Mon, Feb 24, 8:15 AM CST

Exploring the Inner Earth

Bryce (none) posted on Dec 22, 2002
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A revision of an earlier attempt.

Comments (3)



7:21PM | Sun, 22 December 2002

A great perspective. I would've rated it excellent, but the lamp in the foreground seems really too big, and somehow ruins the otherwise wonderful sense of depth. A great image, nonetheless.


7:36PM | Sun, 22 December 2002

I must agree with doublecrash. This is a great image but the water has too much ripple in it for it to be an underground pond, but thats just my opinion. nonetheless, I REALLY like the ceiling. Well done



10:06AM | Mon, 23 December 2002

I'm agree with doublecrash and garyandcatherine. I don't know why you put two lamps in the scene, maybe if the lamp who carries the man would be lighter it can fills the rest of the cave. The focus of the scene is the man and his lamp and putting a lamp in first plane breaks the composition a little. But I think the image is really good and interesting.

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