Quite an Experience to Live in Fear by poser4me

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That's what it is to be a slave.
Comments (9)
Wonderful work!
poser4me Online Now!
Thank you.
poser4me Online Now!
Thank you.
amazing lighting
poser4me Online Now!
Thank you much.
Super action image !
poser4me Online Now!
Thank you.
Awesome job in the atmosphere of this scene...it looks fantastic!
Was that 7-Eleven sign really part of this scene or did you add it in yourself? The 7-11 sign really is an eye catchy element in this scene! Maybe it stands out because it gives me a sense of familiarity with this brand emblem we all know so well in our own city neighborhoods of today. Please excuse my comments for being more like questions tonight...I guess today is a make a comment and ask Ellis a question day! lol :-)
poser4me Online Now!
No worries, I got a transparent logo from Google put it on a square primitive. I thought it would a nice touch to this scene.
Super intense scene. I assume that Roy Batty is chasing Rick Deckard in this scene and that must mean that Deckard lost his weapon. Not good situation for Deckard. Fantastic work!
poser4me Online Now!
Thanks the chase is on.
I'm with OmniFX that this really puts me in mind of scenes from Bladerunner. I like the second image and would have tightened up the focus on the runner even more but it works well as it is. I've been away for awhile and am going to have to backtrack in your gallery a bit. You always have really interesting images! <3
poser4me Online Now!
Thank you so much, I know the scene is not a beat by beat of the movie. I took a little liberty here trying to show off the atmospheric lighting.
RodS Online Now!
Lotsa folks doing just that there days... When we're out away from the house, my head's always on a swivel...
Killer lighting here, and things are looking a bit tense! Definitely has a Bladrunner feel.. Awesome work!
poser4me Online Now!
Cool thanks.
Hi, uh wow another Bladerunner Theme?
Top work :)
Greets Stormrider75
poser4me Online Now!
Thank you thank you.