The pink Cyberdoll by UteBigSmile
We are very proud to announce the winner of this months "Artist of the Month" - Ute Reichling [UteBigSmile]. Ute received nearly twice the number of votes from the Renderosity community for the Artist of the Month. She is a highly regarded artist and friend to many in the community. Ute works primarily with DazStudio and in Mixed Mediums, as you can see in her gallery. She is a talented and imaginative artist who creates evocative imagery which is often infused with themes of fantasy, science fiction, folklore and domestic scenes from history. Ute has contributed an astonishing 3,457 digital artworks since joining Renderosity in 2005.
Renderosity 2015 Artist of the Year: UteBigSmile
I'm very happy to announce that after a week of voting Renderosity members have overwhelmingly chosen UteBigSmile as the Renderosity Artist of the Year! Ute is a strong member of the community having posted over 3,000 of her artworks to Renderosity galleries since she joined in 2005. She was chosen "Artist of the Month" for June, 2015 and works primarily with Daz Studio and Mixed Mediums. As you can see from the video she created of her 2015 artworks (see below), UteBigSmile is a talented and imaginative artist. Renderosity congratulates her on being chosen Artist of the Year for 2015. My private Homepage:
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Comments (17)
Jaw-dropping,amazingly done Ute👍🙋♂️
Very nicely done.
a smashing beauty Ute, wow! a gorgeous image.
Je ne suis pas fan d’IA mais je dois reconnaître que cette jeune cyber lady est superbe… très belle réalisation !!
Your series of images look amazing Ute, although in my personal opinion it's sad that you now have two groups of art fans to whom you post a separate set of images on Sunday. (those who like your original non AI art and those who also like your new AI generated images form two distinct groups of fans of your art)
I remember going to museums of art with exhibitions of art done using traditional painting methods and then on the same day going to a museum of modern art exhibit afterwards and I found both experiences equally enjoyable. Art was always meant to be enjoyed for sake of art and nothing else, yet today it seems that the art community has become splintered in many ways.
Keep doing both types of art and I will be here to view...even if I am sometimes late at doing so. :-)
Thanks Johnny, whether it's any good is still written in the stars! Anyway, these are only older 3d graphics of mine, I can't make new ones because of my eyes!
I couldn't agree more with Johnny. I did 6 years of my beloved Bryce, Poser, Vue and others, then I quit because I felt I just couldn't get what was in my head out.
Then last month I discovered AI, and not tempting providence I'm so glad I came back...
Anyway I digress (again) I'm here to celebrate Ute's talents, and speak of the joy I get from viewing her work. Ute is my inspiration and she should know that!
Blush, It's an honor for me to communicate and exchange ideas with you!!! As I'm getting as old as a cow and I'm still learning something new! 😆
Dit is een prachtige fantasie creatie, een heel complex en kleurrijk werk !!
Gorgeous !
She's a pretty little cyber doll! Nice set of images!
AI really makes some pretty stuff
Nicely done!
This Cyberdoll drives me crazy!! Both AI and 3D!!! Regarding the controversy on the methods for creating art, I believe that the problem is the current tendency to divide into supporters for any topic. I remember that as a child, one day my schoolmates asked me which football team I supported. Since we were in Milan, I replied decisively: 'for Milan and for Inter!' I got hit by the whole class!!! (so I stopped playing football with my male friends and started playing volleyball with my female friends :):):)
Beautiful characters!
She is a real beauty!
I enjoy your art no matter how you have created it friend!
They are all outstanding images. The original and the AI are fabulous. Fantastic!