Sun, Feb 9, 9:37 AM CST

Orc on Warboar

Photography Fantasy posted on Jul 18, 2021
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Okay, so I promised I'd upload some images of my miniatures, so here's the first... This is a 180mm resin piece, with about 8 months' of painting work put into it. Each hair on the boar is highlighted, and the horns are 32 layers of paint, as thin as milk, to give the translucent effect needed. The metals are layered equally so, with metallic paints thinned right out to allow the metal flakes to "float" free of the pigment. I think it works. Colours are all over a black basecoat (don't EVER let anyone tell you that's wrong!) to give a more natural and less garishly bright effect. I used to love doing these, but it's not so easy for me now; my hands shake, and my fingers are not quite flexible enough to handle the brushes delicately enough to produce the goods, so I haven't done any for some time. Maybe I'll have another go one day.

Comments (8)



11:31AM | Sun, 18 July 2021

wonderful to see you are back ... hope you feel good


6:45AM | Wed, 21 July 2021

Thank you. Doing okay, thanks...



1:29PM | Sun, 18 July 2021

gorgeous work!!!


6:45AM | Wed, 21 July 2021

Thanks, he's a fine looking fella, ain't he?



4:14AM | Mon, 19 July 2021

Looks so cool my friend hope you are well :)


6:46AM | Wed, 21 July 2021

Thank you, yes I'm getting by. Just dealing with some family issues and such, a few changes here that we need to get our heads round.

Thanks for stopping by!



4:50PM | Tue, 20 July 2021

It was a very fine workmanship, interesting that red hair. They are small in size and can be hidden at one spot :) Good shot ..!


6:44AM | Wed, 21 July 2021

Thank you.



4:59PM | Tue, 20 July 2021

You are so talented Chas. They really look so impressive!



9:44PM | Tue, 20 July 2021

Wow, this is a sensationally detailed work of art. Please post more if you have them. LIKE and FAV for sure.


6:44AM | Wed, 21 July 2021

Thanks Dag, I'll see if I can pull some more out. I have one or two others that you might like...



12:50AM | Wed, 21 July 2021

Incredible work! I've got a few I want to spend a ton of time on, but haven't started them yet. And I few I've spent a ton of time on that I haven't shared, lol. I'll have to post my Firbolg bard in the next day or so.


6:43AM | Wed, 21 July 2021

Thanks, I used to paint these for competition purposes, so got quite good! I struggle now though, which is a shame really, as I quite enjoyed doing them. One day I might give it another go. Probably not on such an expensive model though!



12:14AM | Thu, 23 September 2021

Great miniatures! Well done!

3 47 8

Photograph Details
F Numberf/4.0
ModelCanon EOS 1300D
Shutter Speed1/30
ISO Speed800
Focal Length35

Premier Release Product
Quick Click Sofiana Hair
3D Models
Top-Selling Vendor Sale Item
$12.95 USD 40% Off
$7.77 USD

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