Curious Sparrow by Chatar

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Comments (4)
What a great shot, I wish I could get this kind of a bird close-up shot... I love how you've brought out the fine details of the feathers. Excellent, my friend!
Thanks, you could near have taken this one with a phone, it's a very curious and friendly sparrow, unlike any song sparrow I've seen before. I just wish there was less busy branches in the way.
A great shot of a spurious Passerine! (This is just for the Rhyme! ;) Great View!
Thanks, in some ways they are spurious to their name of song. While they do have a beautiful song, they are just as apt to 'bark'. And they don't like much of anything and anything they don't like they bark at :)
Very nice closeup and depth of field!
Thanks, just wish that branch on the right was not there over the tail :) Couldn't successfully edit it out with my program/skills.
@Chatar Ah no biggie. The main focus is there on the fluffy bird :)