FRACTAL 2859 by Koala44
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Merci beaucoup pour vos visites, likes, et favoris (étoiles)
J'utilise paintshop pro, filter forge, et topaz, ainsi que quelques petits logiciels gratuits.
Thank you very much for your visits, likes, and favorites (stars)
I use paintshop pro, filter forge, and topaz, as well as some small freeware.
I'm sorry I haven't visited you in the last few days but some work has been necessary in my house. It's not finished yet. I think I'll have it almost until the end of the month, I'll do my best to come by as often as possible.
Je suis désolé de ne pas être passé vous voir ces derniers jours mais des travaux ont été nécessaires dans ma maison. Ce n'est pas fini d'ailleurs. Je pense en avoir quasiment jusqu'à la fin du mois, Je ferai mon possible pour passer le plus souvent possible.
Comments (10)
eekdog Online Now!
One of my favorite looks, stained glass work. Awesome creation.
Ma favorite pour aujourd'hui.
super stained glass effect nice work
Agree One of my favorite looks, stained glass work. Awesome creation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is really one of your best - beautiful colours, glass effects, shapes and textures - an instant favourite. Well done!
I like the reflections in this work!
Beautiful work! I am always amazed at all the wonderful designs that you share with us! This one is specially outstanding! I like all the colors in it. :-)
Nice stained glass with candy colors!
yup, stained glas was my first thought