Skytown ( Ch2 Part 1) by JoeJarrah
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A slightly slower paced interlude after all the whizz-bangs of the first chapter...
Comments (8)
eekdog Online Now!
awesome! one uber fantastic image. and very professional page work. 5++ ebots are down again.
You have created a wonderful picture story, love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!5*
Gorgeous composition, superb render, brilliant Artwork. I love it!
Joy, saw the thumbnail in a long list of "to be viewed", but had to read through this first :) Great use of the background and cloud runner to hold all the cells, very skilfully done once again, Joe, super work and the story holds together well
Superb and very engaging...Looking forward to part 2 :-)
Wow!!! I am really in admiration of such a work, with the enlargement one appreciates it even more, thank you for sharing.
A most satisfactory installment to the series!
Superb job!