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So I've seen a few interesting commentary pieces on pinups 'n such, some of them satirical, which I can appreciate too. I guess it's a reaction to the recent pinup contest and all of the things people produced for it. Fact 'o life, people like looking at pictures of cute girls in just about any context. Guys like girls, girls like girls, everybody likes the girls, and the world goes 'round and 'round.
So today I'll post exactly what you're looking for, and a nice little article about Guns. I hope you enjoy it.
Guns are pretty interesting things. Lots of people, mostly guys, are fascinated by ‘em. It’s just “in the blood” I suppose.
But there are a lot of ideas floating around out there about ‘em, most of ‘em given to you by the culture you grew up in, for better or worse.
Still and all, some get the notion that they want to “take up the gun” for themselves, just to see what it’s all about. Some get taught by their dad when he shows them how to handle the old serviceable .22 at home, and a lot of youngsters get a nice, basic little pistol placed in front of ‘em.
Looking at the thing in front of ‘em, most people are scared and intimidated by the shiny curves of the piece, or look at it and see a hyper-complex puzzle to be manipulated, but there’s always a good amount of fear and anxiety around the thing, the sometimes-dubious gift your culture gave you.
It’ll feel funny the first time you pick it up and feel its weight in your hand. Yeah, this thing in your hand is real and hard and cold sometimes.
You’re going to have to run a few hundred rounds through it to overcome some of that fear, at least a few boxes worth over multiple sessions before you get comfortable with the idea that yeah, this thing is going to move in your hand when you pull the trigger, and there’s going to be a really loud noise, probably a bright flash too. The paper at the end of the line might have a hole in it, if you can even hit it at all.
Which you won’t. You won’t be able to hit shit the first few times until you learn how to hold it firmly but with finesse, how to line up the sights right. Then, once the sheer dread of all that noise, flash and weight becomes a mundane, everyday thing, you’re gonna learn to take your old sweet time with it and just enjoy being “in the zone” as you experiment.
You’ll also need some basic protective safety equipment of course, but that’s just part and parcel of it. Don’t want to get permanently injured just by getting in some simple practice at the range, do you? And do what the range master tells you, or you’ll get bounced out of the gun club. Their place, their rules. If you don’t like it, find some other private place to get your practice in.
A lot of times you’ll miss, but some of the time, you’ll be hitting your target. After a few sessions at the range, the cold puzzle-box in your hand will feel a bit warmer, or even too hot to handle some of the time, if you’re still being careless and put your hand on the wrong place.
More regular practice will make some of the mechanics instinctual, and one day you’ll be putting a palm-sized group onto the target on a regular basis. Front sight drops onto center mass, press, results. Then hit the button in the booth and the target gets pushed out a bit further for a bigger challenge. Repeat.
Over time you’re gonna get more choosy, as you learn to appreciate a fine piece of craftsmanship, and learn to discern the high-quality, reliable pieces from the unreliable worn-out pawn-shop junk that’ll just jam up from normal everyday use or under pressure.
Those might look good in an unusual sort of way and be cheap as hell, but you’re gonna just say “pass” and never look back. You’ll also find that some expensive pieces, though well-made, have far too many complicated fancy safety features that make them non-viable in any real-world context.
A few of the models will be chock full of clownish accessories tacked on, making them too tricky to handle and you’ll also find a few used pieces that have been goobered-up by some inexperienced idiot; JB-Weld or Shoe-Goo retrofits, bad riveting, magazine wells that don’t work right due to being over-modified or abused, and silly spray-paint where a clean bit of metal finishing would have sufficed.
If you find some where the sights are off, beware. Unless you know how to meticulously align them yourself, then pass because sight alignment is crucial and the thing is useless without good accuracy. Rarely though, you might find a real keeper among the junk, which would clean up nicely once you remove the nasty outer finish, clean and oil the internals, and give it a bit of tender loving care.
