Fri, Feb 14, 9:47 PM CST

portrait of an elf girl

DAZ|Studio Fantasy posted on Dec 02, 2021
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Comments (8)



11:11PM | Thu, 02 December 2021

Any ideas as to why it's so pixelated? just started to happen, how can i fix this? It was a full lengthrender thanks.



11:36PM | Thu, 02 December 2021

Beautiful image!

My experience is that dim lighting, light, that is reflected from other surfaces (indirect lighting) and sometimes even light emitting geometries might cause this grain (and lengthen the render process significantly). Any direct lighting such as sun light or spotlights and mostly HDRI don‘t lead to this grain (but often then aren’t as beautiful).

Just my thoughts


11:42PM | Thu, 02 December 2021

thanks friend for comments :)



8:00AM | Fri, 03 December 2021

Your portrait looks beautiful! :-)

Now as far as the issue with the grain in your image...its most likely as "Furnose" on the above comment has mentioned, I have also experienced this in the past when doing low light scenes, even though I am using different software than Daz Studio. I often just add an additional light to those dark areas and increase its intensity setting, till I achieve the desired results.

I find the grain in your image, does not detract from how well this portrait turned out for you!



1:24PM | Fri, 03 December 2021

excelente trabalho, aplausos (5)



3:07PM | Sat, 04 December 2021

thanks all



2:36PM | Wed, 02 February 2022

there is a de noise setting in the render options.. I enable all three if I want a less grainy image when I use dark lighting. But saying that, I like a little grain in an image and this is lovely. Beautiful work.



1:38AM | Thu, 03 February 2022

Excellent image (even with the lighting issue). It happens with reflective elements and high resource content in an image as well as when the lighting is not sufficient. Sometimes when this happens to me I render the scene entirely, then delete everything except the main character and render the character alone. I then insert the character over the original in Photoshop. It's a bit tedious but some renders just won't come out otherwise regardless of how much lighting I add.



4:40PM | Sun, 12 June 2022

I agree with everyone's assessment. I find the the combination of low light and reflective items will cause this.

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