Thu, Dec 19, 9:35 AM CST

Two sisters and a ghost

Poser Gothic posted on May 14, 2021
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The two women strolled slowly on the grounds of the Van Humbeek estate as the sun set. Dorotea said, "I'm ashamed of something I did recently, Lizzie." Professor Elizabeth Van Humbeek listened to her older sister. She was aware of the ghostly presence of Grace and was equally aware that Dorotea was not. Grace rarely moved far from Elizabeth and had formed a bond that was unusual between the living and the departed. Grace whispered in Elizabeth's ear, "She has been fighting with Anzhela. She beat her pretty severely." The paranormal researcher nodded almost imperceptibly. "I'm your sister, Tee. We've been closer in the past but I'm so glad to have you back in River Heights. Tell me." Elizabeth waited to see if her sister would unburden herself. "I-- I'm afraid of myself sometimes, Lizzie. A long held resentment bubbled up when I chanced to meet Anzhela Kropuskov not long after I returned to town." Dorotea sighed. "Anzhela Kropuskov? She's always bullied you." Elizabeth considered her next words. "You indulged in a physical contest, didn't you?" Grace sniffed. "Dorotea gave and got and finally beat the strumpet senseless!" "Did you win, Tee?" Elizabeth asked gently. "No. There's no winning against her. I'll not let her provoke me again." Dorotea stared into the distance. "Knocking her down isn't winning, you see?" "I believe I understand, Tee." The two women continued their stroll accompanied by spirit of a young woman long departed this plane. Molly's art notes: Set up and rendered in Poser 12.0.500 using Superfly. Rendered twice so that Grace could be gently brushed in without a shadow using Photohop. All three characters are based on the marvelous La Femme mesh. Elizabeth and Dorotea are brought to life using textures and morphs by the ever-so-talented Tempesta3d. Grace is based on textures and morphs by Dragonfly.

Comments (4)



11:37PM | Fri, 14 May 2021

I really like the lighting in your illustration. It looks like the two are out for a morning walk... with a friend.



9:15AM | Sat, 15 May 2021

Thank you! I kept the lighting very simple and had sunrise or sunset in mind. There's only one infinite light used.


mazzam Online Now!

7:50PM | Sat, 15 May 2021

Nice casual poses. Fine choice of clothing.

Suggest experimenting with low level IBL or sky dome as light emitter to augment infinite main light.


9:01PM | Sat, 15 May 2021

I like both of those ideas! Thanks for taking the time to share those tips!😊



11:38PM | Wed, 19 May 2021

Nice use of body language to convey Dorotea's distress! And nice job with the "ghostly" effect on Grace!


10:22AM | Thu, 20 May 2021

Thanks. I am really enjoying building a contrast between the sister's and Dorotea being less the academic and more a woman of the world is challenging to me (I'm personally much more like Elizabeth). I wish the effects on Grace were achieved entirely in Poser but part of the reason I put this rendering in my Photoshop folder as her presence is totally the result of merging two images in Photoshop. I'm delighted that you found it effective enough to comment upon!☺

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