There are even great-shape, older classic rifles, examples of a by-gone era, out there worthy of your attention as well, especially if they’re a kind that you grew up with. Familiarity will smooth out a lot of new handling issues, thought they might work a bit differently than the newer models. You won’t be able spray-and-pray a ton of semi-auto shots, but bolt-actions can be steady. Just aim carefully, squeeze and hear that satisfying, reliable “plink” a the end of the range every time as accuracy is their high mark, and misses don’t count.
As you get more into the shooting scene itself, you’ll learn about a lot of the issues surrounding your pieces. Some people carry ‘em daily and openly, a companion always at their side, others like to hide ‘em away, not letting the world know they even have one of “those”.
It’ll also become obvious that the things come in a huge variety of shapes, sizes, colors, manufacturers, and countries of origin, and you may come to settle on the sort of thing that just “feels right” for you, the thing that feels like “home” when its particular ergonomics match your particular physiognomy and shooting style perfectly. Ones that you’ll want to take out to the range and enjoy regularly.
Don’t get me wrong, guns could get you into a big bundle of really expensive legal trouble if you handle ‘em carelessly, and they can be downright lethal, because frankly, that’s how they’re made. Y’know, they do have legal counsel nowadays that specialize in that sort of thing, right?
There should always still be a small grain of that fear in the back of your mind, the kind of fear that promotes respect for what these small things truly are and what they can do. If the time and circumstances are aligned in a particular way, one could even save your life, or if another particular way, escalate the situation needlessly, making it spiral out of control, and the resulting circumstances will fall squarely on you.
Seed images were a combo of online females and firearms pics, available everywhere. Some photoshop work on the pics to frame, change tones, modify regions, etc. And, of course, all models portrayed here are over the age of consent in every country (typically 18). Have fun.
Comments (10)
Excellent pinups!
A great set of models my sweet friend, and a good explanation of guns, here in Australia we don't do guns and I like it like that xx
S'okay. Gun culture is still very strong in America. The bad part is that aggressive people want to get "strapped" to ward off "disrespect" and exercise power over others with zero emphasis on safety or anything like that. Or they want to engage in some kind of "tacticool" LARPing. That's the part that's in the news the most because "if it bleeds it leads".
There's also a stronger version that few to none report on that emphasizes safety, handling, quality, skill, self-defense tactics, and such in addition to the sheer fun of it. People introduced to fireams in this way usually like it quite a bit and are among the most law-abiding that you'd find anywhere. Again, kind of what I'm hinting at above with your culture giving you certain attitudes prior to even picking one up. In a roundabout sort of way anyway.
They are all my kind of Girls, sometimes I wished to have one big gun too! 😁 Super Stuff!!!!
Enjoyed reading through the narrative and moogiespace is right, guns are not that big in Australia unless your using them for the wrong reasons or your farming but did own several rifles when teen and living in the country and girls with guns or anything is always easy on the eyes :)
Superb work :)
It looks like these ladies are well able to take care of themselves. Nicely done!
Really superb set of images. We don't (or are not supposed to) have guns here. My stepfather taught me how to shoot a rifle when I was 16 when I visited the US. I missed every can. I prefer no guns but I am glad to have had the opportunity to find out for myself.
Anyone who can safely operate a motor vehicle can learn to safely operate a firearm. Both can be very dangerous, yet people use them every day. One is just more "direct" in its purpose. Get whatever practice you can, or maybe "vacation" in a country that offers access. Here in the US, you can rent them at the range for a small fee and they'll teach you how to use them, and there'll be many people there happy to show a new user the ropes.
Yep, pretty much makes me want to give up on 3D. So cool!
Don't do that. You're one of the few that can make 3d look good, and there's more actual control with a 3d program like Poser or Daz. You're rolling the dice every time with AI. Sometimes you get a winner, but there are a lot that are left "on the cutting room floor"
she is smoking hot.
The type pf bodyguard a guy needs in the wastelands. Great render!