Hello! My name is Teri and I've been around for over 69 years in various forms. I am happily married (51 years!), have two daughters and four grandchildren.
I discovered Poser 2 many years ago but didn't do much with it. In 2006 I found a copy of Poser 4 and got interested again. I was working in Poser 10 before I switched to Daz Studio in late 2017. I'm gradually getting the hang of most of it.
When not playing on the computer, I help my husband with his start-up Bio Tech business, refinish furniture, knit, crochet, and read. We grab our grandchildren every chance we get and delight in their antics.
Discovering this community has been a great source of fun and support in trying times.I am amazed at the level of talent I see in both the gallery and the products that are offered. It baffles me how little points on a screen can turn into people or trees and move. I'll always be blond I guess!
Thanks for looking.
(Updated December 2021)
Comments (16)
Very nice, good work. He looks great all dressed in black. The golden flute looks good in his hand.
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I like this character.
Fantastic work!
Fantastic character!
Great character and pose
Looks like one serious musician!
Handsome character
Nice modern twist and excellent render.
Even better, he could team up with Lindsey Stirling.... 😉
Really outstanding work with this fine looking fellow, Teri!
Excellent character!!!
Beautiful character and pose, good work my friend !!
Great character and fabulous textures !!!! So lovely to view.
Sean had a magical path to his success---it's always great when that happens. The photo shoot has it right: Esp for a pop album. Stern yet sensitive, he's in a fatigue kind of outfit but also stylish and exercise-y (and partly rugged). And his hair adds to his sense of strong presence, while his flute---gold too!---shows his sensitive side. If his PR people want him to be a sensation, this shot will do it. Even straight classical CD's will do covers like this from time to time, adding sexy and playful and strong into the mix, to break with the previous tradition of showing veddddy serious musicians. I really like the clean sky like background too. A fine capture of the moment you write about.
cool character and pose ! Bravo !
Good-looking gentleman (though personally I prefer a different hairstyle). Pleasant lighting and texturing on the garments. This image would certainly make a good CD sleeve design! I was actually hoping to hire him as a pest exterminator as there are countless rats infesting my residence (just joking), but I guess I got the wrong info about him. :P
Hope all's been well during my long absence, by the way. Merry Christmas!