Mon, Feb 10, 11:00 AM CST

Kate's Cool Conveyance

Poser Transportation posted on Mar 17, 2021
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Holly loves it when she can stay over at her sister's house on a schoolnight because in the morning she gets a lift to school in Kate's 1970s Volkswagen camper van. She finds its retro chic the most amazing thing ever but gets annoyed by the eight-track and wonders if her favourite band ever, Gulliver Planet, has any plans to release albums on that format. (Posed and rendered in PoserPro 11, clothes created in Marvelous Designer 9.5, postwork in PSP 2021.) (A chance to use the Camper Van donated very generously by Blue Tree Studios for the Premium Content download that came with Poser 11. It's a decent model with great interior detail and lots of moving/working parts. Originally a lefthand drive, I converted this one to righthand drive because Kate & Co are in the UK. Not that the camera angle shows off the conversion work to any great degree, and I could easily have gotten away with just placing Kate in the original's passenger seat and posing her like she's holding the wheel and gearstick. I guess I'll be using it in at least another picture in the future to get more mileage---oh, the puns!---from the time I spent on it.)

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Comments (2)



5:30PM | Wed, 17 March 2021

Great scene :)


8:45AM | Thu, 18 March 2021

Thank you for saying so!



10:26PM | Wed, 17 March 2021

those were the days, the height of bearded coolness, nice one


8:46AM | Thu, 18 March 2021

Oh, the beards! Even some of the men! Thanks.

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