idiot .. Millie: In our home country Denmark, 94 percent thinks he's a moron.. even we still admire and love USA .. Mattie: A world leader 4 more years? He can not even control his own brain - and whatever could be inside of it? .. Donald Dump: ..I should be king or. .eh, what is that? .. I'm sinking? .. Millie: Yep! Election day arrives .. Team Rhanagaz ..

Comments (6)



1:55PM | Mon, 12 October 2020




3:25PM | Mon, 12 October 2020

With any luck we'll be rid of this loser in a few weeks... We can only hope. And vote.



5:06PM | Mon, 12 October 2020

One can hope!!!



6:56PM | Tue, 13 October 2020

Keep on sinking! This made me laugh, what a clever scene!



6:27PM | Wed, 14 October 2020

Trump 2020 baby, my vote has been cast along with thousands.



10:01PM | Wed, 14 October 2020

You nailed it. The most self absorbed man on this tiny little spec of a planet is an interplanetary punch line. The whole universe is laughing at this witless fool and he is clueless to jeers of the Gods. Did the great maker make him as a cautionary tale for the rest of us, or is he just a total mistake of nature? Either way, live not so long and never prosper DJT. Well now, live long enough to get indited and go to jail. That would be the ultimate joke for the ultimate fool.

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