Look into my eyes by Chatar
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Dark eyed junco on a dark, but better than forecasted day.
Comments (6)
It's amazing how the 400mm range of the zoom gives you the ability to get really close and tight with the subjects, giving you a unique close-up shot without intruding on your subject... similar to macro lens. Beautiful shot of this... let me google it lol... Dark-eyed Junco.
Thanks, really loving the lens. I let my ISO get carried away on this one causing a lot of noise and my program sucks at removing noise, will have to look into something like Topaz. And yes Dark Eyed Junko, sorry know my birds but didn't put the name out there.
Beautiful close-up of this junco!
Look into my eyes, you will leave me a treat for I am posing here for you lol very pretty bird, cute pic :)
You know, that's precisely what was going through it's mind! This is in a park where the birds as well fed by people, so anytime they see someone, they expect food ;)
ein sehr schönes Bild gefällt mir
LOL! I just logged in... it's like I knew you're leaving a reply
timing is everything
Have a good one my friend.
Ha the way it goes sometimes, have not logged in myself since the 11th!
What a great photo.